
Copyright 1993 - 1998 Microsoft Corporation

Module Name:



This file provides support disassembly ( x86 ).


Gerd Immeyer 19-Oct-1989
Wesley Witt (wesw) 1-May-1993 ( ported from ntsd to drwatson)


User Mode


#include <windows.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "regs.h"
#include "disasm.h"
#include "drwatson.h"
#include "proto.h"

/***** macros and defines *****/

#define BIT20(b) (b & 0x07)
#define BIT53(b) (b >> 3 & 0x07)
#define BIT76(b) (b >> 6 & 0x03)
#define MAXL 16
#define MAXOPLEN 10

#define OBOFFSET 26
#define OBOPERAND 34
#define OBLINEEND 77

/***** static tables and variables *****/

static char regtab[] = "alcldlblahchdhbhaxcxdxbxspbpsidi"; /* reg table */
static char *mrmtb16[] = { "bx+si", /* modRM string table (16-bit) */

static char *mrmtb32[] = { "eax", /* modRM string table (32-bit) */

static char seg16[8] = { REGDS, REGDS, REGSS, REGSS,
static char reg16[8] = { REGEBX, REGEBX, REGEBP, REGEBP,
static char reg16_2[4] = { REGESI, REGEDI, REGESI, REGEDI };

static char seg32[8] = { REGDS, REGDS, REGDS, REGDS,
static char reg32[8] = { REGEAX, REGECX, REGEDX, REGEBX,

static char sregtab[] = "ecsdfg"; // first letter of ES, CS, SS, DS, FS, GS

char hexdigit[] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
'8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' };

static int mod; /* mod of mod/rm byte */
static int rm; /* rm of mod/rm byte */
static int ttt; /* return reg value (of mod/rm) */
static unsigned char *pMem; /* current position in instruction */
static int mode_32; /* local addressing mode indicator */
static int opsize_32; /* operand size flag */

ULONG EAaddr[2]; // offset of effective address
static int EAsize[2]; // size of effective address item
static char *pchEAseg[2]; // normal segment for operand

int G_mode_32 = 1; /* global address mode indicator */

static BOOLEAN fMovX; // indicates a MOVSX or MOVZX

// internal function definitions

void DIdoModrm(PDEBUGPACKET dp,char **, int, BOOLEAN);

void OutputHexString(char **, char *, int);
void OutputHexValue(char **, char *, int, int);
void OutputHexCode(char **, char *, int);
void OutputString(char **, char *);
void OutputSymbol(PDEBUGPACKET, char **, char *, int, int);

void OutputHexAddr(PUCHAR *, ULONG);

/**** disasm - disassemble an 80x86/80x87 instruction
* Input:
* pOffset = pointer to offset to start disassembly
* fEAout = if set, include EA (effective address)
* Output:
* pOffset = pointer to offset of next instruction
* pchDst = pointer to result string

disasm( PDEBUGPACKET dp, PULONG pOffset, PUCHAR pchDst, BOOLEAN fEAout )
int opcode; /* current opcode */
int olen = 2; /* operand length */
int alen = 2; /* address length */
int end = FALSE; /* end of instruction flag */
int mrm = FALSE; /* indicator that modrm is generated*/
unsigned char *action; /* action for operand interpretation*/
long tmp; /* temporary storage field */
int indx; /* temporary index */
int action2; /* secondary action */
int instlen; /* instruction length */
int cBytes; // bytes read into instr buffer
int segOvr = 0; /* segment override opcode */
char membuf[MAXL]; /* current instruction buffer */
char *pEAlabel = ""; // optional label for operand

char *pchResultBuf = pchDst; // working copy of pchDst pointer
char RepPrefixBuffer[32]; // rep prefix buffer
char *pchRepPrefixBuf = RepPrefixBuffer; // pointer to prefix buffer
char OpcodeBuffer[8]; // opcode buffer
char *pchOpcodeBuf = OpcodeBuffer; // pointer to opcode buffer
char OperandBuffer[80]; // operand buffer
char *pchOperandBuf = OperandBuffer; // pointer to operand buffer
char ModrmBuffer[80]; // modRM buffer
char *pchModrmBuf = ModrmBuffer; // pointer to modRM buffer
char EABuffer[42]; // effective address buffer
char *pchEABuf = EABuffer; // pointer to EA buffer

