Option Explicit 

'// Copyright (c) 1995, Microsoft Corporation
'// History:
'// Gary Fuehrer, SEA 5/9/95 Created.

'Global variables (For PICKMACH.FRM use ONLY!)
Global PickMachineGroupsUserCanceled%
Global PickMachineGroupshConnect&
Global PickMachineGroupsDB As Database

'Global variables (For use by PICKMACH.FRM ONLY!)
Global MachineGroupPicked$

Function PickMachineGroups% (hConnect&, db As Database, MachineGroupID$)
'Pass parameters to form module
PickMachineGroupshConnect& = hConnect&
Set PickMachineGroupsDB = db
MachineGroupPicked$ = ""

'Show dialog
frmPickMachineGroups.Show Modal

'Don't leave behind any references to data base object
Set PickMachineGroupsDB = Nothing

'Return user response to dialog
If Not PickMachineGroupsUserCanceled% Then MachineGroupID$ = MachineGroupPicked$
PickMachineGroups% = Not PickMachineGroupsUserCanceled%
End Function