* This is a part of the Microsoft Source Code Samples.
* Copyright 1993 - 1998 Microsoft Corporation.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is only intended as a supplement to
* Microsoft Development Tools and/or WinHelp documentation.
* See these sources for detailed information regarding the
* Microsoft samples programs.

* PURPOSE: Directory Listbox expansion/collapse functions
#define STRICT
#include <windows.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "globals.h"
#include "filer.h"
#include "drvproc.h"
#include "expdir.h"

extern HANDLE ghModule;

* ExpDir()
* Thread Function
* Called when directory is selected (Enter or Double-click). Expands subdirs
* of selected directory if not expanded, indenting subdirs with a '|'. If
* already expaneded, deleteds all subdirs from listbox
* Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE if error.
* History:
* 5/11/93
* Created.
HANDLE hFile = NULL; // Find file handle
WIN32_FIND_DATA FileData; // Find file info structure

TCHAR szFileName[DIRECTORY_STRING_SIZE << 1]; // file name buffer
PTCHAR lpszHold; // Points to actual name in LB string

BOOL fDone = FALSE; // Loop flag for finding files in dir

DWORD dwAttrib; // Holds file attribute flags

LONG lIndex, // Index of selected listbox member

if( WaitForSingleObject( lpCInfo->hDirMutex, MUTEX_TIMEOUT)
ErrorMsg(TEXT("ExpDir: Dir LB Mutex Timeout."));

// If the LB is empty, we insert the root, unexpanded
if( !SendMessage( lpCInfo->hDirLB, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0) ){


szHold[0] = TEXT('+');
lstrcpy( &(szHold[1]), lpCInfo->lpDriveInfo->DriveName );

// Also copy the DriveName to the Caption Bar.
lstrcpy(lpCInfo->CaptionBarText, lpCInfo->lpDriveInfo->DriveName );

SendMessage(lpCInfo->hDirLB, LB_ADDSTRING, 0,
(LPARAM)szHold );

ReleaseMutex( lpCInfo->hDirMutex );

// Retrieve index of selected (careted) directory.
lIndex = SendMessage( lpCInfo->hDirLB, LB_GETCARETINDEX,

if( SendMessage( lpCInfo->hDirLB, LB_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)lIndex,
(LPARAM)szFileName ) < 0 ){
ErrorMsg(TEXT("Expand Directory: Get listbox text failure"));
ExpDirExit(lpCInfo, hFile);

lDirDepth = GetDirDepth( szFileName, &lpszHold );

if( lDirDepth == -1 ){
ErrorMsg(TEXT(" Expand Directory: GetDirDepth failure"));
ExpDirExit(lpCInfo, hFile);

// If Directory is already expanded, collapse it, and vice versa.
// First, change the symbol.
if( *lpszHold == TEXT('-'))
*lpszHold = TEXT('+');
*lpszHold = TEXT('-');

// Clear WM_SETREDRAW flag, so changes will not be seen until entire
// expansion/collapse is complete. Reset flag at end of function
if( SendMessage(lpCInfo->hDirLB, WM_SETREDRAW, (WPARAM)FALSE,
(LPARAM)0 ) < 0){
ErrorMsg(TEXT("Expand Directory: Clear redraw flag failure"));
ExpDirExit(lpCInfo, hFile);

// Delete old dir string, insert new, and reset the selection
if( SendMessage(lpCInfo->hDirLB, LB_DELETESTRING, (WPARAM)lIndex,
(LPARAM)0 ) < 0){
ErrorMsg(TEXT("Expand Directory: Delete dir string failure"));
ExpDirExit(lpCInfo, hFile);
if( SendMessage(lpCInfo->hDirLB, LB_INSERTSTRING, (WPARAM)lIndex,
(LPARAM)szFileName ) < 0){
ErrorMsg(TEXT("Expand Directory: Insert dir string failure"));
ExpDirExit(lpCInfo, hFile);
if( SendMessage(lpCInfo->hDirLB, LB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)lIndex,
(LPARAM)0 ) < 0){
ErrorMsg(TEXT("Expand Directory: Insert dir string failure"));
ExpDirExit(lpCInfo, hFile);

// The symbol has been changed, now collapse if needed, then reset
// redraw flag, leave critical section, and exit.
if( *lpszHold == TEXT('+') ){
CollapseDir( lpCInfo, lIndex, lDirDepth);
ExpDirExit(lpCInfo, hFile);

// If we're here, directory needs to be expanded.
// Enumerate subdirectories beneath the dir entry in the listbox.
// First, Get the full path of the directory (in szFileName)
if( !ConstructDirName(lpCInfo, lIndex, szFileName) ){
ErrorMsg(TEXT("Expand Directory: ConstructDirName failure"));
ExpDirExit(lpCInfo, hFile);