int obOpcode = OBOFFSET;
int obOpcodeMin;
int obOpcodeMax;

int obOperand = OBOPERAND;
int obOperandMin;
int obOperandMax;

int cbOpcode;
int cbOperand;
int cbOffset;
int cbEAddr;

int fTwoLines = FALSE;

fMovX = FALSE;
EAsize[0] = EAsize[1] = 0; // no effective address
pchEAseg[0] = dszDS_;
pchEAseg[1] = dszES_;

mode_32 = opsize_32 = (G_mode_32 == 1); /* local addressing mode */
olen = alen = (1 + mode_32) << 1; // set operand/address lengths
// 2 for 16-bit and 4 for 32-bit

OutputHexAddr(&pchResultBuf, *pOffset);

*pchResultBuf++ = ' ';

DoMemoryRead( dp,

/* move full inst to local buffer */
pMem = membuf; /* point to begin of instruction */
opcode = *pMem++; /* get opcode */
OutputString(&pchOpcodeBuf, distbl[opcode].instruct);
action = actiontbl + distbl[opcode].opr; /* get operand action */

/***** loop through all operand actions *****/

do {
action2 = (*action) & 0xc0;
switch((*action++) & 0x3f) {
case ALT: /* alter the opcode if 32-bit */
if (opsize_32) {
indx = *action++;
pchOpcodeBuf = &OpcodeBuffer[indx];
if (indx == 0)
OutputString(&pchOpcodeBuf, dszCWDE);
else {
*pchOpcodeBuf++ = 'd';
if (indx == 1)
*pchOpcodeBuf++ = 'q';

case STROP:
// compute size of operands in indx
// also if dword operands, change fifth
// opcode letter from 'w' to 'd'.

if (opcode & 1) {
if (opsize_32) {
indx = 4;
OpcodeBuffer[4] = 'd';
indx = 2;
indx = 1;

if (*action & 1) {
if (fEAout) {
EAaddr[0] = (DWORD)GetRegValue(dp, REGESI);
EAsize[0] = indx;
if (*action++ & 2) {
if (fEAout) {
EAaddr[1] = (DWORD)GetRegValue(dp, REGEDI);
EAsize[1] = indx;

case CHR: /* insert a character */
*pchOperandBuf++ = *action++;

case CREG: /* set debug, test or control reg */
if ((opcode - 231) & 0x04) // remove bias from opcode
*pchOperandBuf++ = 't';
else if ((opcode - 231) & 0x01)
*pchOperandBuf++ = 'd';
*pchOperandBuf++ = 'c';
*pchOperandBuf++ = 'r';
*pchOperandBuf++ = (char)('0' + ttt);

case SREG2: /* segment register */
ttt = BIT53(opcode); // set value to fall through

case SREG3: /* segment register */
*pchOperandBuf++ = sregtab[ttt]; // reg is part of modrm
*pchOperandBuf++ = 's';

case BRSTR: /* get index to register string */
ttt = *action++; /* from action table */
goto BREGlabel;

case BOREG: /* byte register (in opcode) */
ttt = BIT20(opcode); /* register is part of opcode */
goto BREGlabel;

case ALSTR:
ttt = 0; /* point to AL register */
case BREG: /* general register */
*pchOperandBuf++ = regtab[ttt * 2];
*pchOperandBuf++ = regtab[ttt * 2 + 1];

case WRSTR: /* get index to register string */
ttt = *action++; /* from action table */
goto WREGlabel;

case VOREG: /* register is part of opcode */
ttt = BIT20(opcode);
goto VREGlabel;

case AXSTR:
ttt = 0; /* point to eAX register */
case VREG: /* general register */
if (opsize_32) /* test for 32bit mode */
*pchOperandBuf++ = 'e';
case WREG: /* register is word size */
*pchOperandBuf++ = regtab[ttt * 2 + 16];
*pchOperandBuf++ = regtab[ttt * 2 + 17];

case IST_ST:
OutputString(&pchOperandBuf, "st(0),st");
*(pchOperandBuf - 5) += rm;

