Microsoft RPC Version 2.0
Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1992, 1993, 1994- 1996
picklt Example
FILE: pickltc.c
USAGE: pickltc -f filename (file to write to/read from)
-d (serialization direction: decode)
-e (serialization direction: encode)
-i (incremental serialization on)
PURPOSE: The only side of RPC application
FUNCTIONS: main() - serializes data to or from a file
COMMENTS: Data type serialization is demonstrated here
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "picklt.h" // header file generated by MIDL compiler
#define PURPOSE \
"This Microsoft RPC Version 2.0 sample program demonstrates\n\
the use of the [encode,decode] attributes. For more information\n\
about the attributes and RPC API functions, see the RPC programming\n\
guide and reference.\n\n"
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Used for incremental style only. */
void __RPC_USER PicAlloc( void * pState, char ** ppBuf, unsigned int * pCount);
void __RPC_USER PicWrite( void * pState, char * pBuf, unsigned int Count);
void __RPC_USER PicRead ( void * pState, char ** pBuf, unsigned int * pCount);
typedef struct PickleControlBlock
unsigned char * pMemBuffer;
unsigned char * pBufferStart;
unsigned long LastSize;
} PickleControlBlock;
static PickleControlBlock UserState;
static PickleControlBlock * pUserState = &UserState;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
void Usage(char * pszProgramName)
fprintf(stderr, "%s", PURPOSE);
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s\n", pszProgramName);
fprintf(stderr, " -d\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -e\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -ffilename\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -i \n");
void DumpData(
char * pszComment,
OBJECT2 * pObject2 )
int i;
printf( "\n%s\n", pszComment );
printf( "\tObject2");
printf( "\n\t\t%x", pObject2->sData );
printf( "\n\t\t%p", pObject2->pObject1 );
if ( pObject2->pObject1 )
OBJECT1 * pObject1 = pObject2->pObject1;
printf( "\n\tObject1");
for (i=0; i < ARR_SIZE; i++)
if ( (i % 5) == 0 )
printf( "\n\t\t");
printf( "%08xl ", pObject1->al[i] );
printf( "\n\t\t%x\n", pObject1->s );
printf( "\n" );
void WriteDataToFile(
char * pszFileName,
char * pbBuffer,
unsigned long ulSizeToWrite )
FILE * pFile;
size_t Count;
if ( pszFileName ) {
pFile = fopen( pszFileName, "w+b" );
if ( pFile == NULL ) {
printf("Cannot open the file for writing\n");
Count = sizeof(long);
if ( fwrite( &ulSizeToWrite, sizeof(byte), Count, pFile) != Count ) {
printf("Cannot write1 to the file\n");
Count = (size_t) ulSizeToWrite;
if ( fwrite( pbBuffer, sizeof(byte), Count, pFile) != Count ) {
printf("Cannot write2 to the file\n");
if ( fclose( pFile ) != 0) {
printf("Failed to close the file\n");
void ReadDataFromFile(
char * pszFileName,
char * pbBuffer,
unsigned long ulBufferSize )
FILE * pFile;
size_t Count;
unsigned long ulWrittenSize;
if ( pszFileName ) {
pFile = fopen( pszFileName, "r+b" );
if ( pFile == NULL ) {
printf("Cannot open the file for reading\n");
Count = sizeof(long);
if ( fread( &ulWrittenSize, sizeof(byte), Count, pFile) != Count ) {
printf("Cannot read1 from the file\n");
Count = (size_t)ulWrittenSize;
if ( fread( pbBuffer, sizeof(byte), Count, pFile) != Count ) {
printf("Cannot read2 from the file\n");
if ( fclose( pFile ) != 0) {
printf("Failed to close the file\n");
void _CRTAPI1 main(int argc, char **argv)
RPC_STATUS status;
unsigned char * pbPicklingBuffer = NULL;
char * pszStyle = NULL;
char * pszFileName = "pickle.dat";
int i;
int fEncode = 1;
int fFixedStyle = 1;
/* allow the user to override settings with command line switches */
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if ((*argv[i] == '-') || (*argv[i] == '/')) {
switch (tolower(*(argv[i]+1))) {
case 'd':
fEncode = 0;
case 'e':
fEncode = 1;
case 'i':
fFixedStyle = 0;
case 'f':
pszFileName = argv[i] + 2;
case 'h':
case '?':
/* Fixed buffer style: the buffer should be big enough.
Please note that a pickling buffer has to be aligned at 8.
Also note, the buffer doesn't have to be allocated with
the standard midl_user_allocate - this may be any allocator
that alignes at 8.
In general, midl_user_allocate is not required to return
a buffer aligned at 8.
pbPicklingBuffer = (unsigned char *)
midl_user_allocate( BUFSIZE * sizeof(unsigned char));
if ( pbPicklingBuffer == NULL ) {
printf("Cannot allocate the pickling buffer\n");
memset( pbPicklingBuffer, 0xdd, BUFSIZE );
Set the pickling handle that will be used for data serialization.
