// ************************************************************************
// Microsoft Developer Support
// Copyright 1992 - 1998 Microsoft Corporation
// ************************************************************************
// HEADER : LinkList.H - Ordered Double Linked List Package
// PURPOSE : Provide a general, sorted, double linked list package
// CreateList - allocate memory for a new list, registers the
// ordering function
// CreateNode - allocate memory fpr a new node that can be put
// into the linked list
// InsertNode - insert a new node into the list
// SetCurrentNode - finds the 1st occurence of a node that matches
// a key(s) according to the match function
// and sets it as the current node
// SetCurrentNodeEx - finds the Nth occurence of a node that matches
// a key(s) according to the match function
// and sets it as the current node
// GetCurrentNode - get the current node
// GetFirstNode - get the first (left-most) node in the list
// GetLastNode - get the last (right-most) node in the list
// GetNextNode - get the next (right) node from the current
// GetPrevNode - get the previous (left) node from the current
// DeleteCurrentNode - deletes the current node from the list and
// frees the memory associated with it
// DestroyNode - deallocates the memory associated with a node
// DestroyList - deallocates the memory associated with a list,
// does not delete any of the nodes
// GetListError - gets the current list error
// COMMENTS : The application must serialize access to the linked list
// Format of the Ordering and Matching functions is as follows:
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// int OrderFunc( PNODE pNodeOne, PNODE pNodeTwo )
// {
// if( (pNodeOne->pNodeData).SortKey < (pNodeTwo->pNodeData).SortKey )
// return( LIST_LEFT_OF );
// if( (pNodeOne->pNodeData).SortKey > (pNodeTwo->pNodeData).SortKey )
// return( LIST_RIGHT_OF );
// return( LIST_MATCH );
// }
// ************************************************************************
#ifndef LINKLIST_H
#define LINKLIST_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { /* Assume C declarations for C++ */
#endif /* __cplusplus */
// public typedefs and defines
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#define LIST_NO_ERROR 1
#define LIST_LEFT_OF -1
#define LIST_MATCH 0
#define LIST_RIGHT_OF 1
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
typedef int BOOL;
typedef void* PVOID;
//-- definition of a node
typedef struct NODE_STRUCT* PNODE;
typedef struct NODE_STRUCT {
PVOID pNodeData;
PNODE pLeftLink;
PNODE pRightLink;
//-- definition of a list
typedef struct LIST_STRUCT* PLIST;
typedef struct LIST_STRUCT {
PVOID pListData;
PNODE pFirstNode;
PNODE pCurrentNode;
PNODE pLastNode;
int (*OrderFunction)(PNODE, PNODE);
int ListError;
// public function prototypes
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL CreateList( PLIST* ppList, int (*OrderFunction)( PNODE pNodeOne, PNODE pNodeTwo ) );
BOOL CreateNode( PNODE* ppNewNode );
BOOL InsertNode( PLIST pList, PNODE pNewNode );
BOOL SetCurrentNode( PLIST pList, PNODE pKeyNode, int (*MatchFunction)( PNODE pNodeOne, PNODE pNodeTwo ) );
BOOL SetCurrentNodeEx( PLIST pList, PNODE pKeyNode, int (*MatchFunction)( PNODE pNodeOne, PNODE pNodeTwo ), int Occurence );
BOOL GetCurrentNode( PLIST pList, PNODE* ppNode );
BOOL GetFirstNode( PLIST pList, PNODE* ppNode );
BOOL GetLastNode( PLIST pList, PNODE* ppNode );
BOOL GetNextNode( PLIST pList, PNODE* ppNode );
BOOL GetPrevNode( PLIST pList, PNODE* ppNode );
BOOL DeleteCurrentNode( PLIST pList );
BOOL DestroyNode( PNODE pNode );
BOOL DestroyList( PLIST pList );
int GetListError( PLIST pList );
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif // LINKLIST_H