* This module contains code made available by IBM
* Corporation on an AS IS basis. Any one receiving the
* module is considered to be licensed under IBM copyrights
* to use the IBM-provided source code in any way he or she
* deems fit, including copying it, compiling it, modifying
* it, and redistributing it, with or without
* modifications. No license under any IBM patents or
* patent applications is to be implied from this copyright
* license.
* A user of the module should understand that IBM cannot
* provide technical support for the module and will not be
* responsible for any consequences of use of the program.
* Any notices, including this one, are not to be removed
* from the module without the prior written consent of
* IBM.
* AUTHOR: Peter J. Schwaller
* VNET: PJS at RALVM6 Tie Line: 444-4376
* Internet: pjs@ralvm6.vnet.ibm.com (919) 254-4376
* FUNCTION: Perform an echo test to a specified destination.
* APING can be used when you are first installing APPC on
* your computer to make sure you can connect to another
* computer in the network. APING can also be used to
* get an estimate of the delay time or throughput to another
* computer in the network.
* These sample programs and source are also available on
* CompuServe through the APPC Information Exchange. To get
* to the APPC forum just type 'GO APPC' from any CompuServe
* prompt. The samples are available in the Sample Programs
* library section. Just search on the keyword CPICPGMS to
* find all the samples in this series.
* Updates for the sample programs and support for many more
* CPI-C platforms will also be made available on CompuServe.
* See APING.DOC for detailed information.
* The APING client program is completely portable. In fact,
* all of the source modules can be compiled without #define-ing
* any platform constant value.
* To take advantage of a performance optimization on the
* OS/2 platform, the alloc_cpic_buffer() is used. If the
* OS/2 platform is specified (#define of OS2, FAPI, or OS2_20)
* alloc_cpic_buffer() will return a shared memory buffer.
* If not, a buffer allocated with malloc() will be returned.
* If you are porting to a platform that can take advantage
* of a specially allocated memory buffer, you should
* add this support to the alloc_cpic_buffer() routine in the
* CPICPORT.C file.
* The get_time() routine is used to determine the current time,
* which is in turn used to calculate the elapsed time of the
* data transfer. The get_time() routine is used to hide
* differences between operating system timer facilties that
* are available. Since the C library routine to query the
* current time only returns the time in seconds, it is
* advantageous to return the current time in milliseconds
* if it is available.
* If you are porting to a platform that support a timer
* with a resolution better than one second, you should
* modify the get_time() routine in the CPICPORT.C file.
* Date Description
* 06/15/92 NS/DOS accepts version 2.02 into system test.
* 08/05/92 Version 2.31 released to CompuServe
* This version was also distributed at the APPC/APPN Platform
* Developer's Conference held in Raleigh, NC.
* 08/13/92 Changed all printf and fprintf calls to use a write_*() call.
* 08/17/92 Made security handling code conditionally compiled.
* 08/23/92 Removed call to cpicinit_default_destination().
* 08/24/92 Version 2.32 released to CompuServe.
* 08/28/92 Changed message about invalid size parm to go to write_error().
* 09/08/92 Added check for buffer==NULL. Initialized block to zeros.
* 09/22/92 Version 2.33 released to CompuServe.
* 11/17/92 Added support for printing remote operating system name.
* Version 2.34 released to CompuServe
* 01/07/93 Version 2.35
* Fixed a number of problems when compiling with IBM C Set/2
* password input was displayed
* timer resolution was 1 second
* Client (APING) Server (APINGD)
* -------------- ---------------
* Set up conversation
* Allocate -------------------> Accept Conversation
* Exchange Version Numbers
* Send Data -------------------> Receive
* Receive <------------------- Send Data
* For number of iterations (i)
* For number of consecutive packets (c)
* Send Data -------------------> Receive
* For number of consecutive packets (c)
* Receive <------------------- Send Data
* Shut down the conversation
* Deallocate (FLUSH)
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(WINDOWS) /*WIN32*/
#include <windows.h> /*WIN32*/
#endif /*WIN32*/
#include "wincpic.h"
/* Set up constant declarations */
#include "cpicdefs.h"
/* Collection of routines with special ported version for each platform */
#include "cpicport.h"
/* standard C include files */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
/* CPI-C error handling routines */
/* This file is supplied with APING */
#include "cpicerrs.h"
/* CPI-C conversation startup routines */
/* This file is supplied with APING */
#include "cpicinit.h"
/* Argument processing procedure */
/* This file is supplied with APING */
#include "getopt.h"
/* CPI-C error handling info */
CPICERR * cpicerr;
* Max size of a data buffer. This is the largest size buffer that can
* be specified on a call to CPI-C.
