// =========================================================================== 
// Copyright (C) 1995 by Microsoft Corporation.
// File: deljob.cpp
// This program illustrates how to use the SMS SDK to delete an SMS
// job.
// Author: Larry A. French
// ===========================================================================

// ====================================================================
// Includes.
// ====================================================================
#include <afx.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // for itoa
#include <smsapi.h> // Header for the APIs.
#include <time.h> // for time functions.

// Include the GetStatusName function.
// -------------------------------------
#include "..\common\"

// ====================================================================
// Defines.
// ====================================================================

#define CCH_MAXSTRING 256
#define MAX_CREATE 100

// ====================================================================
// Local prototypes.
// ====================================================================
const char *GetStatusName( SMS_STATUS stat );

void DisplaySmsError(const char* pszMessage, SMS_STATUS stat);

BOOL DidRequestHelp(int argc, char** argv);

HANDLE ConnectToDatasource();

void DisplayHelp();

void InputString(const char* pszMessage, char* pszResult);

void DisplayGreeting();

BOOL UserSaysYes(const char* pszPrompt);

// ====================================================================
// Structs.
// ====================================================================
// This struct holds a folder handle and its ID.
typedef struct _FOLDERREC {
HANDLE hFolder; // Handle to a folder.
char szID[SMS_DATA_BUFF_SIZE+1]; // Its ID.
BOOL bDeleted; // marked as deleted in this program.

// ====================================================================
// The work starts here.
// ====================================================================
void main(int argc, char** argv)
// Check to see if this is a request to display the help
// screen. If so, display it. Otherwise, display a greeting
// banner.
if (DidRequestHelp(argc, argv)) {
else {

HANDLE hConnect;
HANDLE hContainerJob;
char szJobID[SMS_DATA_BUFF_SIZE + 1];
char szPrompt[CCH_MAXSTRING];

// Connect to the data source. If the connect fails, give up.
// Note a message will have already been displayed by
// ConnectToDatasource.
hConnect = ConnectToDatasource();
if (hConnect == NULL) {

// Open package container.
// =======================
stat = SmsOpenContainer( C_JOB, hConnect, &hContainerJob );
if (stat != SMS_OK) {
printf("SmsOpenContainer failed: %d\n", stat);
SmsDataSourceDisconnect( hConnect );

// Select all folders (no filters.)
// ================================
stat = SmsPopulate( hContainerJob, POP_SYNC, NULL);
if (!(stat == SMS_OK || stat==SMS_EMPTY)) {
printf("Bad return from SmsPopulate: %d\n", stat);
SmsCloseContainer( hContainerJob );
SmsDataSourceDisconnect( hConnect );

FOLDERREC *paFolderRec = NULL;

// Get count of folders in container, allocate memory.
// ===================================================
DWORD ctFolders;
SmsGetFolderCount( hContainerJob, F_ANY, &ctFolders );
paFolderRec = (FOLDERREC *)malloc( ctFolders * sizeof(FOLDERREC) );

// Retrieve all the jobs and store their handles and IDs.
// ======================================================
for (DWORD dwI = 0; dwI < ctFolders; dwI++) {

SmsGetNextFolder( hContainerJob, F_ANY, &(paFolderRec[dwI].hFolder) );
SmsGetFolderID( paFolderRec[dwI].hFolder, paFolderRec[dwI].szID );
paFolderRec[dwI].bDeleted = FALSE;

BOOL bDidDeleteFolder;


// The bDidDelete flag is used to indicate whether or not
// the folder deletion was successful. We assume that something
// will go wrong until we have proven otherwise and know that
// the folder was in fact deleted.
bDidDeleteFolder = FALSE;

printf("* Please enter the ID of the job that you wish *\n");
printf("* to delete. *\n");
printf("* Available jobs are: *\n");

// Display the job IDs.
// ====================
for (dwI = 0; dwI < ctFolders; dwI++) {
if (!paFolderRec[dwI].bDeleted) {
printf("[%d] %s\n", dwI, paFolderRec[dwI].szID);

InputString("Job ID", szJobID);
sprintf(szPrompt, "Delete job \"%s\"", szJobID);

if (UserSaysYes(szPrompt)) {
// Control comes here if the user has given the OK to delete
// the specified job. To delete the job, we first get its
// its folder handle, unlink the folder, and then commit it.
// Note that SmsGetFolderByID doesn't work on containers.
// Search the array of FOLDERRECs looking for this ID.
// =========================================================
BOOL bFound = FALSE;
for (dwI = 0; dwI < ctFolders; dwI++) {
if (strcmp( szJobID, paFolderRec[dwI].szID ) == 0) {

// Check that not already deleted
if (!paFolderRec[dwI].bDeleted) {
bFound = TRUE;

// If we found the ID, unlink and commit the folder.
// =================================================
if (bFound) {
// Unlink the folder to remove it from the in-memory hierarchy.
stat = SmsUnlinkFolder(paFolderRec[dwI].hFolder);
if (stat != SMS_OK) {
DisplaySmsError("Failed to unlink the job folder", stat);

