Attribute VB_Name = "MACHGRP" 
Option Explicit

'// Copyright (c) 1995, Microsoft Corporation
'// History:
'// Gary Fuehrer, SEA 5/9/95 Created.

Type IDLookupRec
ID As Long
StrID As String
StrName As String
End Type

Type AttributeRec
MachineGroupID As Long
MachineID As Long
PropertyID As Long
PropertyNum As Integer
AttributeID As Long
Value As String
End Type

'For use by frmMachineGrpReport ONLY
Global InitMachineGroupID$
Global InitMachineGroupProperties$()
Global InitMachineGroupPropertyCount%
Global InitMachineGroupIsFiltered%

'For use by QueryMachineGroups%() and FetchMachineGroups%() ONLY
Dim dyQueryMachineGroups As Recordset

'For use by QueryMachines%() and FetchMachines%() ONLY
Dim dyQueryMachines As Recordset

Function AddAttribute&(db As Database, Attrib$, AttributeName$)
Dim IDLookup As IDLookupRec, Count%

' Default return value zero (Failed)
AddAttribute& = 0

IDLookup.StrID$ = Attrib$
IDLookup.StrName$ = AttributeName$
Count% = FindAttributeID%(db, "AttributeIDs", IDLookup)
If Count% = 0 Then
IDLookup.ID& = GetUniqueID&()
If InsertAttributeID&(db, "AttributeIDs", IDLookup) = 1 Then AddAttribute& = IDLookup.ID&
ElseIf Count% = 1 Then
AddAttribute& = IDLookup.ID&
End If
End Function

Function AddMachine&(db As Database, Machine$, MachineName$)
Dim IDLookup As IDLookupRec, Count%

' Default return value zero (Failed)
AddMachine& = 0

IDLookup.StrID$ = Machine$
IDLookup.StrName$ = MachineName$
Count% = FindMachineID%(db, "MachineIDs", IDLookup)
If Count% = 0 Then
IDLookup.ID& = GetUniqueID&()
If InsertMachineID&(db, "MachineIDs", IDLookup) = 1 Then AddMachine& = IDLookup.ID&
ElseIf Count% = 1 Then
AddMachine& = IDLookup.ID&
End If
End Function

Function AddMachineGroup&(db As Database, Group$, GroupName$)
Dim IDLookup As IDLookupRec, Count%

' Default return value zero (Failed)
AddMachineGroup& = 0

IDLookup.StrID$ = Group$
IDLookup.StrName$ = GroupName$
Count% = FindMachineGroupID%(db, "MachineGroupID", IDLookup)
If Count% = 0 Then
IDLookup.ID& = GetUniqueID&()
If InsertMachineGroupID&(db, "MachineGroupID", IDLookup) = 1 Then AddMachineGroup& = IDLookup.ID&
ElseIf Count% = 1 Then
AddMachineGroup& = IDLookup.ID&
End If
End Function

Function AddProperty&(db As Database, Property$, PropertyName$)
Dim IDLookup As IDLookupRec, Count%

' Default return value zero (Failed)
AddProperty& = 0

IDLookup.StrID$ = Property$
IDLookup.StrName$ = PropertyName$
Count% = FindPropertyID%(db, "PropertyIDs", IDLookup)
If Count% = 0 Then
IDLookup.ID& = GetUniqueID&()
If InsertPropertyID&(db, "PropertyIDs", IDLookup) = 1 Then AddProperty& = IDLookup.ID&
ElseIf Count% = 1 Then
AddProperty& = IDLookup.ID&
End If
End Function

Function FetchMachineGroups%(IDLookup As IDLookupRec, Flush%, DBError%)
' Fetches another Machine Group from the dyQueryMachineGroups dynaset
' IDLookup - Filled in with next machine name and ID.
' Flush% - Usually False. If True, the fetch is ended.
' DBError% - Returns True when DB error occures.
'Return Value:
' True if another record fetched, else False (no more)

DBError% = True
FetchMachineGroups% = False

If dyQueryMachineGroups.EOF Or Flush% Then
' Populate the site record from the dyQueryMachineGroups
' dynaset and find the next record
IDLookup.ID& = dyQueryMachineGroups("ID")
If IsNull(dyQueryMachineGroups("StrID")) Then
IDLookup.StrID$ = ""
Else: IDLookup.StrID$ = Trim$(dyQueryMachineGroups("StrID"))
End If
If IsNull(dyQueryMachineGroups("StrName")) Then
IDLookup.StrName$ = ""
Else: IDLookup.StrName$ = Trim$(dyQueryMachineGroups("StrName"))
End If

