* This is a part of the Microsoft Source Code Samples.
* Copyright 1993 - 1998 Microsoft Corporation.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is only intended as a supplement to
* Microsoft Development Tools and/or WinHelp documentation.
* See these sources for detailed information regarding the
* Microsoft samples programs.


/* application-wide variables -------------------------------------*/

/* This is the section name in the win.ini file to which we
* write profile info
#define APPNAME "WinDiff"

/* A gmem_init() heap shared by the app. call gmem_get to alloc. */
extern HANDLE hHeap;

/* The instance handle for this app. Needed by anyone who uses resources
* such as dialogs
extern HINSTANCE hInst;

extern HWND hwndClient;
extern HWND hwndRCD;

/* global option flags------------------------------------------- */

/* Which files do we show in outline mode ? all, changed... */
extern int outline_include;

/* Outline_include is an OR of the following */
#define INCLUDE_SAME 1

/* Do we ignore blanks during the line-by-line diff ? */
extern BOOL ignore_blanks;

/* Which line numbers do we show - left original, right original or none ?*/
extern int line_numbers;

/* What lines do we show in expand mode - all, left only, right only ? */
extern int expand_mode;

/*--- colour scheme ---------------------------------------------- */

/* Outline */
extern DWORD rgb_outlinehi;

/* Expand view */
extern DWORD rgb_leftfore;
extern DWORD rgb_leftback;
extern DWORD rgb_rightfore;
extern DWORD rgb_rightback;
extern DWORD rgb_mleftfore;
extern DWORD rgb_mleftback;
extern DWORD rgb_mrightfore;
extern DWORD rgb_mrightback;

/* Bar window */
extern DWORD rgb_barleft;
extern DWORD rgb_barright;
extern DWORD rgb_barcurrent;

/* -- display layout constants---------------------------------------*/

/* Percentage of width of window taken by bar display (when visible) */
#define BAR_WIN_WIDTH 10

/* Following are horizontal positions within the bar window, expressed
* in percent of the width of the bar window
#define L_POS_START 10 /* start of left position marker */
#define L_POS_WIDTH 5 /* width of left position marker */
#define R_POS_START 80 /* start of right position marker */
#define R_POS_WIDTH 5 /* width of right position marker */

#define L_UNMATCH_START 30 /* start of left bar for unmatched section */
#define L_UNMATCH_WIDTH 10 /* width of above */
#define R_UNMATCH_START 60 /* start of right bar for unmatch section */
#define R_UNMATCH_WIDTH 10 /* width of right unmatched section marker */
#define L_MATCH_START 30 /* start of left bar for matched section */
#define L_MATCH_WIDTH 10 /* width of left bar for matched section */
#define R_MATCH_START 60 /* start of right bar for matched section */
#define R_MATCH_WIDTH 10 /* width of right bar for matched section */

/* windiff.c functions */
void windiff_UI(BOOL bAttach);
BOOL Poll(void); /* true if abort pending */
void SetNames(LPSTR names);
void SetStatus(LPSTR state);

/* in bar.c */
BOOL InitBarClass(HINSTANCE hInstance);
void BarDrawPosition(HWND hwndBar, HDC hdcIn, BOOL bErase);

/*-- private messages -- */
/* Send this to the main window. Return value is the VIEW handle */

/* --- synchronisation ----------------------------------------- */
* In WIN32 we spawn worker threads to do time-consuming actions.
* This causes a possible conflict with the UI thread when accessing the
* BUSY flag.
* To protect against this we have a critical section. The UI thread
* will get this before checking/changing the Busy flag,
* The worker thread will get this before Busy flag* changes.


#define WDEnter() EnterCriticalSection(&CSWindiff);
#define WDLeave() LeaveCriticalSection(&CSWindiff);