case ST_IST:
OutputString(&pchOperandBuf, "st,");
case IST:
OutputString(&pchOperandBuf, "st(0)");
*(pchOperandBuf - 2) += rm;

case xBYTE: /* set instruction to byte only */
EAsize[0] = 1;
pEAlabel = "byte ptr ";

case VAR:
if (opsize_32)
goto DWORDlabel;

case xWORD:
EAsize[0] = 2;
pEAlabel = "word ptr ";

case EDWORD:
opsize_32 = 1; // for control reg move, use eRegs
case xDWORD:
EAsize[0] = 4;
pEAlabel = "dword ptr ";

case QWORD:
EAsize[0] = 8;
pEAlabel = "qword ptr ";

case TTBYTE:
EAsize[0] = 10;
pEAlabel = "tbyte ptr ";

case FARPTR:
if (opsize_32) {
EAsize[0] = 6;
pEAlabel = "fword ptr ";
else {
EAsize[0] = 4;
pEAlabel = "dword ptr ";

case LMODRM: // output modRM data type
if (mod != 3)
OutputString(&pchOperandBuf, pEAlabel);
EAsize[0] = 0;

case MODRM: /* output modrm string */
if (segOvr) /* in case of segment override */
OutputString(&pchOperandBuf, distbl[segOvr].instruct);
*pchModrmBuf = '\0';
OutputString(&pchOperandBuf, ModrmBuffer);

case ADDRP: /* address pointer */
OutputHexString(&pchOperandBuf, pMem + olen, 2); // segment
*pchOperandBuf++ = ':';
OutputSymbol(dp, &pchOperandBuf, pMem, olen, segOvr);
pMem += olen + 2;

case REL8: /* relative address 8-bit */
if (opcode == 0xe3 && mode_32) {
pchOpcodeBuf = OpcodeBuffer;
OutputString(&pchOpcodeBuf, dszJECXZ);
tmp = (long)*(char *)pMem++; /* get the 8-bit rel offset */
goto DoRelDispl;

case REL16: /* relative address 16-/32-bit */
tmp = 0;
pMem += alen; /* skip over offset */
tmp += *pOffset + (pMem - membuf); /* calculate address */
OutputSymbol(dp, &pchOperandBuf, (char *) &tmp, alen, segOvr);
// address

case UBYTE: // unsigned byte for int/in/out
OutputHexString(&pchOperandBuf, pMem, 1); // ubyte

case IB: /* operand is immediate byte */
if ((opcode & ~1) == 0xd4) { // postop for AAD/AAM is 0x0a
if (*pMem++ != 0x0a) // test post-opcode byte
OutputString(&pchOperandBuf, dszRESERVED);
olen = 1; /* set operand length */
goto DoImmed;

case IW: /* operand is immediate word */
olen = 2; /* set operand length */

case IV: /* operand is word or dword */
OutputHexValue(&pchOperandBuf, pMem, olen, FALSE);
pMem += olen;

case OFFS: /* operand is offset */
EAsize[0] = (opcode & 1) ? olen : 1;

if (segOvr) /* in case of segment override */
OutputString(&pchOperandBuf, distbl[segOvr].instruct);

*pchOperandBuf++ = '[';
OutputSymbol(dp,&pchOperandBuf, pMem, alen, segOvr); // offset
pMem += alen;
*pchOperandBuf++ = ']';

case GROUPP: /* operand is of group 1,2,4,6 or 8 */
/* output opcode symbol */
OutputString(&pchOpcodeBuf, group[*action++][ttt]);

case GROUPT: /* operand is of group 3,5 or 7 */
indx = *action; /* get indx into group from action */
goto doGroupT;

case EGROUPT: /* x87 ESC (D8-DF) group index */
indx = BIT20(opcode) * 2; /* get group index from opcode */
if (mod == 3) { /* some operand variations exists */
/* for x87 and mod == 3 */
++indx; /* take the next group table entry */
if (indx == 3) { /* for x87 ESC==D9 and mod==3 */
if (ttt > 3) { /* for those D9 instructions */
indx = 12 + ttt; /* offset index to table by 12 */
ttt = rm; /* set secondary index to rm */
else if (indx == 7) { /* for x87 ESC==DB and mod==3 */
if (ttt == 4) /* only valid if ttt==4 */
ttt = rm; /* set secondary group table index */
ttt = 7; /* no an x87 instruction */
/* handle group with different types of operands */

