Attribute VB_Name = "SITEHIER"
Option Explicit
'// Copyright (c) 1995, Microsoft Corporation
'// History:
'// Gary Fuehrer, SEA 5/9/95 Created.
'These need to be the same as outline control picture types
' (see SITEHIER.FRM in global declarations section)
Type SiteRec
ItemNum As Long
Parent As String
Code As String
Type As Integer
TypeName As String
Depth As Integer
Name As String
End Type
'For use by QuerySite%() and FetchSite%() ONLY
Dim dyQuerySite As Recordset
Function FetchSite%(Site As SiteRec, Flush%, DBError%)
' Fetches another site record from the dyQuerySite dynaset
' Site - Filled in with next site record.
' Flush% - Usually False. If True, the fetch is ended.
' DBError% - Returns True when DB error occures.
'Return Value:
' True if another record fetched, else False (no more)
DBError% = True
FetchSite% = False
If dyQuerySite.EOF Or Flush% Then
' Populate the site record from the dyQuerySite
' dynaset and find the next record
Site.ItemNum& = dyQuerySite("ItemNum")
If IsNull(dyQuerySite("Parent")) Then
Site.Parent$ = ""
Else: Site.Parent$ = Trim$(dyQuerySite("Parent"))
End If
If IsNull(dyQuerySite("Code")) Then
Site.Code$ = ""
Else: Site.Code$ = Trim$(dyQuerySite("Code"))
End If
Site.Type% = dyQuerySite("Type")
Site.TypeName$ = Trim$(dyQuerySite("TypeName"))
Site.Depth% = dyQuerySite("Depth")
Site.Name$ = Trim$(dyQuerySite("Name"))
On Error Resume Next
If Err > 0 Then Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0
FetchSite% = True
End If
DBError% = False
End Function
Function FindSite%(db As Database, Site As SiteRec)
' Finds a specific site given the ItemNum
' db - The database variable
' Site - The following members are used to identify the site
' ItemNum&
'Return Value:
' Count of number of records found
' Site - Filled with one of those found
Dim Sql$
Dim dySite As Recordset
'Set default return value -1 (Database error)
FindSite% = -1
Sql$ = "SELECT ItemNum, Parent, Code, Type, TypeName, Depth, Name FROM [Site Hierarchy]"
Sql$ = Sql$ + " WHERE ItemNum = " + CStr(Site.ItemNum&)
' If an error occurs exit the function
On Error Resume Next
Set dySite = db.OpenRecordset(Sql$, dbOpenDynaset)
If Err > 0 Then Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0
' Populate the site record
If Not dySite.EOF Then
Site.ItemNum& = dySite("ItemNum")
If IsNull(dySite("Parent")) Then
Site.Parent$ = ""
Else: Site.Parent$ = Trim$(dySite("Parent"))
End If
If IsNull(dySite("Code")) Then
Site.Code$ = ""
Else: Site.Code$ = Trim$(dySite("Code"))
End If
Site.Type% = dySite("Type")
Site.TypeName$ = Trim$(dySite("TypeName"))
Site.Depth% = dySite("Depth")
Site.Name$ = Trim$(dySite("Name"))
End If
' Return the record count
FindSite% = dySite.RecordCount
End Function
Function InsertSite&(db As Database, Site As SiteRec)
' Inserts the Site record into the given data base
' db - The database used for the query
' Site - The Site record
'Return Value:
' The number of records inserted
Dim qy As QueryDef
' Default return value False (Failed)
InsertSite& = -1
' Build the insert statement
Set qy = db.QueryDefs("InsertSite")
qy![INPUT ItemNum] = Site.ItemNum&
qy![INPUT Parent] = Site.Parent$
qy![INPUT Code] = Site.Code$
qy![INPUT Type] = Site.Type%
qy![INPUT TypeName] = Site.TypeName$
qy![INPUT Depth] = Site.Depth%
qy![INPUT Name] = Site.Name$
'Try to insert the record
On Error Resume Next
If Err > 0 Then Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0
'Return insert count
InsertSite& = 1
End Function
Function NewSiteHierarchyDatabase%(db As Database, ErrStr$)
Dim td As TableDef, qy As QueryDef, fd As Field, ix As Index
'Default return value False (Failed)
NewSiteHierarchyDatabase% = False
On Error GoTo NewMachineDatabaseErr
Set td = New TableDef
td.Name = "Site Hierarchy"
Set fd = New Field
fd.Name = "ItemNum"
fd.Type = DB_LONG
td.Fields.Append fd
Set fd = New Field
fd.Name = "Parent"
fd.Type = DB_TEXT
fd.Size = 4
fd.AllowZeroLength = True
td.Fields.Append fd
Set fd = New Field
fd.Name = "Code"
fd.Type = DB_TEXT
fd.Size = 4
fd.AllowZeroLength = True
td.Fields.Append fd
Set fd = New Field
fd.Name = "Type"
fd.Type = DB_INTEGER
td.Fields.Append fd
Set fd = New Field
fd.Name = "TypeName"
fd.Type = DB_TEXT
fd.Size = 16
fd.AllowZeroLength = True
