#include <assert.h> 
#include <windows.h>
#include <imm.h>
#include "fullime.h"

static DWORD CompColor[ 4 ] = { RGB( 255, 0, 0 ),
RGB( 255, 0 , 255 ),
RGB( 0, 0, 255 ),
RGB( 0, 255, 0 ) };

// void ImeUIStartComposition()
// This handles WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION message.

void ImeUIStartComposition( HWND hwnd )

// Change caption title to DBCS composition mode.

SetWindowText( hwnd, (LPSTR)szSteCompTitle );

// Reset global variables.

gImeUIData.uCompLen = 0; // length of composition string.


// void ImeUIComposition()
// This handles WM_IME_COMPOSITION message. It here just handles
// composition string and result string. For normal case, it should
// examine all posibile flags indicated by CompFlag, then do some
// actitions to reflect what kinds of composition info. IME conversion
// engine informs.

void ImeUIComposition( HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM CompFlag )

if ( CompFlag & GCS_RESULTSTR )
GetResultStr( hwnd );
if ( CompFlag & GCS_COMPSTR )
GetCompositionStr( hwnd, CompFlag );


// void GetCompositionStr()
// This handles WM_IME_COMPOSITION message with GCS_COMPSTR flag on.

void GetCompositionStr( HWND hwnd, LPARAM CompFlag )
DWORD dwBufLen; // Stogare for len. of composition str
LPSTR lpCompStr; // Pointer to composition str.
HIMC hIMC; // Input context handle.
HLOCAL hMem; // Memory handle.
LPSTR lpCompStrAttr; // Pointer to composition str array.
HLOCAL hMemAttr; // Memory handle for comp. str. array.
DWORD dwBufLenAttr;

// If fail to get input context handle then do nothing.
// Applications should call ImmGetContext API to get
// input context handle.

if ( !( hIMC = ImmGetContext( hwnd ) ) )

// Determines how much memory space to store the composition string.
// Applications should call ImmGetCompositionString with
// GCS_COMPSTR flag on, buffer length zero, to get the bullfer
// length.

if ( ( dwBufLen = ImmGetCompositionString( hIMC, GCS_COMPSTR,
(void FAR*)NULL, 0l ) ) < 0 )
goto exit2;

// Allocates memory with dwBufLen+1 bytes to store the composition
// string. Here we allocale on more byte to put null character.

if ( !( hMem = LocalAlloc( LPTR, (int)dwBufLen + 1 ) ) )
goto exit2;

if ( !( lpCompStr = (LPSTR) LocalLock( hMem ) ) )
goto exit1;

// Reads in the composition string.

ImmGetCompositionString( hIMC, GCS_COMPSTR, lpCompStr, dwBufLen );

// Null terminated.

lpCompStr[ dwBufLen ] = 0;

// If GCS_COMPATTR flag is on, then we need to take care of it.

if ( CompFlag & GCS_COMPATTR )

if ( ( dwBufLenAttr = ImmGetCompositionString( hIMC, GCS_COMPATTR,
( void FAR *)NULL, 0l ) ) < 0 )
goto nothing;

// Allocate memory to store attributes of composition strings.

if ( !( hMemAttr = LocalAlloc( LPTR, (int)dwBufLenAttr + 1 ) ) )
goto nothing;

if ( !( lpCompStrAttr = (LPSTR) LocalLock( hMemAttr ) ) )
LocalFree( hMemAttr );
goto nothing;

// Reads in the attribute array.

ImmGetCompositionString( hIMC, GCS_COMPATTR, lpCompStrAttr,
dwBufLenAttr );

lpCompStrAttr[ dwBufLenAttr ] = 0;

} else

lpCompStrAttr = NULL;

// Display new composition chars.

