* This is a part of the Microsoft Source Code Samples.
* Copyright 1993 - 1998 Microsoft Corporation.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is only intended as a supplement to
* Microsoft Development Tools and/or WinHelp documentation.
* See these sources for detailed information regarding the
* Microsoft samples programs.

/* Typedefs and Structures */

/* Don't change without updating GETTIME.ASM. */
typedef struct tagTIME
INT hour; /* 0 - 11 hours for analog clock */
INT hour12; /* 12 hour format */
INT hour24; /* 24 hour format */
INT minute;
INT second;
INT ampm; /* 0 - AM , 1 - PM */

typedef struct
SHORT sin;
SHORT cos;

TRIG CirTab[] = { // circle sin, cos, table
{ 0, -7999 },
{ 836, -7956 },
{ 1663, -7825 },
{ 2472, -7608 },
{ 3253, -7308 },
{ 3999, -6928 },
{ 4702, -6472 },
{ 5353, -5945 },
{ 5945, -5353 },
{ 6472, -4702 },
{ 6928, -4000 },
{ 7308, -3253 },
{ 7608, -2472 },
{ 7825, -1663 },
{ 7956, -836 },

{ 8000, 0 },
{ 7956, 836 },
{ 7825, 1663 },
{ 7608, 2472 },
{ 7308, 3253 },
{ 6928, 4000 },
{ 6472, 4702 },
{ 5945, 5353 },
{ 5353, 5945 },
{ 4702, 6472 },
{ 3999, 6928 },
{ 3253, 7308 },
{ 2472, 7608 },
{ 1663, 7825 },
{ 836, 7956 },

{ 0, 7999 },
{ -836, 7956 },
{ -1663, 7825 },
{ -2472, 7608 },
{ -3253, 7308 },
{ -4000, 6928 },
{ -4702, 6472 },
{ -5353, 5945 },
{ -5945, 5353 },
{ -6472, 4702 },
{ -6928, 3999 },
{ -7308, 3253 },
{ -7608, 2472 },
{ -7825, 1663 },
{ -7956, 836 },

{ -7999, -0 },
{ -7956, -836 },
{ -7825, -1663 },
{ -7608, -2472 },
{ -7308, -3253 },
{ -6928, -4000 },
{ -6472, -4702 },
{ -5945, -5353 },
{ -5353, -5945 },
{ -4702, -6472 },
{ -3999, -6928 },
{ -3253, -7308 },
{ -2472, -7608 },
{ -1663, -7825 },
{ -836 , -7956 }

typedef struct tagCLOCKDISPSTRUCT
/* Clock display format for main window/icon outut */
/* either IDM_ANALOG, or IDM_DIGITAL */
WORD wFormat;

/* Various boolean settings for the clock style
* and current settings */
BOOL bMinimized;
BOOL bMaximized;
BOOL bTopMost;
BOOL bNoTitle;
BOOL bTmpHide;
BOOL bIconic;
BOOL bColor;
BOOL bNewFont;

/* X and Y offset within client area of window
* or icon where digital clock will be displayed */
POINT line1;

/* Y offset within icon area to second line where
* minute will be displayed */
INT yline2;

/* length of the digital clock readout string,
* required by the text out function.
* if the time format is 24 hour, this value is
* set so that the AM/PM indicator is not output */
WORD wDigTimeLen;

/* buffer to store digital time in. the hour/minute/ampm
* sections of this buffer are only modified if they
* change from the previous call. */
CHAR szDigTime[20];

/* buffer to hold the win.ini international indicators
* for 1159, and 2359 AM/PM 12 hour time format.
* szAMPM[0] holds AM, szAMPM[1] holds PM indicator */
CHAR szAMPM[2][7];

/* intl time format (like DOS) 0 - 12 hour, 1 - 24 hour */
WORD wTimeFormat;

/* intl time seperator character */
CHAR cTimeSep;

/* Function Templates */

void NEAR GetTime(TIME *);
void NEAR ConvTime(TIME *);


/* Constants */

#define IDD_ABOUT 400

/* Main Menu ID defines */

#define IDM_ANALOG 1
#define IDM_DIGITAL 2
#define IDM_ABOUT 4
#define IDM_TOPMOST 5
#define IDM_NOTITLE 6

/* Temp ID for dialogs. */
#define ID_JUNK 0xCACC

/* String Resource definitions */

#define IDS_APPNAME 1
#define IDS_DATA 2
#define IDS_TOOMANY 3
#define IDS_FONTFILE 4

#define IDS_INTL 16
#define IDS_ITIME 18
#define IDS_S1159 19
#define IDS_S2359 20
#define IDS_STIME 22
#define IDS_CLKFORMAT 23

#define IDS_1159 24
#define IDS_2359 25
#define IDS_TIMESEP 27
#define IDS_USNAME 29
#define IDS_INIFILE 30
#define IDS_TOPMOST 31

#define HOURSCALE 65
#define MINUTESCALE 80
#define HHAND TRUE
#define SECONDSCALE 80
#define BUFLEN 30
#define REPAINT 0
#define HANDPAINT 1

#define UPDATE 0
#define REDRAW 1

#define OPEN_TLEN 450
#define ICON_TLEN 45000

#define CLKSCALE ((INT)8000)