td.Fields.Append fd
Set fd = New Field
fd.Name = "Depth"
fd.Type = DB_INTEGER
td.Fields.Append fd
Set fd = New Field
fd.Name = "Name"
fd.Type = DB_TEXT
fd.Size = 255
fd.AllowZeroLength = True
td.Fields.Append fd
Set ix = New Index
ix.Name = "SortKey"
ix.Primary = True
ix.Unique = True
ix.Fields = "ItemNum"
td.Indexes.Append ix
db.TableDefs.Append td
'Make QueryDefs for common insert queries and selects
Set qy = db.CreateQueryDef("InsertSite", "PARAMETERS [INPUT ItemNum] Long, [INPUT Parent] Text, [INPUT Code] Text, [INPUT Type] Short, [INPUT TypeName] Text, [INPUT Depth] Short, [INPUT Name] Text; INSERT INTO [Site Hierarchy] (ItemNum, Parent, Code, Type, TypeName, Depth, Name) SELECT [INPUT ItemNum] As ItemNum, '|[INPUT Parent]|' As Parent, '|[INPUT Code]|' As Code, [INPUT Type] As Type, '|[INPUT TypeName]|' As TypeName, [INPUT Depth] As Depth, '|[INPUT Name]|' As Name")
'Return success
NewSiteHierarchyDatabase% = True
Exit Function
ErrStr$ = Error$
Exit Function
End Function
Function NewSiteHierarchyReportWindow%(hConnect&, ByVal FileSpec$, ErrStr$)
Dim i%, Ret&, TempPath$, TempSpec$, frm As Form
Dim db As Database, td As TableDef, fd As Field, ix As Index
'Default return value zero (Failed)
NewSiteHierarchyReportWindow% = 0
'Allocate space for returned string
TempSpec$ = String$(256, 0)
'Get a temp file name
TempPath$ = Environ$("TEMP")
Ret& = GetTempFileName(TempPath$, "MDB", 0, TempSpec$)
ErrStr$ = "Could not get a temporary file name for the new report."
If (Ret& = 0) Then Exit Function
'Clean up return string of null terminator
i% = InStr(TempSpec$, Chr$(0))
If i% = 0 Then i% = Len(TempSpec$) + 1
TempSpec$ = left$(TempSpec$, i% - 1)
'Create a temporary document file
On Error GoTo NewSiteHierarchyReportWindowErr
If FileSpec$ > "" Then
'File Open: so copy the file the user selected
ErrStr$ = "Could not create a temporary copy of " + FileSpec$ + ".+"
FileCopy FileSpec$, TempSpec$
'File New: so create a new empty document
ErrStr$ = "Could not create a temporary file for the new report."
Kill TempSpec$
Set db = CreateDatabase(TempSpec$, DB_LANG_GENERAL)
i% = NewSiteHierarchyDatabase%(db, ErrStr$)
If Not i% Then GoTo NewSiteHierarchyReportWindowErr
End If
On Error GoTo 0
'Pass the new document the file name to use
InitReporthConnect& = hConnect&
InitReportFileSpec$ = FileSpec$
InitReportTempSpec$ = TempSpec$
If InitReportFileSpec$ <= "" Then InitReportNewNumber% = InitReportNewNumber% + 1
'Create a new document window
On Error GoTo NewSiteHierarchyReportWindowErr
ErrStr$ = "Could not create site report document window."
Set frm = New frmSiteHierarchyReport
Load frm
On Error GoTo 0
'Register document window with MDI
i% = RegisterReportWindow%(frm, ErrStr$)
If i% <= 0 Then GoTo NewSiteHierarchyReportWindowErr
'Show the document window
NewSiteHierarchyReportWindow% = i%
Exit Function
On Error Resume Next
If Not frm Is Nothing Then Unload frm
If Not db Is Nothing Then db.Close
Kill TempSpec$
Exit Function
End Function
Function QuerySite%(db As Database, Site As SiteRec)
' Queries the Site Hierarchy table and creates
' a dynaset (dyQuerySite) used by FetchSite()
' ordered by path
' db - The database used for the query
' Site - The following are used in the where clause
' .Parent$ - Specifies the parent site code
' .Code$ - Specifies the item (wildcard if enpty)
'Return Value:
' True if no error, else False
Dim Sql$, Where$
'Default return value False (Database Error)
QuerySite% = False
' Build the SQL statement
Sql$ = "SELECT ItemNum, Parent, Code, Type, TypeName, Depth, Name FROM [Site Hierarchy]"
'Build the Where clause
Where$ = ""
'Specify the parent
If Site.Parent$ > "" Then
Where$ = " WHERE Parent = '" + Site.Parent$ + "'"
Else: Where$ = " WHERE Depth = 0"
End If
'Optionally specify the item (Site or Domain)
If Site.Code$ > "" Then
If Where$ > "" Then
Where$ = Where$ + " AND "
Else: Where$ = " WHERE "
End If
Where$ = Where$ + "Code = '" + Site.Code$ + "'"
End If
'Append the where clause onto query string
Sql$ = Sql$ + Where$
'Perform the query
On Error Resume Next
Set dyQuerySite = db.OpenRecordset(Sql$, dbOpenDynaset)
If Err > 0 Then Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0
'Every thing is ok
QuerySite% = True
End Function