DisplayCompString( hwnd, lpCompStr, lpCompStrAttr );

// Keep the length of the composition string for using later.

gImeUIData.uCompLen = (UINT)dwBufLen;

LocalUnlock( hMem );

if ( lpCompStrAttr )
LocalUnlock( hMemAttr );
LocalFree( hMemAttr );


LocalFree( hMem );


ImmReleaseContext( hwnd, hIMC );


// void GetResultStr()
// This handles WM_IME_COMPOSITION with GCS_RESULTSTR flag on.

void GetResultStr( HWND hwnd )
DWORD dwBufLen; // Storage for length of result str.
LPSTR lpResultStr; // Pointer to result string.
HIMC hIMC; // Input context handle.
HLOCAL hMem; // Memory handle.

// If fail to get input context handle then do nothing.

if ( !( hIMC = ImmGetContext( hwnd ) ) )

// Determines how much memory space to store the result string.
// Applications should call ImmGetCompositionString with
// GCS_RESULTSTR flag on, buffer length zero, to get the bullfer
// length.

if ( ( dwBufLen = ImmGetCompositionString( hIMC, GCS_RESULTSTR,
(void FAR *)NULL, (DWORD) 0 ) ) <= 0 )
goto exit2;

// Allocates memory with dwBufLen+1 bytes to store the result
// string. Here we allocale on more byte to put null character.

if ( !( hMem = LocalAlloc( LPTR, (int)dwBufLen + 1 ) ) )
goto exit2;

if ( !( lpResultStr = (LPSTR) LocalLock( hMem ) ) )
goto exit1;

// Reads in the result string.

ImmGetCompositionString( hIMC, GCS_RESULTSTR, lpResultStr, dwBufLen );

// Displays the result string.

DisplayResultString( hwnd, lpResultStr );

LocalUnlock( hMem );


LocalFree( hMem );


ImmReleaseContext( hwnd, hIMC );


// void ImeUIEndComposition
// This handles WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION message.

void ImeUIEndComposition( HWND hwnd )

RECT rect;

// Change caption title to normal

SetWindowText( hwnd, (LPSTR)szSteTitle );

// Update client area.

GetClientRect( hwnd, (LPRECT)&rect );

InvalidateRect( hwnd, (LPRECT)&rect, FALSE );

// Reset the length of composition string to zero.

gImeUIData.uCompLen = 0;



// BOOL ImeUINotify()
// This handles WM_IME_NOTIFY message.

BOOL ImeUINotify( HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
switch (wParam )

ImeUIOpenCandidate( hwnd, lParam );


ImeUICloseCandidate( hwnd, lParam );


ImeUIChangeCandidate( hwnd, lParam );


ImeUISetOpenStatus( hwnd );

return FALSE;


return TRUE;

// void ImeUIOpenCandidate()
// This handles WM_IME_NOTIFY message with wParam = IMN_OPENCANDIDATE.

void ImeUIOpenCandidate( HWND hwnd, LPARAM CandList )
HIMC hIMC; // Input context handle.
LPCANDIDATELIST lpCandList; // Storage for LP to candidate list.
DWORD dwBufLen; // Storage for candidate strings.
LPSTR lpStr; // Storage for LP to a string.
DWORD dwIndex; // Storage for index of ListCand array
DWORD i; // Loop count.
int width = 0; // Storage for width of listCand
int CurNumCandList = 0; // Storage for number of cand. lists.
DWORD dwPreferNumPerPage; // Storage for PreferNumPerPage
POINT point; // Storage for caret position.

// If fail to get input context handle, do nothing.

if ( ! (hIMC = ImmGetContext( hwnd ) ) )

// Change caption title to DBCS candidate mode.

SetWindowText( hwnd, (LPSTR)szSteCandTitle );

// Find out how many candidate windows have already been opened.

for( i = 0; i < MAX_LISTCAND; i++ )
if ( gImeUIData.hListCand[ i ] )

// Check which candidate lists should be displayed by loopping
// through all possible candidate lists.

for( dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < MAX_LISTCAND ; dwIndex ++ )

if ( CandList & ( 1 << dwIndex ) )
// The dwIndex-th candidate list contains candidate strings.
// So here we want to display them.