OutputString(&pchOpcodeBuf, groupt[indx][ttt].instruct);
action = actiontbl + groupt[indx][ttt].opr;
/* get new action */

case OPC0F: /* secondary opcode table (opcode 0F) */
opcode = *pMem++; /* get real opcode */
fMovX = (BOOLEAN)(opcode == 0xBF || opcode == 0xB7);
if (opcode < 7) /* for the first 7 opcodes */
opcode += 256; /* point begin of secondary opcode tab. */
else if (opcode > 0x1f && opcode < 0x27)
opcode += 231; /* adjust for non-existing opcodes */
else if (opcode > 0x2f && opcode < 0x33)
opcode += 222; /* adjust for non-existing opcodes */
else if (opcode > 0x7e && opcode < 0xd0)
opcode += 148; /* adjust for non-existing opcodes */
opcode = 260; /* all non-existing opcodes */
goto getNxtByte1;

case ADR_OVR: /* address override */
mode_32 = !G_mode_32; /* override addressing mode */
alen = (mode_32 + 1) << 1; /* toggle address length */
goto getNxtByte;

case OPR_OVR: /* operand size override */
opsize_32 = !G_mode_32; /* override operand size */
olen = (opsize_32 + 1) << 1; /* toggle operand length */
goto getNxtByte;

case SEG_OVR: /* handle segment override */
segOvr = opcode; /* save segment override opcode */
pchOpcodeBuf = OpcodeBuffer; // restart the opcode string
goto getNxtByte;

case REP: /* handle rep/lock prefixes */
*pchOpcodeBuf = '\0';
if (pchRepPrefixBuf != RepPrefixBuffer)
*pchRepPrefixBuf++ = ' ';
OutputString(&pchRepPrefixBuf, OpcodeBuffer);
pchOpcodeBuf = OpcodeBuffer;
opcode = *pMem++; /* next byte is opcode */
action = actiontbl + distbl[opcode].opr;
OutputString(&pchOpcodeBuf, distbl[opcode].instruct);

default: /* opcode has no operand */
switch (action2) { /* secondary action */
case MRM: /* generate modrm for later use */
if (!mrm) { /* ignore if it has been generated */
DIdoModrm(dp, &pchModrmBuf, segOvr, fEAout);
/* generate modrm */
mrm = TRUE; /* remember its generation */

case COM: /* insert a comma after operand */
*pchOperandBuf++ = ',';

case END: /* end of instruction */
end = TRUE;
} while (!end); /* loop til end of instruction */

/***** prepare disassembled instruction for output *****/

instlen = pMem - membuf;

if (instlen < cBytes)
cBytes = instlen;

OutputHexCode(&pchResultBuf, membuf, cBytes);

if (instlen > cBytes) {
*pchResultBuf++ = '?';
*pchResultBuf++ = '?';
(*pOffset)++; // point past unread byte

*pOffset += instlen; /* set instruction length */

if (instlen > cBytes) {
*pchResultBuf++ = ' ';
while (pchResultBuf < pchDst + OBOFFSET);
OutputString(&pchResultBuf, "???");
*pchResultBuf++ = '\0';
return FALSE;

// if fEAout is set, build each EA with trailing space in EABuf
// point back over final trailing space if buffer nonnull

if (fEAout) {

for (indx = 0; indx < 2; indx++)
if (EAsize[indx]) {
OutputString(&pchEABuf, segOvr ? distbl[segOvr].instruct
: pchEAseg[indx]);
OutputHexAddr(&pchEABuf, EAaddr[indx]);
*pchEABuf++ = '=';

DoMemoryRead( dp,

if (tmp == EAsize[indx])
OutputHexString(&pchEABuf, (char *)membuf,
while (EAsize[indx]--) {
*pchEABuf++ = '?';
*pchEABuf++ = '?';
*pchEABuf++ = ' ';
if (pchEABuf != EABuffer)