The global ImplicitPicHandle is used, but it has to be set up.
if ( fEncode ) {
unsigned char * pszNameId;
OBJECT1 Object1;
OBJECT2 Object2a, *pObject2b;
unsigned long ulEncodedSize = 0; /* this is a cumulative size */
printf("\nEncoding run: use -d for decoding\n\n");
if ( fFixedStyle ) {
printf("Creating a fixed buffer encoding handle\n");
status = MesEncodeFixedBufferHandleCreate( pbPicklingBuffer,
& ulEncodedSize,
& ImplicitPicHandle );
printf("MesEncodeFixedBufferHandleCreate returned 0x%x\n", status);
if (status) {
else {
/* Incremental style */
pUserState->LastSize = 0;
pUserState->pMemBuffer = (char *)pbPicklingBuffer;
pUserState->pBufferStart = (char *)pbPicklingBuffer;
printf("Creating an incremental encoding handle\n");
status = MesEncodeIncrementalHandleCreate( pUserState,
& ImplicitPicHandle );
printf("MesEncodeIncrementalHandleCreate returned 0x%x\n", status);
if (status) {
/* Creating objects to manipulate */
pszNameId = "Pickling sample";
for (i = 0; i < ARR_SIZE; i++)
Object1.al[i] = 0x73730000 + i;
Object1.s = 0x6464;
Object2a.sData = 0xa9a9;
Object2a.pObject1 = NULL;
pObject2b = midl_user_allocate( sizeof(OBJECT2) );
if (pObject2b == NULL ) {
printf("Out of memory for Object2b\n");
pObject2b->sData = 0xb8b8;
pObject2b->pObject1 = & Object1;
DumpData( "Data to be encoded", &Object2a );
printf("\nEncoding Object2a data to the buffer\n");
OBJECT2_Encode( &Object2a );
/* The second object is encoded to the same buffer,
the size used below is cumulative.
Note that using procedure pickling instead of type pickling,
both objects could be encoded with one call.
DumpData( "Data to be encoded", pObject2b );
printf("\nEncoding Object2b data to the buffer\n\n");
OBJECT2_Encode( pObject2b );
printf("Writing the data to the file: %s\n", pszFileName);
WriteDataToFile( pszFileName,
fFixedStyle ? ulEncodedSize
: pUserState->LastSize);
midl_user_free( pObject2b );
else {
OBJECT2 Object2c, Object2d;
printf("\nDecoding run: use -e for encoding\n\n");
printf("Reading the data from the file: %s\n\n", pszFileName );
ReadDataFromFile( pszFileName,
if ( fFixedStyle ) {
printf("Creating a decoding handle\n");
status = MesDecodeBufferHandleCreate( pbPicklingBuffer,
& ImplicitPicHandle );
printf("MesDecodeFixedBufferHandleCreate returned 0x%x\n", status);
if (status) {
else {
pUserState->LastSize = 0;
pUserState->pMemBuffer = (char *)pbPicklingBuffer;
pUserState->pBufferStart = (char *)pbPicklingBuffer;
printf("Creating an incremental decoding handle\n");
status = MesDecodeIncrementalHandleCreate( pUserState,
& ImplicitPicHandle );
printf("MesDecodeIncrementalHandleCreate returned 0x%x\n", status);
if (status) {
/* Creating objects to manipulate */
Object2c.pObject1 = NULL;
Object2d.pObject1 = NULL;
printf("\nDecoding Object2c data from the buffer\n");
OBJECT2_Decode( & Object2c );
DumpData( "Decoded data", &Object2c );
printf("\nDecoding Object2d data from the buffer\n");
OBJECT2_Decode( & Object2d );
DumpData( "Decoded data", &Object2d );
/* Need to free Object1 objects as they may have been allocated
when unmarshalling data.
if ( Object2c.pObject1 )
midl_user_free( Object2c.pObject1 );
if ( Object2d.pObject1 )
midl_user_free( Object2d.pObject1 );
printf("\nData serialization done.\n");
midl_user_free( pbPicklingBuffer );
printf("\nFreeing the serialization handle.\n");
status = MesHandleFree( ImplicitPicHandle );
printf("MesHandleFree returned 0x%x\n", status);
} // end main()
/* MIDL allocate and free */
/* A pickling buffer has to be aligned at 8.
malloc() doesn't guarantee that, so some gimmick has to be done.
#define ALIGN_TO8( p) (char *)((unsigned long)((char *)p + 7) & ~7)
void __RPC_FAR * __RPC_USER MIDL_user_allocate(size_t s)
unsigned char * pcAllocated;
unsigned char * pcUserPtr;
pcAllocated = (unsigned char *) malloc( s + 15 );
pcUserPtr = ALIGN_TO8( pcAllocated );
if ( pcUserPtr == pcAllocated )
pcUserPtr = pcAllocated + 8;
*(pcUserPtr - 1) = pcUserPtr - pcAllocated;
return( pcUserPtr );
void __RPC_USER MIDL_user_free(void __RPC_FAR *f)
unsigned char * pcAllocated;
unsigned char * pcUserPtr;
pcUserPtr = (unsigned char *) f;
pcAllocated = pcUserPtr - *(pcUserPtr - 1);
free( pcAllocated );
/* Incremental style helper routines */
void __RPC_USER
void * pState,
char ** ppBuf,
unsigned int * pCount )
/* This routines "allocates" the next part from the preallocated
buffer. It could call midl_user_allocate, too.
PickleControlBlock * pPic = (PickleControlBlock *)pState;
if ( (pPic->pMemBuffer - pPic->pBufferStart) + *pCount <= BUFSIZE )
*ppBuf = (char *)pPic->pMemBuffer;
else {
printf(" Buffer too small\n");
void __RPC_USER
void * pState,
char * pBuf,
unsigned int Count )
/* This routine just marks how much of the preallocated buffer is used.
PickleControlBlock * pPic = (PickleControlBlock *)pState;
if ( pPic->pMemBuffer != pBuf ) {
printf(" Buffer poiner corrupted\n");
pPic->pMemBuffer += Count;
pPic->LastSize += Count;
void __RPC_USER
void * pState,
char ** ppBuf,
unsigned int * pCount )
/* This routine returns another portion of the preread buffer. */
PickleControlBlock * pPic = (PickleControlBlock *)pState;
*ppBuf = (char *)pPic->pMemBuffer;
pPic->pMemBuffer += *pCount;
/* end pickltc.c */