On Error Resume Next
If Err > 0 Then Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0

FetchMachineGroups% = True
End If

DBError% = False
End Function

Function FetchMachines%(IDLookup As IDLookupRec, Flush%, DBError%)
' Fetches another Machine from the dyQueryMachines dynaset
' IDLookup - Filled in with next machine name and ID.
' Flush% - Usually False. If True, the fetch is ended.
' DBError% - Returns True when DB error occures.
'Return Value:
' True if another record fetched, else False (no more)

DBError% = True
FetchMachines% = False

If dyQueryMachines.EOF Or Flush% Then
' Populate the site record from the dyQueryMachines
' dynaset and find the next record
IDLookup.ID& = dyQueryMachines("ID")
If IsNull(dyQueryMachines("StrID")) Then
IDLookup.StrID$ = ""
Else: IDLookup.StrID$ = Trim$(dyQueryMachines("StrID"))
End If
If IsNull(dyQueryMachines("StrName")) Then
IDLookup.StrName$ = ""
Else: IDLookup.StrName$ = Trim$(dyQueryMachines("StrName"))
End If

On Error Resume Next
If Err > 0 Then Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0

FetchMachines% = True
End If

DBError% = False
End Function

Function FindAttributeID%(db As Database, TableName$, IDLookup As IDLookupRec)
Dim qy As QueryDef, dyIDLookup As Recordset

'Set default return value -1 (Database error)
FindAttributeID% = -1

'Build query
Set qy = db.QueryDefs("FindAttributeID")
qy![INPUT StrID] = IDLookup.StrID$

'Perform query
On Error Resume Next
Set dyIDLookup = qy.OpenRecordset(dbOpenDynaset, dbReadOnly)
If Err > 0 Then Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0

' Populate the site record
If Not dyIDLookup.EOF Then
IDLookup.ID& = dyIDLookup("ID")
If IsNull(dyIDLookup("StrID")) Then
IDLookup.StrID$ = ""
Else: IDLookup.StrID$ = Trim$(dyIDLookup("StrID"))
End If
If IsNull(dyIDLookup("StrName")) Then
IDLookup.StrName$ = ""
Else: IDLookup.StrName$ = Trim$(dyIDLookup("StrName"))
End If
End If

' Return the record count
FindAttributeID% = dyIDLookup.RecordCount
End Function

Function FindMachineGroupID%(db As Database, TableName$, IDLookup As IDLookupRec)
Dim qy As QueryDef, dyIDLookup As Recordset

'Set default return value -1 (Database error)
FindMachineGroupID% = -1

'Build query
Set qy = db.QueryDefs("FindMachineGroupID")
qy![INPUT StrID] = IDLookup.StrID$

'Perform query
On Error Resume Next
Set dyIDLookup = qy.OpenRecordset(dbOpenDynaset, dbReadOnly)
If Err > 0 Then Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0

' Populate the site record
If Not dyIDLookup.EOF Then
IDLookup.ID& = dyIDLookup("ID")
If IsNull(dyIDLookup("StrID")) Then
IDLookup.StrID$ = ""
Else: IDLookup.StrID$ = Trim$(dyIDLookup("StrID"))
End If
If IsNull(dyIDLookup("StrName")) Then
IDLookup.StrName$ = ""
Else: IDLookup.StrName$ = Trim$(dyIDLookup("StrName"))
End If
End If

' Return the record count
FindMachineGroupID% = dyIDLookup.RecordCount
End Function

Function FindMachineID%(db As Database, TableName$, IDLookup As IDLookupRec)
Dim qy As QueryDef, dyIDLookup As Recordset

'Set default return value -1 (Database error)
FindMachineID% = -1

'Build query
Set qy = db.QueryDefs("FindMachineID")
qy![INPUT StrID] = IDLookup.StrID$

'Perform query
On Error Resume Next
Set dyIDLookup = qy.OpenRecordset(dbOpenDynaset, dbReadOnly)
If Err > 0 Then Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0

' Populate the site record
If Not dyIDLookup.EOF Then
IDLookup.ID& = dyIDLookup("ID")
If IsNull(dyIDLookup("StrID")) Then
IDLookup.StrID$ = ""
Else: IDLookup.StrID$ = Trim$(dyIDLookup("StrID"))
End If
If IsNull(dyIDLookup("StrName")) Then
IDLookup.StrName$ = ""
Else: IDLookup.StrName$ = Trim$(dyIDLookup("StrName"))
End If
End If

