| Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1992-1996 |
| Remote Machine pipe sample |
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| FILE : pipe.idl |
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| PURPOSE : This file defines the interface for the pipe example |
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uuid(60ceb4a0-c2f1-11cf-9556-00aa00374e69), // UUID
pointer_default(unique), // Pointer default
version(1.0) // Interface version
interface pipe_sample
// Declare the pipe data type. This should also work for UNICODE.
#ifdef _UNICODE
typedef pipe wchar_t CHAR_PIPE_TYPE;
typedef pipe unsigned char CHAR_PIPE_TYPE;
/* ScrambleFile - This procedure sends a file from the client to */
/* the server, the server then "encodes" it , and the */
/* file is sent back to the client */
void ScrambleFile(
[in] unsigned long Action, // Encode / Decode
[in, out] CHAR_PIPE_TYPE *pipe_data); // The file content
/* ShutDown- This procedure sends a message to the server that it */
/* can stop listen for remote procedure calls */
void ShutDown(void); // Procedure to shut down the server