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Module Name:
This module defines and interface for a buffer manager for managing
WSABUF's. If a layered provider needs to modify application data The
CopyBuffer() routine should be modifed to do so.
#include "precomp.h"
Routine Description:
DBUFFERMANAGER object constructor. Creates and returns a DBUFFERMANAGER
object. Note that the DBUFFERMANAGER object has not been fully
initialized. The "Initialize" member function must be the first member
function called on the new DBUFFERMANAGER object.
Return Value:
// Null function body. A full implemantation would initialize member
// varialbles to know values for use in Initailize().
Routine Description:
The initialization routine for a buffer manager object. This procedure
completes the initialzation of the object. This procedure preforms
initialization operations that may fail and must be reported since there is
no way to fail the constructor.
Return Value:
The function returns NO_ERROR if successful. Otherwise it
returns an appropriate WinSock error code if the initialization
cannot be completed.
Routine Description:
DBUFFERMANAGER object destructor. This procedure has the responsibility to
perform any required shutdown operations for the DBUFFERMANAGER object
before the object memory is deallocated.
Return Value:
// Null function body
IN DWORD UserBufferCount,
OUT LPWSABUF* InternalBuffer,
OUT DWORD* InternalBufferCount
Routine Description:
This routine allocates a set of WSABUF's to pass to the underlying service
UserBuffer - A pointer to the array user WSABUFs
UserBufferCount - The number of user WSABUF structs.
InternalBuffer - A pointer to a pointer to a WSABUF
InternalBufferCount - The pointer to a DWORD to revceive the number of
WSABUFs pointed to by InternalBuffer.
Return Value:
The function returns NO_ERROR if successful. Otherwise it
returns an appropriate WinSock error code if the initialization
cannot be completed.
// ******
// Note this procedure returns the user buffer(s) undistrubed. This is the
// wrong thing for providers that wish to modify the data stream. The
// proper buffer management policy is left to the provider developer.
*InternalBuffer = UserBuffer;
*InternalBufferCount = UserBufferCount;
IN LPWSABUF InternalBuffer,
IN DWORD InternalBufferCount
Routine Description:
This routine frees a set of WSABUF's allocated by AllocBuffer();
InternalBuffer - A pointer to WSABUF array
InternalBufferCount - The number of WSABUFs pointed to by InternalBuffer.
Return Value:
The function returns NO_ERROR if successful. Otherwise it
returns an appropriate WinSock error code if the initialization
cannot be completed.
IN LPWSABUF SourceBuffer,
IN DWORD SourceBufferCount,
IN DWORD SourceOffset,
INDWORD BytesToCopy,
IN LPWSABUF DestinationBuffer,
IN DWORD DestinationBufferCount,
IN DWORD DestionationOffset
Routine Description:
This routine copies one set of WSABUFs to another.
SourceBuffer - A pointer to an array of WSABUFs.
SourceBuferCount - The number of WSABUFs pointed to by SourceBuffer.
SourceOffset - offset to start copying from in source
BytesToCopy - maximum number of bytest to copy
DestinationBuffer - A pointer to an array of WSABUFs.
DestinationBufferCount - The number of WSABUFs pointed to by
DestinationBuffer .
DestinationOffset - offset to start writing to in destionation buffer
Return Value:
The function returns NO_ERROR if successful. Otherwise it
returns an appropriate WinSock error code if the initialization
cannot be completed.