' Return the record count
FindMachineID% = dyIDLookup.RecordCount
End Function

Function FindPropertyID%(db As Database, TableName$, IDLookup As IDLookupRec)
Dim qy As QueryDef, dyIDLookup As Recordset

'Set default return value -1 (Database error)
FindPropertyID% = -1

'Build query
Set qy = db.QueryDefs("FindPropertyID")
qy![INPUT StrID] = IDLookup.StrID$

'Perform query
On Error Resume Next
Set dyIDLookup = qy.OpenRecordset(dbOpenDynaset, dbReadOnly)
If Err > 0 Then Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0

' Populate the site record
If Not dyIDLookup.EOF Then
IDLookup.ID& = dyIDLookup("ID")
If IsNull(dyIDLookup("StrID")) Then
IDLookup.StrID$ = ""
Else: IDLookup.StrID$ = Trim$(dyIDLookup("StrID"))
End If
If IsNull(dyIDLookup("StrName")) Then
IDLookup.StrName$ = ""
Else: IDLookup.StrName$ = Trim$(dyIDLookup("StrName"))
End If
End If

' Return the record count
FindPropertyID% = dyIDLookup.RecordCount
End Function

Function GetMachineGroup%(db As Database, IDLookup As IDLookupRec)
Dim Sql$
Dim dyIDLookup As Recordset

'Set default return value False (Database error)
GetMachineGroup% = False

Sql$ = "SELECT ID, StrID, StrName FROM [MachineGroupID]"

' If an error occurs exit the function
On Error Resume Next
Set dyIDLookup = db.OpenRecordset(Sql$, dbOpenDynaset)
If Err > 0 Then Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0

' Populate the site record
If Not dyIDLookup.EOF Then
IDLookup.ID& = dyIDLookup("ID")
If IsNull(dyIDLookup("StrID")) Then
IDLookup.StrID$ = ""
Else: IDLookup.StrID$ = Trim$(dyIDLookup("StrID"))
End If
If IsNull(dyIDLookup("StrName")) Then
IDLookup.StrName$ = ""
Else: IDLookup.StrName$ = Trim$(dyIDLookup("StrName"))
End If
End If

' Return the record count
GetMachineGroup% = True
End Function

Function GetUniqueID&()
Static UniqueID&

UniqueID& = UniqueID& + 1
GetUniqueID& = UniqueID&
End Function

Function InsertAttribute&(db As Database, Attrib As AttributeRec)
' Inserts the attribute record into the given data base
' db - The database used for the query
' Attrib - The attribute record
'Return Value:
' The number of records inserted

Dim qy As QueryDef

' Default return value False (Failed)
InsertAttribute& = -1

' Build the insert statement
Set qy = db.QueryDefs("InsertAttribute")
qy![INPUT MachineID] = Attrib.MachineID&
qy![INPUT PropertyID] = Attrib.PropertyID&
qy![INPUT PropertyNum] = Attrib.PropertyNum%
qy![INPUT AttributeID] = Attrib.AttributeID&
qy![INPUT Value] = Attrib.Value$

'Try to insert the record
On Error Resume Next
If Err > 0 Then Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0

'Return insert count
InsertAttribute& = 1
End Function

Function InsertAttributeID&(db As Database, TableName$, IDLookup As IDLookupRec)
Dim qy As QueryDef

' Default return value False (Failed)
InsertAttributeID& = -1

' Build the insert statement
Set qy = db.QueryDefs("InsertAttributeID")
qy![INPUT ID] = IDLookup.ID&
qy![INPUT StrID] = IDLookup.StrID$
qy![INPUT StrName] = IDLookup.StrName$

'Try to insert the record
On Error Resume Next
If Err > 0 Then Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0

'Return insert count
InsertAttributeID& = 1
End Function

Function InsertMachineGroupID&(db As Database, TableName$, IDLookup As IDLookupRec)
Dim qy As QueryDef

' Default return value False (Failed)
InsertMachineGroupID& = -1

' Build the insert statement
Set qy = db.QueryDefs("InsertMachineGroupID")
qy![INPUT ID] = IDLookup.ID&
qy![INPUT StrID] = IDLookup.StrID$
qy![INPUT StrName] = IDLookup.StrName$

'Try to insert the record
On Error Resume Next
If Err > 0 Then Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0

'Return insert count
InsertMachineGroupID& = 1
End Function

Function InsertMachineID&(db As Database, TableName$, IDLookup As IDLookupRec)
Dim qy As QueryDef

