File: replace.c
This file contains only one function that set the bDoFindDlg global
variable to FALSE and then creates a dialog box with the same Callback
function as the DoFindDialog() function does.
Since FindText() and ReplaceText() both use the FINDREPLACE
structure to create their dialogs, one dialog proc and dialog box
can handle both.
- DoReplaceDialog() -- Creates CDTEST's Find/Replace dialog.
#include <windows.h>
#include <commdlg.h>
#include "cdtest.h"
#include "replace.h"
#include "find.h"
Function: DoReplaceDialog(HWND)
Purpose: To create CDTEST's find/replace dialog box.
Returns: Nothing.
FindText() and ReplaceText() are similiar enough so that
the same dialog can be used to edit their creation structure elements,
so a global variable "bDoFindDlg" keeps track of which one to create
when the user clicks the OK or Multithread buttons...
void DoReplaceDialog(HWND hwnd)
bDoFindDlg = FALSE ;
/* in order for the keyboard to work, a hook has to be installed before
the dialog is created. See find.c for more detail on this. */
hHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MSGFILTER, lpfnFilterProc, hInst, GetCurrentThreadId()) ;
if (!hHook) return ;
DialogBox(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ID_FINDDIALOG), hwnd, FindProc) ;
UnhookWindowsHookEx(hHook) ;