// compute lengths of component strings.
// if the rep string is nonnull,
// add the opcode string length to the operand
// make the rep string the opcode string

cbOffset = pchResultBuf - pchDst;
cbOperand = pchOperandBuf - OperandBuffer;
cbOpcode = pchOpcodeBuf - OpcodeBuffer;
if (pchRepPrefixBuf != RepPrefixBuffer) {
cbOperand += cbOpcode + (cbOperand != 0);
cbOpcode = pchRepPrefixBuf - RepPrefixBuffer;
cbEAddr = pchEABuf - EABuffer;

// for really long strings, where the opcode and operand
// will not fit on a 77-character line, make two lines
// with the opcode on offset 0 on the second line with
// the operand following after one space

if (cbOpcode + cbOperand > OBLINEEND - 1) {
fTwoLines = TRUE;
obOpcode = 0;
obOperand = cbOpcode + 1;
else {

// compute the minimum and maximum offset values for
// opcode and operand strings.
// if strings are nonnull, add extra for separating space

obOpcodeMin = cbOffset + 1;
obOperandMin = obOpcodeMin + cbOpcode + 1;
obOperandMax = OBLINEEND - cbEAddr - (cbEAddr != 0) - cbOperand;
obOpcodeMax = obOperandMax - (cbOperand != 0) - cbOpcode;

// if minimum offset is more than the maximum, the strings
// will not fit on one line. recompute the min/max
// values with no offset and EA strings.

if (obOpcodeMin > obOpcodeMax) {
fTwoLines = TRUE;
obOpcodeMin = 0;
obOperandMin = cbOpcode + 1;
obOperandMax = OBLINEEND - cbOperand;
obOpcodeMax = obOperandMax - (cbOperand != 0) - cbOpcode;

// compute the opcode and operand offsets. set offset as
// close to the default values as possible.

if (obOpcodeMin > OBOFFSET)
obOpcode = obOpcodeMin;
else if (obOpcodeMax < OBOFFSET)
obOpcode = obOpcodeMax;

obOperandMin = obOpcode + cbOpcode + 1;

if (obOperandMin > OBOPERAND)
obOperand = obOperandMin;
else if (obOperandMax < OBOPERAND)
obOperand = obOperandMax;

// build the resultant string with the offsets computed

// if two lines are to be output,
// append the EAddr string
// output a new line and reset the pointer

if (fTwoLines) {
if (pchEABuf != EABuffer) {
*pchResultBuf++ = ' ';
while (pchResultBuf < pchDst + OBLINEEND - cbEAddr);
*pchEABuf = '\0';
OutputString(&pchResultBuf, EABuffer);
OutputString(&pchResultBuf, "\n ");
pchDst = pchResultBuf;

// output rep, opcode, and operand strings

*pchResultBuf++ = ' ';
while (pchResultBuf < pchDst + obOpcode);

if (pchRepPrefixBuf != RepPrefixBuffer) {
*pchRepPrefixBuf = '\0';
OutputString(&pchResultBuf, RepPrefixBuffer);
*pchResultBuf++ = ' ';
while (pchResultBuf < pchDst + obOperand);

*pchOpcodeBuf = '\0';
OutputString(&pchResultBuf, OpcodeBuffer);

if (pchOperandBuf != OperandBuffer) {
*pchResultBuf++ = ' ';
while (pchResultBuf < pchDst + obOperand);
*pchOperandBuf = '\0';
OutputString(&pchResultBuf, OperandBuffer);

// if one line is to be output, append the EAddr string

if (!fTwoLines && pchEABuf != EABuffer) {
*pchEABuf = '\0';
*pchResultBuf++ = ' ';
while (pchResultBuf < pchDst + OBLINEEND - cbEAddr);
OutputString(&pchResultBuf, EABuffer);

*pchResultBuf = '\0';
return TRUE;

/*...........................internal function..............................*/
/* */
/* generate a mod/rm string */
/* */

