TAPI 3.0
T3XDOC Sample Application


T3XDOC is a sample ActiveX document that uses TAPI 3.0 to make an outgoing
synchronous call. This ActiveX document was developed using Visual Basic 5.

The ActiveX document must be opened with Internet Explorer and shows up
as a Visual Basic form, that lets the user select the address from which
to make the call, the media type and the terminal desired.

How to use:

To run the T3XDoc sample, use Visual Basic's Application Setup Wizard:
this will create the DLL, the CAB file as well as the HTM file that points
to the ActiveX Document. (Note: the setup wizard will suggest you to
include tapi3.dll in the cab file; you should say no, since this application
is designed to work on Windows NT 5.0, that already has tapi3.dll installed,
as well as all the other dll components of the Tapi 3.0 product).
Then launch Internet Explorer and point it to the HTM file created by the
setup wizard. This will automatically load the ActiveX document T3XDoc.
The document will show up as a VB5 form that lets you type in the
destination address and then dial by pressing Connect.
Before that, anyway, press the button "What to Use for Connect", which
will open a dialog box. This dialog box is named "Connect using" and
lets you select the address from which the call is to be made, as well
as the media type and terminal desired.

What functionality does this sample show:

The T3XDOC sample application shows how to make a synchronous outgoing
call with TAPI 3.0, from a Visual Basic ActiveX document.

What this sample does not show:

This sample does not allow the user to select more than 1 MediaTerminal
on the call. Though, Tapi3 allows selection of multiple MediaTerminals
on the call, and it's up to the telephony provider to actually support
(A "MediaTerminal" means a valid pair of "media type" and "terminal".)

The sample also is not implemented to support more than one call per
address. But Tapi 3.0 is designed to allow creation of multiple calls per
address, and it's only up to the telephony provider to actually support

The sample does not show how to receive incoming calls.


1. For information about how to package ActiveX documents for Internet
distribution, see Visual Basic (5) Books Online - Component Tools Guide -
Building Internet Applications - Packaging ActiveX Components.
This will also show how to digitally sign and mark safe for scripting and
initializing the ActiveX document.
For more info about how to write an ActiveX document, see again
Visual Basic 5 Books Online - Component Tools Guide - Creating ActiveX
Components - Creating an ActiveX Document.

2. For being able to make audio calls, a sound card needs to be installed
on the machine.

3. For being able to make video calls, a video card and a camera are needed.
However, they are mandatory only for sending video streams, for receiving
video streams no special hardware is required.

4. For being able to make phone calls, a modem needs to be installed.
For this special case of phone (Unimodem) calls, depending on the terminal
selected on the call, in order to actually talk, you will use:
- the telephone set plugged into the modem - if modem terminal was selected.
In this case, the app simply dials the number for you, then you use the
phone to talk.
- the microphone (talk in microphone and listen in the phone from the other
end of the call) - if audio out + microphone were selected
- the speakers (talk in the phone set from the other end of the call and
listen in your computer's speakers) - if audio in + speakers were selected.
For data calls, you need to select the media type "data modem" and the Null

5. The media types supported by an address are up to the telephony provider
which exposes that address. Unimodem supports "audio in/out" and "datamodem",
H323 and IPCONF support "audio in/out", "video in/out". However, for these
media types to be actually used, the correspoding devices must be installed
on the machine, i.e. sound and/or video cards.