// Check to see if there is a terminating backslash
// Then append a '*' as a wildcard for FindFirstFile.
lpszHold = TStrChr(szFileName, TEXT('\0'));

if( *lpszHold != TEXT('\\') ){
*lpszHold = TEXT('\\');

lstrcpy( lpszHold, TEXT("*"));

// Start a search on all the files within the directory
hFile = FindFirstFile( szFileName, &FileData );
ErrorMsg(TEXT("Expand Directory: FindFirstFile failure."));
ExpDirExit(lpCInfo, hFile);

// Walk all the files in the directory.
while( !fDone ){

// Check to see if the thread has been requested to kill itself.
// This code does not clear the suicide flag for synchronization
// reasons - it is left to the calling code.
if( lpCInfo->fSuicide ){
ErrorMsg(TEXT("Expand Directory: killing thread per request."));
ExpDirExit(lpCInfo, hFile);

// Post an MM_REFRESH Message if the user has re-collapsed the
// Dir LB.
if( !lpCInfo->fDirExpand )
if( !PostMessage(lpCInfo->hwnd, WM_COMMAND, MM_REFRESH,
(LPARAM)0) )
ErrorMsg(TEXT("ExpDir: MM_REFRESH call failure."));

// We must return failure (0) here, so if FullExpand is calling,
// it will terminate.

// Append filename to path, and get attributes
lstrcpy(lpszHold, FileData.cFileName);
dwAttrib = GetFileAttributes( szFileName );

// Check if file is a directory. If not, or if '.' or '..', fall
// through. If so, add it to the directory listbox.
if( lstrcmp( FileData.cFileName,TEXT(".") ) )
if( lstrcmp( FileData.cFileName,TEXT("..") ) ){

ConstructLBEntry(lDirDepth, FileData.cFileName, szLBEntry);
// Increment index in order to add subdir after
// dirs just inserted.
if( SendMessage(lpCInfo->hDirLB, LB_INSERTSTRING,
(LPARAM)szLBEntry) < 0){
ErrorMsg(TEXT("Expand Directory: error inserting string."));
ExpDirExit(lpCInfo, hFile);

fDone = !FindNextFile( hFile, &FileData );

ExpDirExit(lpCInfo, hFile);

* ExpDirExit()
* Performs clean-up operations for ExpDir, closing handles, etc.
* History:
* 5/28/93
* Created.
void ExpDirExit(LPCINFO lpCInfo, HANDLE hFile)

// Reset redraw flag. Post this message, to avoid synchro problems
if( PostMessage(lpCInfo->hDirLB, WM_SETREDRAW, (WPARAM)TRUE,
(LPARAM)0 ) < 0)
ErrorMsg(TEXT("Expand Directory: Clear redraw flag failure"));

// Close FindFirstFile session
if( hFile != NULL )

// Release Dir LB Mutex
ReleaseMutex( lpCInfo->hDirMutex);

* ConstructDirName()
* Builds the fully qualified path of the current directory, by walking back
* through the Dir LB tree.
* Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE if error.
* Returns the full directory path of given directory name in
* lpszDirName.
* History:
* 5/11/93
* Created.
BOOL ConstructDirName(LPCINFO lpCInfo, LONG lIndex, LPTSTR lpszDirName)
LONG lDirDepth, // Depth of selected directory
lSeekDepth = LONG_MAX;

TCHAR szFileName[DIRECTORY_STRING_SIZE << 1]; // file buffer
LPTSTR lpszInfoPtr,

// Clear the directory name buffer
*lpszDirName = TEXT('\0');

// Walk up the entries in the listbox, constructing the full path from
// the bottom up.
while( lIndex >= 0 ){

// Get listbox text, and compute the depth of the directory
if( SendMessage( lpCInfo->hDirLB, LB_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)lIndex,
(LPARAM)szFileName ) < 0 ){
ErrorMsg(TEXT(" Expand Directory: Get listbox text failure"));

lDirDepth = GetDirDepth(szFileName, &lpszInfoPtr);
if( lDirDepth == -1){
ErrorMsg(TEXT("ConstructDirName: GetDirDepth failed"));

// If we've reached the next level up, add to the directory name
if( lDirDepth < lSeekDepth ){
lSeekDepth = lDirDepth;

// check if we will exceed the size of our buffer
if( lstrlen(lpszInfoPtr) + lstrlen(lpszDirName) >
ErrorMsg(TEXT("ConstructDirName: Exceeded Directory Size limit"));

// Find the end of the directory name
lpszHold = TStrChr(lpszInfoPtr, TEXT('\0'));

// If we're not at the root, add a '\'
if( lIndex && (*lpszDirName != TEXT('\0')) )
*lpszHold++ = TEXT('\\');

// Append the heretofore computed path to the end of the dir name
lstrcpy( lpszHold, lpszDirName);
// Copy the whole path so far back into the final buffer
lstrcpy( lpszDirName, ++lpszInfoPtr);