// Determines how musch memory space should be allocated to
// read in the corresponding candidate list .

if ( ! ( dwBufLen = ImmGetCandidateList( hIMC, dwIndex,
lpCandList, 0 ) ) )
goto exit2;

// Allocate memory space.

if( !( gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ dwIndex ] =
GlobalAlloc( LPTR, (int)dwBufLen ) ) )
goto exit2;

if( !( lpStr =
(LPSTR)GlobalLock( gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ dwIndex ] ) ) )
GlobalFree( gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ dwIndex ] );
gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ dwIndex ] = NULL;
goto exit2;

lpCandList = (LPCANDIDATELIST) lpStr;

// Reads in the corresponding candidate list.

ImmGetCandidateList( hIMC, dwIndex, lpCandList, dwBufLen );

// Get current caret position.

GetCaretPos( (POINT FAR*)&point );
ClientToScreen( hwnd, (LPPOINT)&point );

// Determines how many candidate strings per page.

dwPreferNumPerPage = ( !lpCandList->dwPageSize ) ?
// Determining maximum character length the list box
// will display by loopping through all candidate strings.

for( i = 0; i < lpCandList->dwCount; i++ )
// Get the pointer to i-th candidate string.

lpStr = (LPSTR)lpCandList +
lpCandList->dwOffset[ i ];

width = ( width < lstrlen( lpStr ) ) ? lstrlen( lpStr ) :


// Create a candidate window for the candidate list.

gImeUIData.hListCand[ dwIndex ] = CreateWindow(
CurNumCandList * X_INDENT + point.x,
CurNumCandList * Y_INDENT +
point.y + cyMetrics,
( width ) * cxMetrics + 10,
(int)(dwPreferNumPerPage) * cyMetrics + 5,,
(HANDLE)GetWindowLong( hwnd, GWL_HINSTANCE ),
// If fail to create the candidate window then do nothing.

if ( gImeUIData.hListCand[ dwIndex ] < 0 )
GlobalUnlock( gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ dwIndex ] );
GlobalFree( gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ dwIndex ] );
goto exit2;

// Show candidate window.

ShowWindow( gImeUIData.hListCand[ dwIndex ], SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE );

// Display candidate strings.

DisplayCandStrings( gImeUIData.hListCand[ dwIndex ], lpCandList );

GlobalUnlock( gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ dwIndex ] );


// Reset IME state.

gImeUIData.ImeState |= IME_IN_CHOSECAND;


ImmReleaseContext( hwnd, hIMC );


// void ImeUICloseCandidate()
// This handles WM_IME_NOTIFY message with

void ImeUICloseCandidate( HWND hwnd, LPARAM CandList )
int index;

// Change window's caption title to normal.

SetWindowText( hwnd, (LPSTR)szSteCompTitle );

// If the i-th bit on of CandList that means the i-th
// candidate list should be closed.

for( index = 0; index < MAX_LISTCAND; index ++ )
if (( CandList & ( 1 << index ) ) && gImeUIData.hListCand[ index ])

// Destroy the candidate window.

DestroyWindow( gImeUIData.hListCand[ index ] );

gImeUIData.hListCand[ index ] = NULL;

// Free memory.

GlobalFree( gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ index ] );

gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ index ] = NULL;


gImeUIData.ImeState &= ~IME_IN_CHOSECAND;


// void ImeUIChangeCandidate()
// This handles WM_IME_NOTIFY message with wParam = IMN_CHANGECANDIDATE.

void ImeUIChangeCandidate( HWND hwnd, LPARAM CandList )
DWORD dwIndex;
DWORD dwBufLen;
LPSTR lpStr;
RECT rect;
int width = 0;
DWORD dwPreferNumPerPage;

// If fail to get input context, do nothing.

if ( !( hIMC = ImmGetContext( hwnd ) ) )

// Determine which candidate list should be updated.

for ( dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < MAX_LISTCAND; dwIndex++ )
if ( CandList & ( 1 << dwIndex ) )

// If dwIndex == MAX_LISTCAND, then something wrong, do nothing.

if ( dwIndex == MAX_LISTCAND )

// Determines how much memory space should be allocated to read in the
// corresponding candidate list.