// Commit the unlinked folder to delete the folder in the
// datasource.
stat = SmsCommitFolder(paFolderRec[dwI].hFolder);
if (stat != SMS_OK) {
DisplaySmsError("Failed to commit the job folder", stat);

// If all OK then mark that job as deleted in our array.
// =====================================================
if (stat == SMS_OK) {
paFolderRec[dwI].bDeleted = TRUE;
bDidDeleteFolder = TRUE;
printf("Job: %s was deleted succesfully\n\n", szJobID);

} else {
printf("Job %s not found\n", szJobID );


// Allow user to try again.
// (This is one of the few cases where a goto is permitted.)
// =========================================================

if (UserSaysYes(bDidDeleteFolder ? "Delete another job?" : "Try again?")) {
goto AGAIN;

// Close all job folders.
// ======================
for (dwI = 0; dwI < ctFolders; dwI++) {
SmsCloseFolder( paFolderRec[dwI].hFolder );

// Close the container.
stat = SmsCloseContainer( hContainerJob );
if (stat != SMS_OK) {
DisplaySmsError("Failed to close the package container", stat);

// Disconnect from the datasource.
stat = SmsDataSourceDisconnect( hConnect );
if (stat != SMS_OK) {
DisplaySmsError("Failed to disconnect from the datasource", stat);

} /* main */

// ====================================================================
// InputString
// Prompt the user to input a string and return the string in the
// specified buffer.
// Parameters:
// const char* pszMessage
// The user prompt to display.
// char* pszResult
// Pointer to the buffer where the user's input will be returned.
// Returns;
// The user's input is returned via the given buffer.
// ====================================================================
void InputString(const char* pszMessage, char* pszResult)
printf("%s: ", pszMessage);

// ====================================================================
// UserSaysYes
// Prompt the user to reply yes or no. If the user enters "Y" then
// return TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
// Parameters:
// const char* pszPrompt
// The string used to prompt the user
// Returns:
// TRUE = User replied "Y" or "y"
// FALSE = User gave any other reply.
// ====================================================================
BOOL UserSaysYes(const char* pszPrompt)
printf("%s? [y/n]", pszPrompt);
char szReply[256];

return(szReply[0] == 'y' || szReply[0] == 'Y');

// ====================================================================
// ConnectToDatasource
// Get the datasource connection information from the user and use it
// to connect to the datasource.
// Parameters: None.
// Returns:
// The connection handle or NULL if the connection failed.
// ====================================================================
HANDLE ConnectToDatasource()
// Get the information we need to connect to the
// data source from the user.
char szServer[CCH_MAXSTRING];
char szUser[CCH_MAXSTRING];
char szPasswd[CCH_MAXSTRING];
char szDatabase[CCH_MAXSTRING];

printf("* Connect to data source *\n");
InputString("SQL server name", szServer);
InputString("SQL database name", szDatabase);
InputString("User name for SQL server", szUser);
InputString("Password for SQL server", szPasswd);

// Connect to a data source. SQL in this case.
// ===========================================

dsParams.sqlParams.ds = DB_SQL;
dsParams.sqlParams.pszServer = szServer;
dsParams.sqlParams.pszUserName = szUser;
dsParams.sqlParams.pszPasswd = szPasswd;
dsParams.sqlParams.pszDbName = szDatabase;
dsParams.sqlParams.pFunc = NULL; // No encryption.
dsParams.sqlParams.pszKey = "";

HANDLE hConnect;
stat = SmsDataSourceConnect( &dsParams, &hConnect);

if (stat != SMS_OK) {
hConnect = NULL;
DisplaySmsError("Connect to data source failed", stat);

return( hConnect );

// ====================================================================
// DidRequestHelp
// Check the program's arguments to see if the user asked for
// the help screen to be displayed.
// Parameters:
// int argc
// The argc value from main(argc, argv)
// char** argv
// The argv value from main(argc, argv)
// Returns:
// TRUE if command line parameters included a request
// for help to be displayed.
// ====================================================================
BOOL DidRequestHelp(int argc, char** argv)
const char* pszCommand = argv[1];
if (argc==2 && (strcmp((const char*) argv[1], "-help")==0)) {
else {

// ====================================================================
// DisplayHelp
// This function displays the samples help screen.
// Parameters:
// None
// Returns:
// Nothing.
// ====================================================================
void DisplayHelp()
printf("* deljob.exe: *\n");
printf("* *\n");
printf("* This program illustrates how to use the SMS SDK to *\n");
printf("* delete a job in the SMS database. *\n");
printf("* *\n");
printf("* Syntax: *\n");
printf("* deljob.exe [-help] *\n");
printf("* *\n");
printf("* Switches: *\n");
printf("* -help Display this help screen. *\n");
printf("* *\n");

// ====================================================================
// DisplayGreeting
// Display the initial greeting banner.
// Parameters:
// None.
// Returns:
// Nothing.
// ====================================================================
void DisplayGreeting()
// For this sample, the greeting is identical to the help screen.

/* EOF: deljob.cpp */