* This is a part of the Microsoft Source Code Samples.
* Copyright 1993 - 1998 Microsoft Corporation.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is only intended as a supplement to
* Microsoft Development Tools and/or WinHelp documentation.
* See these sources for detailed information regarding the
* Microsoft samples programs.

// include windows.h before including this header file into your source

// define some string length constants
#define MAXTOKENLEN 100
#define MAXHELPLEN 100
#define MAXISSUELEN 1024
#define MAXSUGGESTLEN 1024

// define option flags
#define PT_IGNORETOKEN 0x00010000// informs port.dll to ignore this token
#define PT_DEFAULT 0x00000000// checks for everything
#define PT_NOAPIS 0x00000002// do not check for APIs
#define PT_NOMESSAGES 0x00000004// do not check for messages
#define PT_NOTYPES 0x00000008// do not check for types
#define PT_NOSTRUCTURES 0x00000010// do not check for structures
#define PT_NOMACROS 0x00000020// do not check for macros
#define PT_NOCONSTANTS 0x00000040// do not check for constants
#define PT_NOCUSTOM 0x00000080// do not check for custom tokens
#define PT_IGNORECASE 0x00000100// disable case sensitivity
// (not helpful for APIs and MSGs)

// result structure returns results of line checked
typedef struct tagResult
char *lpszToken;
char *lpszHelpStr;
char *lpszIssue;
char *lpszSuggest;
int nPosToken;

// function checks a string for a matching token
BOOL WINAPI CheckString (char *lpszSrc, DWORD fSearch, LPRESULT lpResult);
// lpszSrc - source string to search
// fSearch - search flags define how to check string
// lpResult - structure of data passed to/from DLL
// When calling this function you must pass a valid LPRESULT structure having
// allocated memory for each of the string pointer fields in the structure.
// It is recommended that you allocate enough memory to fulfill the max length
// for each field as defined by the constants above.Also, you must indicate the
// actual length of each string allocated in the first WORD of each string. The
// CheckString function will copy at most length-1 characters and zero terminate
// the string for you.
// New for version 2.2. The option to ignore a specific issue for the duration of
// the DLL is loaded is now provided. This is done by calling the CheckString
// function with the PT_IGNORETOKEN bit set in the search flags. In this case,
// the CheckString function toggles the ignore state on a token matching the string
// lpszSrc passed to the function. The lpResult parameter is ignored in this case.
// Successive calls with the PT_IGNORETOKEN bit can be used to toggle the state of
// any token to IGNORED or not IGNORED.
// NOTE: The PT_IGNORETOKEN flag cannot be reset by the DLL since the search flags
// parameter is passed by value. The application that calls CheckString must reset
// the flag when the function returns.