#define MAX_SIZE (32763)
/* These are the defaults to be used if the user does not provide arguments */
/* to override these values. */
/* Define these here so we can make changes throughout the code. */
* The PROGRAM_INFO string should be kept in sync with the
* MAJOR_VERSION and MINOR_VERSION constants. Although the
* cpicerr_exchange_version() call will support values up to 255,
* values for MINOR_VERSION should be from 00-99 to maintain the
* two character format in the version string.
#define PROGRAM_INFO "version 2.35"
#define MAJOR_VERSION (2)
#define MINOR_VERSION (35)
#define LOG_FILE_NAME "aping.err"
* Define the first APING version to support one way data transfer.
* (Version 2.02). After we exchange version numbers, we can determine
* whether or not our partner can handle one way data or not.
typedef struct flags {
int one_way_flag; /* Was one way data requested */
/* value of 2 means two way echo */
/* value of 1 means one way */
unsigned long size; /* size of data sends */
unsigned long number_iterations; /* times through the loop */
unsigned long number_concurrent; /* sends by each side per loop */
/* function prototypes for procedures in this file */
void do_aping(int argc,
char *argv[]);
void process_arguments(int argc,
char *argv[],
CPICINIT * cpicinit,
FLAGS * flags);
* Message displayed with show_info() when APING is started.
char * intro[] = {
PROGRAM_NAME " " PROGRAM_INFO " APPC echo test with timings.",
" by Peter J. Schwaller (pjs@ralvm6.vnet.ibm.com)",
* Message displayed with show_info() when usage information is requested or
* after an invalid flag was specified.
char * usage[] = {
"APING [flags] destination",
" destination",
"\tmay be either a symbolic destination name or a partner LU name",
" -m mode_name",
"\tmode name (default: " DEFAULT_MODE_NAME ")",
" -t tp_name",
"\tthe TP to start on the server (default: " DEFAULT_TP_NAME ")",
" -s N",
"\tN is the size of the packet transmitted (default: 100 bytes)",
" -i N",
"\tN is the number of iterations (default: 2)",
" -c N",
"\tN is the number of consecutive packets sent by each side (default: 1)",
" -1",
"\tOnly send data from client to server (No echo)",
" -u userid",
" -p password",
"\tSecurity parameters. If a userid is specified without a password,",
"\tyou will be prompted for the password.",
" -n",
"\tDo not use any security (SECURITY=NONE).",
"The minimum time, maximum time, and average time will be shown.",
void _cdecl
main(int argc, char *argv[])
do_aping(argc, argv);
do_aping( int argc, char *argv[])
/* Variables used for CPI-C calls */
unsigned char cm_conv_id[8]; /* CPI-C conversation ID */
CM_INT32 cm_rc; /* CPI-C return code */
CM_INT32 length; /* generic length variable */
CM_INT32 rts_received; /* request to send received */
CM_INT32 max_receive_len; /* Max receive length on CMRCV */
CM_INT32 data_received; /* Data received parm from CMRCV */
CM_INT32 received_len; /* Amount of data rcvd on CMRCV */
CM_INT32 status_received; /* Status from CMRCV */
/* Data buffer for send and receive */
unsigned char CM_PTR buffer; /* CPIC data buffer */
#ifdef WIN32 /*WIN32*/
unsigned short WinCPICVERSION = 0x0001; /*WIN32*/
#endif /*WIN32*/
/* Destination information */
CPICINIT * cpicinit;
unsigned long start_time = 0; /* when a ping starts */
unsigned long end_time; /* when a ping ends */
unsigned long elapsed_time; /* used for time calculations */
char partner_major_version;
char partner_minor_version;
char opsys_string[64];
unsigned long curr_iteration; /* which iteration is active */
unsigned long curr_concurrent; /* which send/recv is active */
unsigned long total_time = 0; /* used to calculate averages */
unsigned long min_time = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* used for min elapsed time */
unsigned long max_time = 0; /* used for max elapsed time */
/* min and max are initialized */
/* to the extreme opposite values*/
/* to avoid doing special */
/* processing the first time thru*/
double data_rate; /* Variable used to calculate */
/* the data rate */
FLAGS flags; /* Command line flags */
flags.one_way_flag = 2;
flags.size = 100;
flags.number_iterations = 2;
flags.number_concurrent = 1;
* Make sure all output is seen as soon as possible.
