Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1992-1996
Remote Machine pipe sample
FILE : pipeproc.c
PURPOSE :Remote procedures used in the RPC distributed application
pipe sample
COMMENTS : This file is linked together with the server side of the
#include "pipe.h" // Generated by the MIDL compiler
#include "common.h" // Common definitions is locataed in this file
#define MAX_BUFFER_SIZE 1000 // Buffer used on the server side
/* Procedure : void ScrambleFile(unsigned long, CHAR_PIPE_TYPE *) */
/* Desc. : This procedure receives a file from the client, and */
/* then "encodes" the file by adding 1 to every */
/* character, and then sends the file back to the */
/* client. The file is sent back and forth using pipes */
void ScrambleFile(unsigned long nAction, CHAR_PIPE_TYPE *in_out_pipe)
FILE *fpTemp; // Pointer to the temporary file
_TUCHAR pcBuffer[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; // Buffer to store the elements in
unsigned long
nActualTransferCount, // Actual number of elements received
nIdx, // Counter in loop
nElementsToSend; // Number of elements to send to the client
BOOL bDone = FALSE; // Inidicates when the pipe is done
// Open up a file to temporary store the pulled data in
fpTemp = _tfopen(TEXT("tempfile.oak"), TEXT("w+"));
_tprintf(TEXT("Retrieving data from the client...\n"));
// First process the entire pull. Input pipes must be transmitted first
while(FALSE == bDone)
in_out_pipe->pull( // Grab a chunck of data from the client
in_out_pipe->state, // Pointer to the state
pcBuffer, // Buffer to put data in
MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, // Max number of elements to receive
&nActualTransferCount); // Actual number of elements received
// A data transfer count of 0 means the end of the pipe
if(nActualTransferCount == 0)
bDone = TRUE;
else // Save the data to an intermediate file
fwrite(pcBuffer, sizeof(_TUCHAR), nActualTransferCount, fpTemp);
// Reset the flag
bDone = FALSE;
// Reset the filehandle to point at start of file
fseek(fpTemp, 0, SEEK_SET);
_tprintf(TEXT("Sending the data back to the client...\n"));
// Now we can send the data back
while(FALSE == bDone)
// Read a number of bytes from the file, into the buffer
nElementsToSend = fread(pcBuffer,
// If no more elements to send, we are done. Must send 0 to the
// client to notify that the pipe is empty
if(nElementsToSend == 0)
bDone = TRUE;
// According to the action, scramble or descramble the data
for (nIdx = 0; nIdx < nElementsToSend; nIdx++)
if(nAction == SCRAMBLE)
// Send the buffer to the client
in_out_pipe->push( // Send a chunck of data to the client
in_out_pipe->state, // Pointer to the state
pcBuffer, // Date to send is in this buffer
nElementsToSend); // The number of elements to send
}// End while (!done)
// Close the file
/* Procedure : void ShutDown(void); */
/* Desc. : This procedure send a message to the server that it */
/* canstop listening for remote procedure calls */
void ShutDown(void)
// Tell the server to stop listening for remote procedure calls
_tprintf(TEXT("Shutting down the server\n"));
nStatus = RpcMgmtStopServerListening(NULL);
EXIT_IF_FAIL(nStatus, "RpcMgmtStopServerListening");