if ( !( dwBufLen = ImmGetCandidateList( hIMC, dwIndex, lpCandList, 0 ) ) )
goto exit2;

// Relocate memory space.

if ( !( gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ dwIndex ] = GlobalReAlloc(
gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ dwIndex ], (int)dwBufLen, LPTR ) ) )
goto exit2;

if ( !( lpStr =
(LPSTR)GlobalLock( gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ dwIndex ] ) ) )
GlobalFree( gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ dwIndex ] );
gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ dwIndex ] = NULL;
goto exit2;

lpCandList = (LPCANDIDATELIST) lpStr;

// Reads in the corresponding candidate list.

ImmGetCandidateList( hIMC, dwIndex, lpCandList, dwBufLen );

// Determines how many candidate strings per page.

dwPreferNumPerPage = ( !lpCandList->dwPageSize ) ?
// Determining maximum character length the list box
// will display by loopping through all candidate strings.

for( i = 0; i < lpCandList->dwCount; i++ )
// Get the pointer to i-th candidate string.

lpStr = (LPSTR)lpCandList +
lpCandList->dwOffset[ i ];

width = ( width < lstrlen( lpStr ) ) ? lstrlen( lpStr ) :


GetWindowRect( gImeUIData.hListCand[ dwIndex ] , (LPRECT) &rect);

SetWindowPos( gImeUIData.hListCand[ dwIndex ],
( width ) * cxMetrics + 10,
(int)(dwPreferNumPerPage) * cyMetrics + 5,

DisplayCandStrings( gImeUIData.hListCand[ dwIndex ], lpCandList );

GlobalUnlock( gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ dwIndex ] );




// void ImeUISetOpenStatus()
// This handles WM_IME_REPORT message with wParam = IR_NOTIFY &

void ImeUISetOpenStatus( HWND hwnd )
int i; // Lopp counter
HIMC hIMC; // Storage for input context handle.

// If fail to get input context handle then do nothing

if ( !( hIMC = ImmGetContext( hwnd ) ) )

if ( ImmGetOpenStatus( hIMC ) )

// If the IME conversion engine is open, here we change
// window's caption title to DBCS composition mode.

SetWindowText( hwnd, (LPSTR)szSteCompTitle );

} else
RECT rect;

// If the IME conversion engine is closed, here we
// erase all already displayed composition chars if any,
// change the window's caption title to normal.

GetClientRect( hwnd, (LPRECT)&rect );
InvalidateRect( hwnd, (LPRECT)&rect, FALSE );

SetWindowText( hwnd, (LPSTR)szSteTitle );

// Here we close and destroy all of candidate windows
// if IME conversion engine is closed.

for( i = 0; i <= MAX_LISTCAND; i++ )
if ( gImeUIData.hListCand[ i ] )
DestroyWindow( gImeUIData.hListCand[ i ] );
gImeUIData.hListCand[ i ] = NULL;
GlobalFree( gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ i ] );
gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ i ] = NULL;

// Reset IMEUI's global data.

gImeUIData.uCompLen = 0;
gImeUIData.ImeState = 0;

ResetCaret( hwnd );


ImmReleaseContext( hwnd, hIMC );

// void DisplayCompString()
// This displays composition string.
// This function supports only fixed pitch font.

void DisplayCompString( HWND hwnd, LPSTR lpStr, LPSTR lpStrAttr )
HDC hdc;
int StrLen = lstrlen( lpStr );
RECT rect;
DWORD dwColor;
int i;

hdc = GetDC( hwnd );

HideCaret( hwnd );

// Determine OPAQUE rect.

rect.left = xPos * cxMetrics; = yPos * cyMetrics;
rect.bottom = + cyMetrics;
rect.right = ( (int)gImeUIData.uCompLen > StrLen ) ?
( xPos + gImeUIData.uCompLen ) * cxMetrics:
( xPos + StrLen ) * cxMetrics;

// This example we use red to display composition chars
// with attribute 000, pink for attribute 001,
// blue for attribute 010, green for attribute 011.