DIdoModrm (PDEBUGPACKET dp, char **ppchBuf, int segOvr, BOOLEAN fEAout)
int mrm; /* modrm byte */
char *src; /* source string */
int sib;
int ss;
int ind;
int oldrm;

mrm = *pMem++; /* get the mrm byte from instruction */
mod = BIT76(mrm); /* get mod */
ttt = BIT53(mrm); /* get reg - used outside routine */
rm = BIT20(mrm); /* get rm */

if (mod == 3) { /* register only mode */
src = &regtab[rm * 2]; /* point to 16-bit register */
if (EAsize[0] > 1) {
src += 16; /* point to 16-bit register */
if (opsize_32 && !fMovX)
*(*ppchBuf)++ = 'e'; /* make it a 32-bit register */
*(*ppchBuf)++ = *src++; /* copy register name */
*(*ppchBuf)++ = *src;
EAsize[0] = 0; // no EA value to output

if (mode_32) { /* 32-bit addressing mode */
oldrm = rm;
if (rm == 4) { /* rm == 4 implies sib byte */
sib = *pMem++; /* get s_i_b byte */
rm = BIT20(sib); /* return base */

*(*ppchBuf)++ = '[';
if (mod == 0 && rm == 5) {
OutputSymbol(dp,ppchBuf, pMem, 4, segOvr); // offset
pMem += 4;
else {
if (fEAout) {
if (segOvr) {
EAaddr[0] = (DWORD)GetRegValue(dp, reg32[rm]);
pchEAseg[0] = distbl[segOvr].instruct;
else if (reg32[rm] == REGEBP || reg32[rm] == REGESP) {
EAaddr[0] = (DWORD)GetRegValue(dp, reg32[rm]);
pchEAseg[0] = dszSS_;
EAaddr[0] = (DWORD)GetRegValue(dp, reg32[rm]);
OutputString(ppchBuf, mrmtb32[rm]);

if (oldrm == 4) { // finish processing sib
ind = BIT53(sib);

if (ind != 4) { 
*(*ppchBuf)++ = '+';
OutputString(ppchBuf, mrmtb32[ind]);
ss = 1 << BIT76(sib);
if (ss != 1) {
*(*ppchBuf)++ = '*';
*(*ppchBuf)++ = (char)(ss + '0');
if (fEAout)
EAaddr[0] = (DWORD)GetRegValue(dp, reg32[ind]);
else { // 16-bit addressing mode
*(*ppchBuf)++ = '[';
if (mod == 0 && rm == 6) {
OutputSymbol(dp,ppchBuf, pMem, 2, segOvr); // 16-bit offset
pMem += 2;
else {
if (fEAout) {
if (segOvr) {
EAaddr[0] = (DWORD)GetRegValue(dp, reg16[rm]);
pchEAseg[0] = distbl[segOvr].instruct;
else if (reg16[rm] == REGEBP) {
EAaddr[0] = (DWORD)GetRegValue(dp, reg16[rm]);
pchEAseg[0] = dszSS_;
EAaddr[0] = (DWORD)GetRegValue(dp, reg16[rm]);
if (rm < 4)
EAaddr[0] += (DWORD)GetRegValue(dp, reg16_2[rm]);
OutputString(ppchBuf, mrmtb16[rm]);

// output any displacement

if (mod == 1) {
if (fEAout)
EAaddr[0] += (ULONG)pMem;
OutputHexValue(ppchBuf, pMem, 1, TRUE);
else if (mod == 2) {
long tmp = 0;
if (mode_32) {
if (fEAout)
EAaddr[0] += (ULONG)tmp;
OutputHexValue(ppchBuf, pMem, 4, TRUE);
pMem += 4;
else {
if (fEAout)
EAaddr[0] += tmp;
OutputHexValue(ppchBuf, pMem, 2, TRUE);
pMem += 2;

if (!mode_32 && fEAout) {
EAaddr[0] &= 0xffff;
EAaddr[1] &= 0xffff;

*(*ppchBuf)++ = ']';

/*** OutputHexValue - output hex value
* Purpose:
* Output the value pointed by *ppchBuf of the specified
* length. The value is treated as signed and leading
* zeroes are not printed. The string is prefaced by a
* '+' or '-' sign as appropriate.
* Input:
* *ppchBuf - pointer to text buffer to fill
* *pchMemBuf - pointer to memory buffer to extract value
* length - length in bytes of value (1, 2, and 4 supported)
* fDisp - set if displacement to output '+'
* Output:
* *ppchBuf - pointer updated to next text character

void OutputHexValue (char **ppchBuf, char *pchMemBuf, int length, int fDisp)
long value;
int index;
char digit[8];

value = 0;
if (length == 1)
value = (long)(*(char *)pchMemBuf);
else if (length == 2)

length <<= 1; // shift once to get hex length

if (value != 0 || !fDisp) {
if (fDisp)
if (value < 0 && length == 2) { // use neg value for byte
value = -value; // displacement
*(*ppchBuf)++ = '-';
*(*ppchBuf)++ = '+';

