* This module contains code made available by IBM
* Corporation on an AS IS basis. Any one receiving the
* module is considered to be licensed under IBM copyrights
* to use the IBM-provided source code in any way he or she
* deems fit, including copying it, compiling it, modifying
* it, and redistributing it, with or without
* modifications. No license under any IBM patents or
* patent applications is to be implied from this copyright
* license.
* A user of the module should understand that IBM cannot
* provide technical support for the module and will not be
* responsible for any consequences of use of the program.
* Any notices, including this one, are not to be removed
* from the module without the prior written consent of
* IBM.
* AUTHOR: Peter J. Schwaller
* VNET: PJS at RALVM6 Tie Line: 444-4376
* Internet: pjs@ralvm6.vnet.ibm.com (919) 254-4376
* These sample programs and source are also available on
* CompuServe through the APPC Information Exchange. To get
* to the APPC forum just type 'GO APPC' from any CompuServe
* prompt. The samples are available in the Sample Programs
* library section. Just search on the keyword CPICPGMS to
* find all the samples in this series.
* Updates for the sample programs and support for many more
* CPI-C platforms will also be made available on CompuServe.
* Used by CPICPORT.C
* Date Description
* 08/05/92 Version 2.31 of APING, ATELL and AREXEC released to CompuServe.
* This version was also distributed at the APPC/APPN Platform
* Developer's Conference held in Raleigh, NC.
* 08/13/92 Added the write_*() calls.
* Changed all printf and fprintf calls to use a write_*() call.


* This file contains all of the non-portable code for the CPI-C toolkit.
* Conditional compilation directives determine what code will be compiled
* for which platform. The following constants have been established
* to identify the supported platforms:
* DOS - Networking Services/DOS
* OS2 - Extended Services for OS/2
* FAPI - Compiling for both DOS and OS2
* AIX - SNA Services
* OS400 - OS/400 (for the AS/400)
* MVS - MVS ESA 4.2 or greater
* VM - VM/CMS ESA 1.0 or greater
* WIN32 - Windows NT v3.1
* WINDOWS - Windows v3.1
* These constants should be defined outside of the source code on
* your compiler command line (e.g., cc -DOS2 foo.c).
* If you are porting to another platform, you should only use new constant
* if you don't fit into any of the above categories. To avoid name
* conflicts please contact the supplier of this file, indicated above.

* Set up the various constant definitions for:
#include "cpicdefs.h"

* Include CPICERRS.H file for the definition of the CPICERR structure.
#include "cpicerrs.h"

#define TIMELENGTH 26
#define MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH (300+1)

/* The C/370 compiler requires that identifier be unique in the 1st 8 chars. */
#define ascii_to_ebcdic_field a2efield
#define ascii_to_ebcdic_table a2etab
#define ebcdic_to_ascii_field e2afield
#define ebcdic_to_ascii_table e2atab


#define convert_to_ascii(buffer, len) ebcdic_to_ascii_field(buffer,len)
#define convert_from_ascii(buffer, len) ascii_to_ebcdic_field(buffer,len)


#define convert_to_ascii(buffer, len)
#define convert_from_ascii(buffer, len)


* If we are on a big endian machine, we will convert the integer format
* to little endian before sending the integers. This is done through
* a set of macros to swap the byte order.
* Programs should use the following macros before sending:
* convert_long_to_network -- 32 bit integers
* convert_short_to_network -- 16 bit integers
* Programs should use the following macros after receiving:
* convert_long_from_network -- 32 bit integers
* convert_short_from_network -- 16 bit integers
* Application code should use these macros before sending or receiving
* any integers. On a big endian platform, the macros will return a
* a byte swapping of the integer. On a little endian platform,
* the original integer will be returned unmodified (no-op).

#define convert_long_to_network(x) SWAP4(x)
#define convert_short_to_network(x) SWAP2(x)
#define convert_long_from_network(x) SWAP4(x)
#define convert_short_from_network(x) SWAP2(x)

# ifndef SWAP2
/* Macro SWAP2 swaps the bytes in a two-byte integer */
# define SWAP2(s) (unsigned short)(((s)<<8)|(((s)&0xFF00)>>8))
# endif

# ifndef SWAP4
/* Macro SWAP4 swaps the bytes in a four-byte integer */
# define SWAP4(l) (unsigned long)(((l)<<24)|(((l)&0xFF000000)>>24)\
# endif

* If the platform is little endian, we don't have to do any byte
* order changing of the integers.
#define convert_long_to_network(x) x
#define convert_short_to_network(x) x
#define convert_long_from_network(x) x
#define convert_short_from_network(x) x
# ifndef SWAP2
/* Macro SWAP2 swaps the bytes in a two-byte integer */
# define SWAP2(s) (unsigned short)(((s)<<8)|(((s)&0xFF00)>>8))
# endif

# ifndef SWAP4
/* Macro SWAP4 swaps the bytes in a four-byte integer */
# define SWAP4(l) (unsigned long)(((l)<<24)|(((l)&0xFF000000)>>24)\
# endif


* Function prototypes

void write_error( char *fmt, ...);
void write_output( char *fmt, ...);
void write_log( FILE * file,
char *fmt, ...);

char CM_PTR alloc_cpic_buffer( unsigned int size);

void show_info( char * * text);

void set_echo( int mode);

int get_password( char * password,
int max_length);

unsigned long get_time( void);

void display_message( char * destination,
char * userid,
char * message);

void datetime( char *);

void do_exit( int rc);

void ascii_to_ebcdic_field( unsigned char * ascii_field,
unsigned int field_size);
void ebcdic_to_ascii_field( unsigned char * ebcdic_field,
unsigned int field_size);

void execute_and_send_output(char * command,
unsigned char * cm_conv_id,
struct error_handler_cpicerr * cpicerr);
void free_cpic_buffer( void *memblock );