' Default return value False (Failed)
InsertMachineID& = -1

' Build the insert statement
Set qy = db.QueryDefs("InsertMachineID")
qy![INPUT ID] = IDLookup.ID&
qy![INPUT StrID] = IDLookup.StrID$
qy![INPUT StrName] = IDLookup.StrName$

'Try to insert the record
On Error Resume Next
If Err > 0 Then Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0

'Return insert count
InsertMachineID& = 1
End Function

Function InsertPropertyID&(db As Database, TableName$, IDLookup As IDLookupRec)
Dim qy As QueryDef

' Default return value False (Failed)
InsertPropertyID& = -1

' Build the insert statement
Set qy = db.QueryDefs("InsertPropertyID")
qy![INPUT ID] = IDLookup.ID&
qy![INPUT StrID] = IDLookup.StrID$
qy![INPUT StrName] = IDLookup.StrName$

'Try to insert the record
On Error Resume Next
If Err > 0 Then Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0

'Return insert count
InsertPropertyID& = 1
End Function

Function MakeNiceForCrystalReports$(ByVal s$)
Dim nPos%

If Len(s$) > 32 Then
'Maybe a path environment variable. Add spaces after semicolons
nPos% = InStr(s$, ";")
Do While nPos% > 0
s$ = left$(s$, nPos%) + " " + Mid$(s$, nPos% + 1)
nPos% = InStr(nPos% + 1, s$, ";")
End If
MakeNiceForCrystalReports$ = s$
End Function

Function NewMachineGrpDatabase%(db As Database, ErrStr$)
Dim td As TableDef, qy As QueryDef, fd As Field, ix As Index

'Default return value False (Failed)
NewMachineGrpDatabase% = False

On Error GoTo NewMachineGrpDatabaseErr

Set td = New TableDef
td.Name = "MachineGroupID"

Set fd = New Field
fd.Name = "ID"
fd.Type = DB_LONG
td.Fields.Append fd

Set fd = New Field
fd.Name = "StrID"
fd.Type = DB_TEXT
fd.Size = 255
fd.AllowZeroLength = True
td.Fields.Append fd

Set fd = New Field
fd.Name = "StrName"
fd.Type = DB_TEXT
fd.Size = 255
fd.AllowZeroLength = True
td.Fields.Append fd

Set ix = New Index
ix.Name = "Key"
ix.Primary = True
ix.Unique = True
ix.Fields = "ID"
td.Indexes.Append ix

db.TableDefs.Append td

Set td = New TableDef
td.Name = "MachineIDs"

Set fd = New Field
fd.Name = "ID"
fd.Type = DB_LONG
td.Fields.Append fd

Set fd = New Field
fd.Name = "StrID"
fd.Type = DB_TEXT
fd.Size = 255
fd.AllowZeroLength = True
td.Fields.Append fd

Set fd = New Field
fd.Name = "StrName"
fd.Type = DB_TEXT
fd.Size = 255
fd.AllowZeroLength = True
td.Fields.Append fd

Set ix = New Index
ix.Name = "Key"
ix.Primary = True
ix.Unique = True
ix.Fields = "ID"
td.Indexes.Append ix

db.TableDefs.Append td

Set td = New TableDef
td.Name = "PropertyIDs"

Set fd = New Field
fd.Name = "ID"
fd.Type = DB_LONG
td.Fields.Append fd

Set fd = New Field
fd.Name = "StrID"
fd.Type = DB_TEXT
fd.Size = 255
fd.AllowZeroLength = True
td.Fields.Append fd

Set fd = New Field
fd.Name = "StrName"
fd.Type = DB_TEXT
fd.Size = 255
fd.AllowZeroLength = True
td.Fields.Append fd

Set ix = New Index
ix.Name = "Key"
ix.Primary = True
ix.Unique = True
ix.Fields = "ID"
td.Indexes.Append ix

db.TableDefs.Append td

Set td = New TableDef
td.Name = "AttributeIDs"

Set fd = New Field
fd.Name = "ID"
fd.Type = DB_LONG
td.Fields.Append fd

Set fd = New Field
fd.Name = "StrID"
fd.Type = DB_TEXT
fd.Size = 255
fd.AllowZeroLength = True
td.Fields.Append fd

Set fd = New Field
fd.Name = "StrName"
fd.Type = DB_TEXT
fd.Size = 255
fd.AllowZeroLength = True
td.Fields.Append fd