*(*ppchBuf)++ = '0';
*(*ppchBuf)++ = 'x';
for (index = length - 1; index != -1; index--) {
digit[index] = (char)(value & 0xf);
value >>= 4;
index = 0;
while (digit[index] == 0 && index < length - 1)
while (index < length)
*(*ppchBuf)++ = hexdigit[digit[index++]];

/*** OutputHexString - output hex string
* Purpose:
* Output the value pointed by *ppchMemBuf of the specified
* length. The value is treated as unsigned and leading
* zeroes are printed.
* Input:
* *ppchBuf - pointer to text buffer to fill
* *pchValue - pointer to memory buffer to extract value
* length - length in bytes of value
* Output:
* *ppchBuf - pointer updated to next text character
* *ppchMemBuf - pointer update to next memory byte

OutputHexString (char **ppchBuf, char *pchValue, int length)
unsigned char chMem;

pchValue += length;
while (length--) {
chMem = *--pchValue;
*(*ppchBuf)++ = hexdigit[chMem >> 4];
*(*ppchBuf)++ = hexdigit[chMem & 0x0f];

/*** OutputHexCode - output hex code
* Purpose:
* Output the code pointed by pchMemBuf of the specified
* length. The value is treated as unsigned and leading
* zeroes are printed. This differs from OutputHexString
* in that bytes are printed from low to high addresses.
* Input:
* *ppchBuf - pointer to text buffer to fill
* pchMemBuf - pointer to memory buffer to extract value
* length - length in bytes of value
* Output:
* *ppchBuf - pointer updated to next text character

OutputHexCode (char **ppchBuf, char *pchMemBuf, int length)
unsigned char chMem;

while (length--) {
chMem = *pchMemBuf++;
*(*ppchBuf)++ = hexdigit[chMem >> 4];
*(*ppchBuf)++ = hexdigit[chMem & 0x0f];

/*** OutputString - output string
* Purpose:
* Copy the string into the buffer pointed by *ppBuf.
* Input:
* *pStr - pointer to string
* Output:
* *ppBuf points to next character in buffer.

OutputString (char **ppBuf, char *pStr)
while (*pStr)
*(*ppBuf)++ = *pStr++;

/*** OutputSymbol - output symbolic value
* Purpose:
* Output the value in outvalue into the buffer
* pointed by *pBuf. Express the value as a
* symbol plus displacment, if possible.
* Input:
* *ppBuf - pointer to text buffer to fill
* *pValue - pointer to memory buffer to extract value
* length - length in bytes of value
* Output:
* *ppBuf - pointer updated to next text character

OutputSymbol (PDEBUGPACKET dp, char **ppBuf, char *pValue, int length, int segOvr)
ULONG displacement;
ULONG value;
char *szSymName;

value = 0;
if (length == 1)
value = (long)(*(char *)pValue);
else if (length == 2)

EAaddr[0] = value;

if (SymGetSymFromAddr( dp->hProcess, value, &displacement, sym )) {
szSymName = sym->Name;
OutputString(ppBuf, szSymName);
OutputHexValue(ppBuf, (char *)&displacement, length, TRUE);
*(*ppBuf)++ = ' ';
*(*ppBuf)++ = '(';
OutputHexString(ppBuf, pValue, length);
*(*ppBuf)++ = ')';
OutputHexString(ppBuf, pValue, length);

/*** X86GetNextOffset - compute offset for trace or step
* Purpose:
* From a limited disassembly of the instruction pointed
* by the FIR register, compute the offset of the next
* instruction for either a trace or step operation.
* Input:
* fStep - TRUE if step offset returned - FALSE for trace offset
* Returns:
* step or trace offset if input is TRUE or FALSE, respectively
* -1 returned for trace flag to be used