setbuf(stdout, NULL);
show_info(intro); /* Show program information */
#if (defined(WIN32) || defined(WINDOWS)) /*WIN32*/
/* Initialisation for WinCPIC *WIN32*/
if (WinCPICStartup(WinCPICVERSION,&CPICData)) /*WIN32*/
{ /*WIN32*/
return ; /*WIN32*/
} /*WIN32*/
#endif /*WIN32*/
* Create a new CPICINIT structure and initialize values.
* The procedures are in CPICINIT.C
cpicinit = cpicinit_new();
cpicinit_default_tp_name(cpicinit, DEFAULT_TP_NAME);
cpicinit_default_mode_name(cpicinit, DEFAULT_MODE_NAME);
cpicinit_default_sym_dest_name(cpicinit, DEFAULT_SYM_DEST);
* Process all of the command line arguments. All of the conversation
* setup arguments are stored in the cpicinit object. The block size
* and other loop parameters are set in the global variables.
process_arguments(argc, argv, cpicinit, &flags);
if (cpicinit->set_destination == NOT_SET) {
write_error( "\n\aYou must specify a destination.\n");
if (cpicinit_query_password_needed(cpicinit)) {
/* get a password from the user */
buffer = (unsigned char CM_PTR)alloc_cpic_buffer((unsigned int)flags.size);
/* allocate an APPC buffer */
if (buffer == NULL) {
write_error("Error allocating memory buffer.\nExiting...\n");
memset(buffer, 0, (unsigned int)flags.size); /* Set block to zeros */
* Initialize the CPICERR structure. This is done before the CMINIT
* call so that we can use CPICERR for help with errors on CMINIT.
* The procedure is in CPICERR.C
cpicerr = cpicerr_new();
cpicerr_set_program_name(cpicerr, PROGRAM_NAME);
cpicerr_set_program_info(cpicerr, PROGRAM_INFO);
cpicerr_set_major_version(cpicerr, MAJOR_VERSION);
cpicerr_set_minor_version(cpicerr, MINOR_VERSION);
cpicerr_set_log_file_name(cpicerr, LOG_FILE_NAME);
cpicerr_set_log_file_path(cpicerr, LOG_FILE_PATH);
* Setup a CPI-C conversation. This routine issues all of the
* CPI-C calls from CMINIT() through just before you would
* issue the CMALLC() call. The conversation id is returned
* for use by the program.
cpicinit_setup_conversation(cpicinit, cm_conv_id, cpicerr);
* Fill in conversation information for CPI-C error reporting.
cpicerr_set_conv_id(cpicerr, cm_conv_id);
cmssl(cm_conv_id, /* Set sync level */
/* The only expected return code is CM_OK */
if (cm_rc != CM_OK) cpicerr_handle_rc(cpicerr, MSG_CMSSL, cm_rc);
cmsptr(cm_conv_id, /* Set prepare to receive type */
/* The only expected return code is CM_OK */
if (cm_rc != CM_OK) cpicerr_handle_rc(cpicerr, MSG_CMSPTR, cm_rc);
* Fill in conversation information for CPI-C error reporting.
cpicerr_set_conv_id(cpicerr, cm_conv_id);
start_time = get_time(); /* let's time the allocate */
end_time = get_time(); /* stop the timer */
/* The only expected return code is CM_OK */
if (cm_rc != CM_OK) cpicerr_handle_rc(cpicerr, MSG_CMALLC, cm_rc);
/* show the allocate time */
write_output("\nAllocate duration: %8lu ms\n",
end_time - start_time);
start_time = get_time();
end_time = get_time(); /* stop the timer */
* Display the operating system string returned in the exchange.