Set ix = New Index
ix.Name = "Key"
ix.Primary = True
ix.Unique = True
ix.Fields = "ID"
td.Indexes.Append ix

db.TableDefs.Append td

Set td = New TableDef
td.Name = "Attributes"

Set fd = New Field
fd.Name = "MachineID"
fd.Type = DB_LONG
td.Fields.Append fd

Set fd = New Field
fd.Name = "PropertyID"
fd.Type = DB_LONG
td.Fields.Append fd

Set fd = New Field
fd.Name = "PropertyNum"
fd.Type = DB_INTEGER
td.Fields.Append fd

Set fd = New Field
fd.Name = "AttributeID"
fd.Type = DB_LONG
td.Fields.Append fd

Set fd = New Field
fd.Name = "Value"
fd.Type = DB_TEXT
fd.Size = 255
fd.AllowZeroLength = True
td.Fields.Append fd

Set ix = New Index
ix.Name = "SortKey"
ix.Primary = True
ix.Unique = True
ix.Fields = "MachineID;PropertyID;PropertyNum;AttributeID"
td.Indexes.Append ix

db.TableDefs.Append td

'Make QueryDefs for common insert queries and selects
Set qy = db.CreateQueryDef("InsertAttribute", "PARAMETERS [INPUT MachineID] Long, [INPUT PropertyID] Long, [INPUT PropertyNum] Short, [INPUT AttributeID] Long, [INPUT Value] Text; INSERT INTO [Attributes] (MachineID, PropertyID, PropertyNum, AttributeID, [Value]) SELECT [INPUT MachineID] As MachineID, [INPUT PropertyID] As PropertyID, [INPUT PropertyNum] As PropertyNum, [INPUT AttributeID] As AttributeID, '|[INPUT Value]|' As [Value]")

Set qy = db.CreateQueryDef("InsertMachineGroupID", "PARAMETERS [INPUT ID] Long, [INPUT StrID] Text, [INPUT StrName] Text; INSERT INTO MachineGroupID (ID, StrID, StrName) SELECT [INPUT ID] As ID, '|[INPUT StrID]|' As StrID, '|[INPUT StrName]|' As StrName")
Set qy = db.CreateQueryDef("InsertMachineID", "PARAMETERS [INPUT ID] Long, [INPUT StrID] Text, [INPUT StrName] Text; INSERT INTO MachineIDs (ID, StrID, StrName) SELECT [INPUT ID] As ID, '|[INPUT StrID]|' As StrID, '|[INPUT StrName]|' As StrName")
Set qy = db.CreateQueryDef("InsertPropertyID", "PARAMETERS [INPUT ID] Long, [INPUT StrID] Text, [INPUT StrName] Text; INSERT INTO PropertyIDs (ID, StrID, StrName) SELECT [INPUT ID] As ID, '|[INPUT StrID]|' As StrID, '|[INPUT StrName]|' As StrName")
Set qy = db.CreateQueryDef("InsertAttributeID", "PARAMETERS [INPUT ID] Long, [INPUT StrID] Text, [INPUT StrName] Text; INSERT INTO AttributeIDs (ID, StrID, StrName) SELECT [INPUT ID] As ID, '|[INPUT StrID]|' As StrID, '|[INPUT StrName]|' As StrName")

Set qy = db.CreateQueryDef("FindMachineGroupID", "PARAMETERS [INPUT StrID] Text; SELECT ID, StrID, StrName FROM MachineGroupID WHERE StrID = '|[INPUT StrID]|'")
Set qy = db.CreateQueryDef("FindMachineID", "PARAMETERS [INPUT StrID] Text; SELECT ID, StrID, StrName FROM MachineIDs WHERE StrID = '|[INPUT StrID]|'")
Set qy = db.CreateQueryDef("FindPropertyID", "PARAMETERS [INPUT StrID] Text; SELECT ID, StrID, StrName FROM PropertyIDs WHERE StrID = '|[INPUT StrID]|'")
Set qy = db.CreateQueryDef("FindAttributeID", "PARAMETERS [INPUT StrID] Text; SELECT ID, StrID, StrName FROM AttributeIDs WHERE StrID = '|[INPUT StrID]|'")

'Return success
NewMachineGrpDatabase% = True
Exit Function

ErrStr$ = Error$
Exit Function
End Function

Function NewMachineGrpReportWindow%(hConnect&, ByVal FileSpec$, ErrStr$)
Dim i%, Ret&, TempPath$, TempSpec$, frm As Form, MachineGroupID$
Dim db As Database, td As TableDef, fd As Field, ix As Index
Dim Resp%

