Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1992-1996
Remote Machine strout sample
FILE : remote.c
PURPOSE : The remote procedures that will be called from the client.
COMMENTS : These procedures will be linked into the server side of
the application.
#include "strout.h" //Generated by the MIDL compiler
#include "common.h" //Common definitions for all files
/* Procedure : void GetRemoteEnv(unsigned long, str **) */
/* Desc. : This procedure get the environment variables from */
/* the server and reuturns a pointer to an array of */
/* pointer to the environment strings */
void GetRemoteEnv(unsigned long *nNumLines, str **psEnvironmentBlock)
int nIdx = 0; // Loop counter
*pcTemp, // Temporary pointer to the environment block
*pcEnv; // Pointer to the environment block
// Get pointer to environment block
pcEnv = (TCHAR *) GetEnvironmentStrings();
// First count how many lines, must know how much memory to allocate
*nNumLines = 0; // Initialize number of lines to 0
pcTemp = pcEnv; // Set tempptr equal to envptr
while (*pcTemp != NULL_CHAR)
// Don't count the lines that starts with IGNORE_CHAR
if(*pcTemp != IGNORE_CHAR)
(*nNumLines)++; // Increase the number of lines
// Increment the string pointer. Each line ends in \0, and
// \0\0 means end of block
pcTemp += (_tcslen(pcTemp) + 1);
// Allocate the memory needed for the line pointer
if(NULL == (*psEnvironmentBlock = (str *)
midl_user_allocate((*nNumLines) * sizeof(str))))
_tprintf(TEXT("REMOTE.C : Memory allocation error\n"));
// Iterate through all the environment strings, allocate memory,
// and copy them
while (*pcEnv != NULL_CHAR)
// Don't count the lines that starts with IGNORE_CHAR
if(*pcEnv != IGNORE_CHAR)
// Allocate the space needed for the strings
(*psEnvironmentBlock)[nIdx] = (str) midl_user_allocate(
sizeof(TCHAR) * (_tcslen(pcEnv) + 1));
// Copy the environment string to the allocated memory
_tcscpy((*psEnvironmentBlock)[nIdx++], pcEnv);
// Increment the string pointer. Each line ends in \0, and
// \0\0 means end of block
pcEnv += (_tcslen(pcEnv) + 1);
/* Procedure : void ShutDown(void); */
/* Desc. : This procedure send a message to the server that it */
/* canstop listening for remote procedure calls */
void ShutDown(void)
// Tell the server to stop listening for remote procedure calls
_tprintf(TEXT("Shutting down the server\n"));
nStatus = RpcMgmtStopServerListening(NULL);
EXIT_IF_FAIL(nStatus, "RpcMgmtStopServerListening");