* The string length will be 0 if the operating system string
* wasn't available.
if (strlen(opsys_string) != 0) {
write_output("\nConnected to a partner running on: %s\n",
* If the one_way_flag has been set, we have to make sure that our
* partner is at the correct version to accept one way data. If
* the partner is not at the right level, we'll turn off the one
* way flag and the partner will echo data (normal operating mode).
* Trying to use one way data with a partner that can't handle the
* CONFIRM status indicator would result in an error on the partner
* side. On this side, we would see DEALLOCATE_ABEND.
if ((flags.one_way_flag == 1) &&
!(partner_major_version > ONEWAY_MAJOR_VERSION ||
(partner_major_version == ONEWAY_MAJOR_VERSION &&
partner_minor_version >= ONEWAY_MINOR_VERSION))) {
write_output("\nOne way data transfer is not supported by partner.\n");
write_output("Partner will echo data.\n");
flags.one_way_flag = 2;
/* show the startup time */
write_output("\nProgram startup and Confirm duration: %8lu ms\n\n",
end_time - start_time);
" Duration Data Sent Data Rate Data Rate\n");
" (msec) (bytes) (KB/s) (Mb/s) \n");
" -------- --------- --------- ---------\n");
* Set the amount of data we will send on each CMSEND() call.
length = flags.size;
* Start current at zero so if a BREAK occurs, it will contain the number
* of iterations completed. We take a slight risk in assuming that
* the curr_iteration++ operation is atomic.
* This loop encompasses both a send loop and a receive loop. Both
* the send a receive loop are executed the number of times specified
* by the number_iterations variable (set by the -i argument).
for (curr_iteration = 0;
curr_iteration++ ) {
if (cm_rc != CM_OK) cpicerr_handle_rc(cpicerr, MSG_CMSST, cm_rc);
start_time = get_time();
for (curr_concurrent = 1; /* Start current at one so we */
curr_concurrent<flags.number_concurrent ;/* do one LESS send in */
curr_concurrent++ ) { /* loop than the specifed number */
/* The only expected return code is CM_OK */
if (cm_rc != CM_OK) cpicerr_handle_rc(cpicerr, MSG_CMSEND, cm_rc);
* For the final send in the number of concurrent sends, set the send
* type to do a send and a prepare to receive. This will send both
* the data and the send permission indicator to our partner all at
* once.
* If the one_way_flag has been set, we will issue a Confirm along
* with the Send_Data. This will allow us to know when the partner
* has actually received all the data so we can get an accurate
* timing.
* On the partner side, if Send status is received, the partner will
* know to echo the data. If Confirm status is received, the partner
* will know to issued Confirmed and then get ready to receive
* more data, since the partner won't be echoing.
CM_SEND_TYPE send_type;
if (flags.one_way_flag != 1) {
} else {
send_type = CM_SEND_AND_CONFIRM;
if (cm_rc != CM_OK) cpicerr_handle_rc(cpicerr, MSG_CMSST, cm_rc);
/* The only expected return code is CM_OK */
if (cm_rc != CM_OK) cpicerr_handle_rc(cpicerr, MSG_CMSEND, cm_rc);
if (flags.one_way_flag != 1) {
max_receive_len = flags.size;
do {
cmrcv (cm_conv_id, /* Receive Data */
buffer, /* Data Pointer */
&max_receive_len, /* Size of Data Buffer */
&data_received, /* returned - data received */
&received_len, /* returned - length of data */
&status_received, /* returned - status received */
&rts_received, /* returned - request to send */
/* The only expected return code is CM_OK */
if (cm_rc != CM_OK) {
cpicerr_handle_rc(cpicerr, MSG_CMRCV, cm_rc);
if (data_received != CM_NO_DATA_RECEIVED) {
} while ((status_received != CM_SEND_RECEIVED));
/* Repeat the receive loop until SEND permission has been rcvd. */
if (curr_concurrent != 0) {
"Partner did not send the expected number of records.\n");
} else {
end_time = get_time(); /* stop timer */
elapsed_time = end_time - start_time; /* calculate elapsed time */