// Each composition character has different attribute.
// We here use different kinds of color to represent attributes.
// Red, pink, blue and green are for attribute 000, 001, 010 and 011,
// respectively.

dwColor = GetTextColor( hdc );

if ( ( StrLen % 2 ) )
if ( IsDBCSLeadByte( textbuf[ yPos ][ xPos + StrLen - 1 ] ) )
textbuf[ yPos ][ xPos + StrLen ] = ' ';
fDBCSTrailByte = TRUE;
} else
if ( !IsDBCSLeadByte( textbuf[ yPos ][ xPos + StrLen - 2 ] ) )
if ( IsDBCSLeadByte( textbuf[ yPos ][ xPos + StrLen - 1 ] ) )
textbuf[ yPos ][ xPos + StrLen ] = ' ';
fDBCSTrailByte = TRUE;

if ( !lpStrAttr )
// If there are not attribute array, here we use default color, RED,
// to display all of composition characters.

SetTextColor( hdc, CompColor[ 0 ] ); // default color

ExtTextOut( hdc, xPos * cxMetrics, yPos * cyMetrics,
ETO_OPAQUE, &rect, lpStr, StrLen, 0 );

} else

int ColorIndex;

ExtTextOut( hdc, xPos * cxMetrics, yPos * cyMetrics, ETO_OPAQUE,
&rect, NULL, 0, 0 );

for( i = 0; *lpStr;)
int cnt = IsDBCSLeadByte(*lpStr) ? 2 : 1;

ColorIndex = ( ((int)*lpStrAttr) < 0 ) ? 0 : (int)*lpStrAttr;
ColorIndex = ( ColorIndex > 3 ) ? 3 : ColorIndex;

SetTextColor( hdc, CompColor[ ColorIndex ] );

TextOut( hdc, ( i + xPos ) * cxMetrics, yPos * cyMetrics,
lpStr, cnt );
lpStr += cnt;
lpStrAttr += cnt;
i += cnt;

SetTextColor( hdc, dwColor );

if ( fDBCSTrailByte )
TextOut( hdc, ( xPos + StrLen ) * cxMetrics, yPos * cyMetrics,
" ", 1 );

SetCaretPos( ( xPos + StrLen ) * cxMetrics, yPos * cyMetrics );

ShowCaret( hwnd );

ReleaseDC( hwnd, hdc );


// void DisplayResultString()
// This displays result string.
// This function supports only fixed pitch font.

void DisplayResultString( HWND hwnd, LPSTR lpStr )

int StrLen; // Storage for string length.
int i; // Loop counter.
HDC hdc; // Display context handle.

StrLen = lstrlen( lpStr );

// If there is no room for compsoition string, discard it

if ( xPos == ( LASTCOL - StrLen - 1 ) )

// if insert mode or during composition session,
// move rest of line to the right by StrLen bytes.

if ( fInsertMode )

for( i = LASTCOL; i > xPos; i-- )
textbuf[ yPos ][ i ] = textbuf[ yPos ][ i - StrLen ];

// If the row ends on a lead byte, blank it out,
// To do this we must first traverse the string starting
// from a know character boundry until we reach the last column.
// If the last column is a character boundry then the last
// character is either a string byte or a lead byte.

for( i = xPos + StrLen; i < LASTCOL; )
if ( IsDBCSLeadByte( textbuf[ yPos ][ i ] ) )

if ( i == LASTCOL && IsDBCSLeadByte( textbuf[ yPos ][ i ] ) )
textbuf[ yPos ][ LASTCOL ] = ' ';

} else
// overtype mode

if ( ( StrLen % 2 ) )
if ( IsDBCSLeadByte( textbuf[ yPos ][ xPos + StrLen - 1 ] ) )
textbuf[ yPos ][ xPos + StrLen ] = ' ';
} else
if ( !IsDBCSLeadByte( textbuf[ yPos ][ xPos + StrLen - 2 ] ) )
// Overtyping the current byte, plus the following byte
// which could be a lead byte.

if ( IsDBCSLeadByte( textbuf[ yPos ][ xPos + StrLen - 1 ] ) )
textbuf[ yPos ][ xPos + StrLen ] = ' ';

// Store input character at current caret position.

for( i = 0; i <= LASTCOL && *lpStr; i++ )
textbuf[ yPos ][ xPos + i ] = *lpStr++;

// Display input character

hdc = GetDC( hwnd );

HideCaret( hwnd );

// Displays result string with normal color.

