* listen.c -- sample program demonstrating NWLink.
* Microsoft Developer Support
* Copyright 1992 - 1997 Microsoft Corporation
* This program is a simple example of opening a SPX socket,
* binding to the socket, and listening for a connection.
#include <windows.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include "wshisotp.h"

* Sockaddr structures


* Function Prototypes

extern int main(int, char **);
extern int net_init(SOCKET *);
extern int do_listen(SOCKET);
extern int wait_for_connection(SOCKET, SOCKET *);
extern int do_recv_send(SOCKET);

char LocalNetworkAddress[22];
char LocalNetworkAddressLength;
short LocalTsel;

int verbose = 1;
int Socket_Type = SOCK_SEQPACKET;
int Protocol = ISOPROTO_TP4;
int Local_Address_Family = AF_ISO;
int Remote_Address_Family = AF_ISO;
int Backlog = 1;
int No_Broadcast = 0;
int No_Loop = 0;
int Sleep_Time = 1000;
int Send_Length = 100;
int Receive_Length = 200;
int Local_Packet_Type = 0;

* FUNCTION: main( int argc, char **argv )
* PURPOSE: This is the main entry for the program
* ARGUMENTS: argc = Number of arguments
* argv = Array of ptrs to cmd line args
* RETURNS: Exit code for the program
int main(int argc, char **argv)
SOCKET s, s2;

** Read Local Transport Address fields from user
printf("LocalNetworkAddress(max. 20 chars) : ");
scanf("%s", &LocalNetworkAddress[0]);
printf("LocalTsel : ");
scanf("%d", &LocalTsel);

LocalNetworkAddressLength = strlen(LocalNetworkAddress) ;

printf("Local Tsel(%d) Net_length(%d) Net(%s)\n",
LocalTsel, LocalNetworkAddressLength, LocalNetworkAddress);

* Initialize the network and set up our socket

if (net_init(&s))
return 1;

if (verbose)
printf("calling do_listen\n");

* Go listen for a call

if (do_listen(s))
return 1;

* Then wait for a connection

if (verbose)
printf("calling wait_for_connection\n");

if (wait_for_connection(s, &s2))
return 1;

* Receive data then send it back

if (verbose)
printf("calling do_recv_send\n");

if (do_recv_send(s2))
return 1;

* All done

if (verbose)
printf("closing both sockets\n");


return 0;

* FUNCTION: net_init( SOCKET *skt )
* PURPOSE: Initializes the WinSock stuff and sets up our socket.
* ARGUMENTS: SOCKET * => struct to receive our socket info
* RETURNS: 0 if ok
* 1 if error
int net_init(SOCKET *skt)
int i, rc, addrlen;
WSADATA wsdata;
char *adr;

* Initialize with the WINSOCK library

if (verbose)
printf("calling WSAStartup(), ");

rc = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1,1), &wsdata);

if (verbose)
printf("return = 0x%X, (%d)\n", rc, rc);

if (rc) {
printf("WSAStartup failed: error code = %d\n", rc);
return 1;

* Open a STREAM socket with SPX

if (verbose)
printf("calling socket(addresss family = %d, socket type = %d, protocol = %d)\n", Local_Address_Family, Socket_Type, Protocol);

s = socket(Local_Address_Family, Socket_Type, Protocol);

if (verbose)
printf("socket() returned 0x%X (%d)\n", s, s);

if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) {
printf("Socket call failed\n");

* Bind to a socket. We want to bind to a well known
* socket so that who ever calls us will be able to.
ISO_SET_TP_ADDR(&addr, &LocalTsel, sizeof(LocalTsel),
LocalNetworkAddress, LocalNetworkAddressLength);

addr.sa_family = Local_Address_Family;
addr.addr_type = HIERARCHICAL;
addr.taddr_len = LocalNetworkAddressLength + LocalTselLength;
addr.tsel_len = LocalTselLength;
memcpy(&addr.addr, LocalTsel, LocalTselLength);
LocalNetworkAddress, LocalNetworkAddressLength);

if (verbose) {
printf("calling bind(socket = %d): \n ", s);

rc = bind(s, (const struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(SOCKADDR_TP));

if (verbose)
printf("bind() returned 0x%X (%d)\n", rc, rc);

if (rc == SOCKET_ERROR) {
printf("Error binding to socket\n");
return 1;

if (verbose)
printf("calling getsockname(socket = %d), ", s);

