
Some of the APIs used in this sample are not Win32 APIs. They are
specific APIs for Security Providers.

This sample demonstrates the implementation of a Windows NT
Authentication Package. Other examples of authentication packages
include NTLM and Kerberos which are provided by the Windows NT
operating system.

This sample does not use any kind of "real" credentials, it just
provides data that will be used by the package to allow client
and server applications to authenticate each other. It is expected
that a real provider would create\provide credentials based on
some security framework not implemented by Windows NT.

This authentication package can be used with the SOCKAUTH sample
with some minor modifications to the SOCKAUTH sample so that it
requests this authentication package specifically.

To invoke the sample package, copy the DLL to the %systemroot%\system32
directory and make the following changes to the SOCKAUTH security.c

wchar_t NT_DLL_NAME[12] = L"sampssp.dll";
wchar_t PACKAGE_NAME[12] = L"SAMPSSP";
wchar_t TOKEN_SOURCE_NAME[12] = L"AuthSamp";