// If the first level dir has been added, jump to the root,
// else go up to the previous entry in the listbox.
if( lDirDepth == 1 )
lIndex = 0;


* GetDirDepth()
* Returns: -1 if error
* otherwise, the depth of the directory (i.e. root is depth 0,
* c:\foo is depth 1, etc. This is computed in perhaps not the
* most efficient way, by counting the '|'s proceeding the name.
* This function also returns in lpszDirName a pointer to the
* end of the preceeding '|' characters within the given listbox str.
* If the function fails, this pointer value is undefined.
* The left shifted index is to skip the tab characters. See ConstructLBEntry().
* History:
* 5/7/93
* Created.
LONG GetDirDepth(LPTSTR lpszLBString, LPTSTR *lpszDirName)
LONG lCount = 0;


cBar = lpszLBString[lCount << 1];

if( cBar == TEXT('|') )
if( cBar != TEXT('+') && cBar != TEXT('-') ){
ErrorMsg(TEXT("GetDirDepth: string parse error"));

}while( cBar != TEXT('+') && cBar != TEXT('-') );

*lpszDirName = &(lpszLBString[lCount << 1]);

return( lCount );

* CollapseDir()
* If directory is expanded, collapses it, by deleteing any subdirectory
* entries below it.
* Returns: TRUE if successful, FALSE if error
* History:
* 5/11/93
* Created.
BOOL CollapseDir(LPCINFO lpCInfo, LONG lIndex, LONG lDirDepth)
TCHAR szFileName[DIRECTORY_STRING_SIZE << 1]; // file name buffer
LPTSTR lpszNamePtr;

LONG lDepthHold;

// Remove any following LB entries until we return to same depth

if( SendMessage( lpCInfo->hDirLB, LB_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)lIndex + 1,
(LPARAM)szFileName ) < 0 ){
ErrorMsg(TEXT(" Expand Directory: Get listbox text failure"));

lDepthHold = GetDirDepth( szFileName, &lpszNamePtr);
if( lDirDepth == -1 ){
ErrorMsg(TEXT(" Expand Directory: GetDirDepth failure"));

if( lDirDepth < lDepthHold )
if( SendMessage( lpCInfo->hDirLB, LB_DELETESTRING, (WPARAM)lIndex + 1,
(LPARAM)0 ) < 0 ){
ErrorMsg(TEXT(" Expand Directory: Delete String failure"));

}while( lDirDepth < lDepthHold );


* ConstructLBEntry()
* Given the parent's directory depth, and the subdirectory name, inserts
* '|'s equal to the depth+1 of the parent (plus tab character), and an
* unexpanded '+' directory marker, then the name of the subdirectory.
* The left shifted index is to skip the tab characters.
* Returns: void. the completed listbox entry is returned in szLBEntry.
* History:
* 5/14/93
* Created.
void ConstructLBEntry(LONG lDirDepth, LPTSTR szFileName, LPTSTR szLBEntry)
int i;

for(i = 0; i <= lDirDepth; i++){
szLBEntry[i << 1] = TEXT('|');
szLBEntry[(i << 1) + 1] = 9;

szLBEntry[i << 1] = TEXT('+');
szLBEntry[(i << 1) + 1] = TEXT('\0');

lstrcat(szLBEntry, szFileName);

* FullExpand()
* From the unexpanded root, walks down directory LB, expanding each directory
* until it reaches the end of the tree.
* Returns: void
* History:
* 5/20/93
* Created.
BOOL FullExpand(LPCINFO lpCInfo)
LONG lIndex = 0;

if( WaitForSingleObject( lpCInfo->hDirMutex, MUTEX_TIMEOUT)
ErrorMsg(TEXT("FullExpand: Dir LB Mutex Timeout."));

while( SendMessage(lpCInfo->hDirLB, LB_SETCURSEL,
(LPARAM)0) != LB_ERR ){
if( !ExpDir( lpCInfo ) ){
ErrorMsg(TEXT("Full Expand: ExpDir failure."));
ReleaseMutex( lpCInfo->hDirMutex );

// This is in case the ExpDir failed because a change drive
// command caused a kill.
if( !PostMessage(lpCInfo->hwnd, WM_COMMAND, MM_REFRESH,
(LPARAM)0) )
ErrorMsg(TEXT("ExpDir: MM_REFRESH call failure."));


// Set selection in listboxes to first item.
if( SendMessage(lpCInfo->hDirLB, LB_SETCURSEL,
(LPARAM)0) == LB_ERR ){
ErrorMsg(TEXT("Full Expand: Dir LB Set Selection Error"));
ReleaseMutex( lpCInfo->hDirMutex );

ReleaseMutex( lpCInfo->hDirMutex );