* This is a part of the Microsoft Source Code Samples.
* Copyright 1993 - 1998 Microsoft Corporation.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is only intended as a supplement to
* Microsoft Development Tools and/or WinHelp documentation.
* See these sources for detailed information regarding the
* Microsoft samples programs.

/****************************** Module Header *******************************
* Module Name: FILE.C
* An object representing a file and the lines of text it contains.
* Functions:
* file_new()
* file_getdiritem()
* file_delete()
* file_getlinelist()
* file_discardlines()
* file_reset()
* file_readlines()
* Comments:
* A FILEDATA object is initialised with a DIRITEM handle from which it
* can get a filename. It knows how to supply a list of LINE handles for the
* lines of text in the file.
* The file is read into memory optionally on creation of the FILEDATA object:
* otherwise, at the first call to file_getlinelist. It can be discarded
* by calling file_discardlines: in this case, it will be re-read next time
* file_getlinelist is called.
* Calling file_reset will cause line_reset to be called for all lines
* in the list. This clears any links.
* We allocate all memory from a gmem* heap hHeap, assumed to be declared and
* initialised elsewhere.

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "gutils.h"
#include "windiff.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "line.h"
#include "scandir.h"
#include "file.h"

extern HANDLE hHeap;

struct filedata {

DIRITEM diritem; /* handle to file name information */
LIST lines; /* NULL if lines not read in */

void file_readlines(FILEDATA fd);

* Function: file_new
* Purpose:
* Creates a new FILEDATA, based on a DIRITEM. the filedata will retain
* the diritem handle for use in fetching filenames and handles.
* If the bRead is set, the file will be read into memory. If not, this
* will be done during the first call to file_getlines.
file_new(DIRITEM fiName, BOOL bRead)

fd = (FILEDATA) gmem_get(hHeap, sizeof(struct filedata));
if (fd == NULL) {

fd->diritem = fiName;
fd->lines = NULL;

if (bRead) {


* Function: file_getdiritem
* Purpose:
* Returns a handle to the DIRITEM used to create this FILEDATA
file_getdiritem(FILEDATA fd)
if (fd == NULL) {


* Function: file_delete
* Purpose:
* Deletes a filedata and its associated list of lines. Note that the diritem
* is not deleted (this is owned by the DIRLIST, and will be deleted
* when the DIRLIST is deleted)
file_delete(FILEDATA fd)
if (fd == NULL) {

/* throw away the line list, if there is one */

gmem_free(hHeap, (LPSTR) fd, sizeof(struct filedata));

* Function: file_getlinelist
* Purpose:
* Returns a handle to a list of lines in this file. The items in the
* list are LINE handles.
* The first call to this function will cause the file to be read into
* memory if bRead was FALSE on the call to file_new, or if file_discardlines
* has since been called.
* The list of lines returned should not be deleted except by calls to
* file_delete or file_discardlines.
file_getlinelist(FILEDATA fd)
if (fd == NULL) {
return NULL;

if (fd->lines == NULL) {

* Function: file_discardlines
* Purpose:
* Discards the list of lines associated with a file. This will cause
* the file to be re-read next time file_getlinelist is called.
file_discardlines(FILEDATA fd)
LINE line;

if (fd == NULL) {

if (fd->lines != NULL) {

/* clear each line to free any memory associated
* with them, then discard the entire list
List_TRAVERSE(fd->lines, line) {

/* this is probably done in List_Destroy, but better do it anyway*/
fd->lines = NULL;

* Function: file_reset
* Purpose:
* Forces a reset of each line in the list. The function line_reset discards
* links between lines, and any hashcode information. This would be used if
* the compare options or hashcode options have changed.
file_reset(FILEDATA fd)
LINE line;

if (fd == NULL) {

if (fd->lines != NULL) {

List_TRAVERSE(fd->lines, line) {

* Function: file_readlines
* Purpose:
* Reads the file into a list of lines.
* Comments:
* We use the buffered read functions to read a block at a time, and
* return us a pointer to a line within the block. The line we are
* pointed to is not null terminated. from this we do a line_new: this
* will make a copy of the text (since we want to re-use the buffer), and
* will null-terminate its copy.
file_readlines(FILEDATA fd)
LPSTR textp;
int fh;
int linelen;
int linenr = 1;
HCURSOR hcurs;

hcurs = SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT));

/* open the file */
fh = dir_openfile(fd->diritem);

if (fh < 0) {
/* initialise the file buffering */
fbuf = readfile_new(fh);

/* make an empty list for the files */
fd->lines = List_Create();

while ( (textp = readfile_next(fbuf, &linelen)) != NULL) {

line_new(textp, linelen, linenr++, fd->lines);


/* close filehandle and free buffer */

dir_closefile(fd->diritem, fh);
