/* Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1992-1996 */
/* Remote Machine strout sample */
/* */
/* FILE : common.h */
/* */
/* PURPOSE : Definitions used in the program */
#ifndef __COMMON_STROUT__ // If this file has be included before
#define __COMMON_STROUT__ // Don't include it again

#include <windows.h> // The CommandLineToArgvW is defined here
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <tchar.h> // Included to support UNICODE/ANSI

// Return values from the program to the OS
#define EXECUTION_OK 0

// Exception handler macro
#define DO_EXCEPTION 1 // Execute the exception block

// Macro for printing out error message and exit the program if an
// error occured
#define EXIT_IF_FAIL(x, string){\
((x) != RPC_S_OK)?_tprintf(TEXT("%s returned with error: %d\n"), \
TEXT(string), (x)),exit(x):0;}

// Common type definition and defines used in the program
#define PROTOCOL_SEQUENCE TEXT("ncacn_np")
#define END_POINT TEXT("\\pipe\\strout_sample")
#defineIGNORE_CHAR TEXT('=')
#define NULL_CHAR TEXT('\0')

#endif // ifndef __COMMON_STROUT__