TAPI 3.0 
OUTGOING Sample Application


Outgoing is a sample TAPI 3.0 application that makes outgoing phone

This sample shows the most basic TAPI 3.0 functionality - finding an
appropriate address object and creating a call on it.

How to use:

To run the OUTGOING sample application, simply build and run t3out.exe.

A small dialog box will appear. The user can type in a destination address
and choose the address type of the destination address. TAPI 3.0 currently
supports the following address types:

Conference Name
Email Name
Machine Name
Phone Number
IP Address

Microsoft's H.323 Service Provider supports the Email Name, Machine Name,
and IP Address address types. Microsoft's IP Conferencing Service
Provider supports the Conference Name address type.

When the user types in a destination address, chooses an address type,
and presses the "Dial" button, the application will find a TAPI address
that support the address type selected, as well as the audioin and audio
out media types. Then it will make a call on that address.

If the address also support video, and the machine has video capabilities,
the application will also set up a video stream.

What functionality does this sample show:

The outgoing sample application shows how to make a phone call with
TAPI 3.0.

What this sample does not show:

This sample is extremely simple. It does not allow the user to select
the address or terminals that the user is interested in. It does not
see call state messages, and does not listen for incoming calls.


This sample should be able to run as long as you have TAPI devices
installed. Many computers have a modem. If the modem is installed
correctly, it will show up as a TAPI device.