GetNextOffset (PDEBUGPACKET dp, PULONG pcaddr, BOOLEAN fStep)
int mode_32;
int opsize_32;
int cBytes;
char membuf[MAXL]; // current instruction buffer
ULONG addrReturn;
USHORT retAddr[3]; // return address buffer
char *pMem;
UCHAR opcode;
int fPrefix = TRUE;
int fRepPrefix = FALSE;
int ttt;
int rm;
ULONG instroffset;

// read instruction stream bytes into membuf and set mode and
// opcode size flags

*pcaddr = (DWORD)GetRegValue(dp,REGEIP);
instroffset = *pcaddr;
G_mode_32 = TRUE;
mode_32 = opsize_32 = (G_mode_32 == 1); /* local addressing mode */
DoMemoryRead( dp,
/* move full inst to local buffer */
pMem = membuf; /* point to begin of instruction */

// read and process any prefixes first

do {
opcode = (UCHAR)*pMem++; /* get opcode */
if (opcode == 0x66)
opsize_32 = !G_mode_32;
else if (opcode == 0x67)
mode_32 = !G_mode_32;
else if ((opcode & ~1) == 0xf2)
fRepPrefix = TRUE;
else if (opcode != 0xf0 && (opcode & ~0x18) != 0x26
&& (opcode & ~1) != 0x64)
fPrefix = FALSE;
while (fPrefix);

// for instructions that alter the TF (trace flag), return the
// offset of the next instruction despite the flag of fStep

if (((opcode & ~0x3) == 0x9c))
// 9c-9f, pushf, popf, sahf, lahf

else if (opcode == 0xcf) { // cf - iret - get RA from stack

addrReturn = (DWORD)GetRegValue(dp, REGESP);
DoMemoryRead( dp,

*pcaddr = retAddr[2];

// repeated string/port instructions

if (opcode == 0xe8) // near direct jump
pMem += (1 + opsize_32) * 2;

else if (opcode == 0x9a) // far direct jump
pMem += (2 + opsize_32) * 2;

else if (opcode == 0xcd ||
(opcode >= 0xe0 && opcode <= 0xe2)) // loop / int nn instrs

else if (opcode == 0xff) { // indirect call - compute length
opcode = *pMem++; // get modRM
ttt = BIT53(opcode);
if ((ttt & ~1) == 2) {
mod = BIT76(opcode);
if (mod != 3) { // nonregister operand
rm = BIT20(opcode);
if (mode_32) {
if (rm == 4)
rm = BIT20(*pMem++); // get base from SIB
if (mod == 0) {
if (rm == 5)
pMem += 4; // long direct address
} // else register
else if (mod == 1)
pMem++; // register with byte offset
pMem += 4; // register with long offset
else { // 16-bit mode
if (mod == 0) {
if (rm == 6)
pMem += 2; // short direct address
pMem += mod; // reg, byte, word offset
instroffset = (ULONG)-1; // 0xff, but not call

else if (!((fRepPrefix && ((opcode & ~3) == 0x6c ||
(opcode & ~3) == 0xa4 ||
(opcode & ~1) == 0xaa ||
(opcode & ~3) == 0xac)) ||
opcode == 0xcc || opcode == 0xce))
instroffset = (ULONG)-1; // not repeated string op
// or int 3 / into

// if not enough bytes were read for instruction parse,
// just give up and trace the instruction

if (cBytes < pMem - membuf)
instroffset = (ULONG)-1;

// if not tracing, compute the new instruction offset

if (instroffset != (ULONG)-1)
instroffset += pMem - membuf;

*pcaddr = instroffset;

OutputHexAddr (PUCHAR *ppBuffer, ULONG offset)
OutputHexString(ppBuffer, (char *)&offset, sizeof(ULONG));

GetSegRegValue (PDEBUGPACKET dp, int segOpcode)
ULONG regnum;

switch (segOpcode) {
case 0x26:
regnum = REGES;
case 0x2e:
regnum = REGCS;
case 0x36:
regnum = REGSS;
case 0x64:
regnum = REGFS;
case 0x65:
regnum = REGGS;
case 0x3e:
regnum = REGDS;

return (USHORT)GetRegValue(dp,regnum);