* Get the address we bound to and print it out

addrlen = sizeof(SOCKADDR_TP);
rc = getsockname(s, (struct sockaddr *) &baddr, &addrlen);

if (verbose)
printf("return = 0x%X (%d)\n", rc, rc);

if (rc == SOCKET_ERROR) {
printf("Error getting socket name");
return 1;

* Print out the network address
if (verbose) {
adr = (char *)&baddr;
printf("len(%d) addr : ", addrlen);
for ( i = 0; i < addrlen; i++)
printf(" %x ", *(adr + i));

*skt = s;

return 0;

* FUNCTION: do_listen( SOCKET s )
* PURPOSE: Sets the socket up for listening.
* ARGUMENTS: SOCKET socket to listen on
* RETURNS: 0 if ok
* 1 if error
int do_listen(SOCKET s)
int rc;

* Enable this socket as a listen socket that can
* take <Backlog> connection indication(s) at a time.

if (verbose)
printf("calling listen(socket = %d, backlog = %d), ", s, Backlog);

rc = listen(s, Backlog);

if (verbose)
printf("return = 0x%X (%d)\n", rc, rc);

if (rc == SOCKET_ERROR) {
printf("listen call failed");
return 1;

* Wait for a connection and get the connecting socket

return 0;

* FUNCTION: wait_for_connection( SOCKET s, SOCKET *callsock )
* PURPOSE: Waits for someone to connect.
* ARGUMENTS: SOCKET socket we are listening on
* SOCKET * => area to store client socket info after
* connect
* RETURNS: 0 if ok
* 1 if error
int wait_for_connection(SOCKET s, SOCKET *callsock)
int addrlen = sizeof(SOCKADDR_TP);

* Go wait for somebody to connect

if (verbose)
printf("calling accept(socket = %d), ", s);
printf("Waiting for call...\n");

s2 = accept(s, (struct sockaddr *) &saddr, &addrlen);

if (verbose)
printf("return (socket) = 0x%X (%d)\n", s2, s2);

if (s2 == INVALID_SOCKET) {
printf("accept call failed");
return 1;

* Print out who connected to us

if (verbose) {
printf("addrlen = %d\n", addrlen);
print_netaddr(saddr.sa_netnum, "Callers address = ", "\n");

*callsock = s2;

return 0;

* FUNCTION: do_recv_send( SOCKET s2 )
* PURPOSE: Waits for someone to connect.
* ARGUMENTS: SOCKET socket to transmit on
* RETURNS: 0 if ok
* 1 if error
int do_recv_send(SOCKET s2)
int rcount = 0;
int nbytes, errflag = 0;
LPSTR recvbuf;

if (verbose)
printf("allocating %d bytes for receive buffer\n", Receive_Length);

recvbuf = malloc(Receive_Length);

if (!recvbuf) {
printf("Error allocating %d bytes for receive buffer\n", Receive_Length);
return 1;

* Recv packets and send them back

while (1) {

* Receive data

if (verbose)
printf("calling recv(socket = %d, receive length = %d)\n", s2, Receive_Length);


nbytes = recv(s2, recvbuf, Receive_Length, 0);

if (nbytes == SOCKET_ERROR) {
printf("recv call failed");

if (verbose)
printf("Received packet %d: received %d bytes\n", rcount++, nbytes);
printf("\rReceived packet %d: received %d bytes... ", rcount++, nbytes);

* Send the data back
if (verbose)
printf("calling send(socket = %d, send length = %d)\n", s2, nbytes);

rc = send(s2, recvbuf, nbytes, 0);

if (rc == SOCKET_ERROR) {
printf("send call failed\n");

printf("Sent %d bytes", rc);
if (verbose)

if (No_Loop)

if (verbose)
printf("freeing receive buffer\n");


return errflag;