write_output("%16ld", elapsed_time);
write_output("%17lu", flags.size * flags.number_concurrent *
if (elapsed_time) {
data_rate = /* in KBytes / 0.1 Sec */
( ( (((double)flags.size * (double)flags.number_concurrent) /
(double)1024) *
(double)1 * (double)1000 * (double)flags.one_way_flag)
/ /* divided by */
( (double)elapsed_time / (double)10) );
data_rate = data_rate / (double)10;
write_output("%17.1f", data_rate);
write_output("%17.3f\n", (data_rate * (double)8) / (double)1000);
/* this code was for integer arithmetic */
unsigned long data_rate;
unsigned long modifier = 100000L;
unsigned long bytes = flags.size * flags.number_concurrent
* flags.one_way_flag;
while ( bytes > (0xFFFFFFFF / modifier) && (modifier > 10)) {
modifier = modifier / 10;
} /* endwhile */
data_rate = (unsigned long)
((bytes * modifier))
(((unsigned long)elapsed_time * 1024L) / (100000L / modifier) );
} else {
write_output("\n"); /* Make sure we move to next line*/
total_time += elapsed_time; /* accumulate the elapsed time */
if (elapsed_time > max_time) {
max_time = elapsed_time; /* set the max time */
if (elapsed_time < min_time) {
min_time = elapsed_time; /* set the min time */
/* The only expected return code is CM_OK */
if (cm_rc != CM_OK) cpicerr_handle_rc(cpicerr, MSG_CMSDT, cm_rc);
/* The only expected return code is CM_OK */
if (cm_rc != CM_OK) cpicerr_handle_rc(cpicerr, MSG_CMDEAL, cm_rc);
/* destroy the object we created with cpicinit_new() */
/* destroy the object we created with cpicerr_new() */
* Print out the grand totals and max/min times.
double data_rate;
if (total_time > 10) {
data_rate = /* in KBytes / 0.1 Sec */
( ( (((double)flags.size * (double)flags.number_concurrent) /
(double)1024) *
(double)curr_iteration * (double)1000 *
/ /* divided by */
( (double)total_time / (double)10) );
data_rate = data_rate / 10;
write_output("Totals:%9lu", total_time);
write_output("%17lu", flags.size *
flags.number_concurrent *
curr_iteration *
write_output("%17.1f", data_rate);
write_output("%17.3f\n", (data_rate * (double)8) /
} else {
write_output("Totals:%9lu", total_time);
write_output("%17lu\n", flags.size *
flags.number_concurrent *
curr_iteration *
if (curr_iteration > 0) {
"\nDuration statistics: Min = %lu Ave = %lu Max = %lu\n",
total_time / curr_iteration,
process_arguments(int argc,
char *argv[],
CPICINIT * cpicinit,
FLAGS * flags )
int c; /* flag specifed, used w/getopt */
* GETOPT is an easy way to parse command line arguments
* Each parameter which can have a flag is passed in the third argument
* to getopt. Getopt returns the character of the flag on the command
* line and sets optarg to point to the value associated with the flag.
* optind is the index of the argument that getopt is currently processing.
while (optind != argc) {
c = getopt(argc, argv, "?1c:t:m:i:s:u:p:C:T:M:I:S:U:P:nNqQ");
switch (c) {
case EOF:
optarg = argv[optind];
if (optarg[0] == '?') {
if (cpicinit->set_destination == NOT_SET) {
cpicinit_set_destination(cpicinit, optarg);
} else {
write_error("Only one destination may be specified.\n");
case 'M':
case 'm':
cpicinit_set_mode_name(cpicinit, optarg);
case 'T':
case 't':
case 'U':
case 'u':
cpicinit_set_userid(cpicinit, optarg);
case 'P':
case 'p':
cpicinit_set_password(cpicinit, optarg);
case 'N':
case 'n':
cpicinit_set_security_type(cpicinit, CM_SECURITY_NONE);
case 'S':
case 's':
flags -> size = atol(optarg);
if (flags->size > MAX_SIZE) { /* check bounds */
write_error("Size (-s) of %lu too large.\n", flags->size);
write_error("Setting size to %lu\n", (unsigned long)MAX_SIZE);
flags->size = MAX_SIZE; /* reset to MAX */
case 'Q':
case 'q':
/* quiet processing is done in main() */
case 'I':
case 'i':
flags->number_iterations = atol(optarg);
case 'C':
case 'c':
flags->number_concurrent = atol(optarg);
case '1':
flags->one_way_flag = 1;
case '?':
write_output("Invalid flag. Use %s -? for usage\n", PROGRAM_NAME);