'Default return value zero (Failed)
NewMachineGrpReportWindow% = 0

'Allocate space for returned string
TempSpec$ = String$(256, 0)

'Get a temp file name
TempPath$ = Environ$("TEMP")
Ret& = GetTempFileName(TempPath$, "MDB", 0, TempSpec$)
ErrStr$ = "Could not get a temporary file name for the new report."
If (Ret& = 0) Then Exit Function

'Clean up return string of null terminator
i% = InStr(TempSpec$, Chr$(0))
If i% = 0 Then i% = Len(TempSpec$) + 1
TempSpec$ = left$(TempSpec$, i% - 1)

'Create a temporary document file
On Error GoTo NewMachineGrpReportWindowErr
If FileSpec$ > "" Then
'File Open: so copy the file the user selected
ErrStr$ = "Could not create a temporary copy of " + FileSpec$ + ".+"
FileCopy FileSpec$, TempSpec$
Resp% = True
'File New: so create a new empty document HERE
ErrStr$ = "Could not create a temporary file for the new report."
Kill TempSpec$
Set db = CreateDatabase(TempSpec$, DB_LANG_GENERAL)
i% = NewMachineGrpDatabase%(db, ErrStr$)
If Not i% Then GoTo NewMachineGrpReportWindowErr

'Let the user pick the machine groups
Resp% = PickMachineGroups%(hConnect&, db, MachineGroupID$)
If Resp% Then
Resp% = PickProperties%(hConnect&, MachineGroupID$, InitMachineGroupIsFiltered%, InitMachineGroupProperties$(), InitMachineGroupPropertyCount%)
End If
End If
On Error GoTo 0

If Resp% Then
'Pass the new document the file name to use
InitMachineGroupID$ = MachineGroupID$
InitReporthConnect& = hConnect&
InitReportFileSpec$ = FileSpec$
InitReportTempSpec$ = TempSpec$
If InitReportFileSpec$ <= "" Then InitReportNewNumber% = InitReportNewNumber% + 1

'Create a new document window
On Error GoTo NewMachineGrpReportWindowErr
ErrStr$ = "Could not create site report document window."
Set frm = New frmMachineGrpReport
Load frm
On Error GoTo 0

'Register document window with MDI
i% = RegisterReportWindow%(frm, ErrStr$)
If i% <= 0 Then GoTo NewMachineGrpReportWindowErr

'Show the document window
NewMachineGrpReportWindow% = i%
'User canceled
Kill TempSpec$
NewMachineGrpReportWindow% = -1
End If

Exit Function

On Error Resume Next
If Not frm Is Nothing Then Unload frm
Kill TempSpec$
Exit Function
End Function

Function QueryMachineGroups%(db As Database, Attrib As AttributeRec)
' Queries the Attribute table for all machine groups and creates
' a dynaset (dyQueryMachineGroups) used by FetchMachineGroups()
' db - The database used for the query
' Attrib - Not used. All machine groups are fetched.
'Return Value:
' True if no error, else False

Dim Sql$, Where$

'Default return value False (Database Error)
QueryMachineGroups% = False

' Build the SQL statement
Sql$ = "SELECT DISTINCT ID, StrID, StrName FROM MachineGroupIDs, Attributes"

'Build the Where clause
Where$ = " WHERE MachineGroupID = ID"

'Append the where clause onto query string
Sql$ = Sql$ + Where$

'Perform the query
On Error Resume Next
Set dyQueryMachineGroups = db.OpenRecordset(Sql$, dbOpenDynaset)
If Err > 0 Then Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0

'Every thing is ok
QueryMachineGroups% = True
End Function

Function QueryMachines%(db As Database, Attrib As AttributeRec)
' Queries the Attribute table and creates
' a dynaset (dyQueryMachines) used by FetchMachines()
' db - The database used for the query
' Attrib - The machines to fetch are indicated by the following fields
' MachineGroupID& - Specifies the Machine Group
'Return Value:
' True if no error, else False

Dim Sql$, Where$

'Default return value False (Database Error)
QueryMachines% = False

' Build the SQL statement
Sql$ = "SELECT DISTINCT ID, StrID, StrName FROM MachineIDs, Attributes"

'Build the Where clause
Where$ = " WHERE MachineID = ID"

'Append the where clause onto query string
Sql$ = Sql$ + Where$

'Perform the query
On Error Resume Next
Set dyQueryMachines = db.OpenRecordset(Sql$, dbOpenDynaset)
If Err > 0 Then Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0

'Every thing is ok
QueryMachines% = True
End Function