#include <assert.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <imm.h>
#include "fullime.h"
// long WINAPI CandWndProc()
// Window procedure of candidate window.
long WINAPI CandWndProc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
switch( msg )
case WM_PAINT:
CandUIPaint( hwnd );
return DefWindowProc( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam );
return 0;
// void DislpayCandStrings()
// Displays candidate strings.
void DisplayCandStrings( HWND hwnd, LPCANDIDATELIST lpCandList )
HDC hdc; // Storage for device context handle.
LPSTR lpStr; // Storage for LP to a string.
DWORD dwNumPerPage; // Storage for num per page
DWORD dwStartIndex; // Storage for candidate index
DWORD dwEndIndex; // Storage for candidate index
RECT rect; // Storage for client rect.
int y = 0; //
DWORD dwBackColor; // Storage for background color value
DWORD dwTextColor;
// Determine how many candidate strings per page.
dwNumPerPage = ( !lpCandList->dwPageSize ) ?
// Determine the dwStartIndex from which the candidate string will
// start displaying.
dwStartIndex = lpCandList->dwPageStart;
// Determine the dwEndIndex which indicate the last candidate string
// will be displayed.
dwEndIndex = dwStartIndex + dwNumPerPage;
dwEndIndex = ( dwEndIndex >= lpCandList->dwCount ) ?
lpCandList->dwCount : dwEndIndex;
// Dissplay candidate strings.
// First paint background color.
hdc = GetDC( hwnd );
dwBackColor = SetBkColor( hdc, RGB( 0xbf, 0xbf, 0xbf ) );
GetClientRect( hwnd, &rect );
ExtTextOut( hdc, 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, &rect, NULL, 0, 0 );
// Set background color of selected candidate string to be blue.
rect.top = rect.top + ( lpCandList->dwSelection - dwStartIndex ) *
rect.bottom = rect.top + cyMetrics;
SetBkColor( hdc,RGB( 0x00, 0x00, 0xff ) );
ExtTextOut( hdc, 0, rect.top, ETO_OPAQUE, &rect, NULL, 0, 0 );
// Display candidate strings.
SetBkMode( hdc, TRANSPARENT );
dwTextColor = GetTextColor( hdc );
for ( ; dwStartIndex < dwEndIndex; dwStartIndex++, y++ )
lpStr = (LPSTR) lpCandList +
lpCandList->dwOffset[ dwStartIndex ];
if ( dwStartIndex == lpCandList->dwSelection )
SetTextColor( hdc, RGB( 255, 255, 255 ) );
SetTextColor( hdc, dwTextColor );
TextOut( hdc, 3, y * cyMetrics, lpStr, lstrlen( lpStr ) );
SetTextColor( hdc, dwTextColor );
SetBkColor( hdc, dwBackColor );
ReleaseDC( hwnd, hdc );
// void CandUIPaint()
// Handler routine of WM_PAINT message.
void CandUIPaint( HWND hwnd )
int index;
HDC hdc;
hdc = BeginPaint( hwnd, (LPPAINTSTRUCT)&ps );
// Determine which candidate window needs to repaint.
for ( index = 0; index < MAX_LISTCAND; index ++ )
if ( gImeUIData.hListCand[ index ] == hwnd )
// If index == MAX_LISTCAND, then something wrong, do nothing.
if ( index == MAX_LISTCAND )
goto exit;
if ( !gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ index ] ||
GlobalLock( gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ index ] ) ) == NULL )
goto exit;
DisplayCandStrings( hwnd, lpCandList );
GlobalUnlock( gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ index ] );
EndPaint( hwnd, (LPPAINTSTRUCT)&ps );