TextOut( hdc, xPos *cxMetrics, yPos * cyMetrics,
&( textbuf[ yPos][xPos] ), MAXCOL - xPos );

ShowCaret( hwnd );

ReleaseDC( hwnd, hdc );

// Reset Caret position

xPos += StrLen;

if ( xPos > LASTCOL )

ResetCaret( hwnd );

gImeUIData.uCompLen = 0;


// void RestoreImeUI()
// This repaints all displayed composition string if need.
// Main window procedure will call this upon receiving
// WM_PAINT message.

void RestoreImeUI( HWND hwnd )
HIMC hIMC; // Storage for input context handle.
DWORD dwBufLen; //

// If fail to get input context handle then do nothing.

if ( !( hIMC = ImmGetContext( hwnd ) ) )

// If IME conversion engine is open and there are any composition
// string in the context then we redisplay them.

if ( ImmGetOpenStatus( hIMC ) && gImeUIData.ImeState &&
( dwBufLen = ImmGetCompositionString( hIMC, GCS_COMPSTR,
(void FAR*)NULL, 0l ) ) > 0 )
LPSTR lpCompStr; // Pointer to composition string
HLOCAL hMem; // Storage for memory handle.
LPSTR lpCompStrAttr; // Pointer to composition string's attribute
DWORD dwBufLenAttr; //
HLOCAL hMemAttr; // Memory handle for composition string's
// attributes.

// If fail to allocate and lock memory space for reading in
// the composition string then do nothing.

if ( !( hMem = LocalAlloc( LPTR, (int)dwBufLen + 1 ) ) )
goto exit2;

if( !( lpCompStr = (LPSTR) LocalLock( hMem ) ) )
LocalFree( hMem );
goto exit2;

// Get composition string and redisplay them.

if ( ImmGetCompositionString( hIMC, GCS_COMPSTR, lpCompStr,
dwBufLen ) > 0 )

// MAke sure whether we need to handle composition string's
// attributes.

if ( ( dwBufLenAttr = ( ImmGetCompositionString( hIMC,
GCS_COMPATTR, (void FAR*)NULL, 0l ) ) ) > 0 )
// If fail to allocate and lock memory space for reading in
// the composition string's attribute then we assume
// no attribute array.

if ( !( hMemAttr = LocalAlloc(LPTR, (int)dwBufLenAttr + 1 )))
goto nothing;

if ( !( lpCompStrAttr = (LPSTR) LocalLock( hMemAttr ) ) )
LocalFree( hMemAttr );
goto nothing;

ImmGetCompositionString( hIMC, GCS_COMPATTR, lpCompStrAttr,
dwBufLenAttr );

lpCompStrAttr[ dwBufLenAttr ] = 0;
} else
lpCompStrAttr = NULL;

lpCompStr[ dwBufLen ] = 0;

DisplayCompString( hwnd, lpCompStr, lpCompStrAttr );


LocalUnlock( hMem );
LocalFree( hMem );

if ( lpCompStrAttr )
LocalUnlock( hMemAttr );
LocalFree( hMemAttr );



ImmReleaseContext( hwnd, hIMC );


// void ImeUIMove()
// Handler routine of WM_MOVE message.

void ImeUIMoveCandWin( HWND hwnd )

if ( gImeUIData.ImeState & IME_IN_CHOSECAND )
POINT point; // Storage for caret position.
int i; // loop counter.
int NumCandWin; // Storage for num of cand win.
RECT rect; // Storage for client rect.

// If current IME state is in chosing candidate, here we
// move all candidate windows, if any, to the appropriate
// position based on the parent window's position.

NumCandWin = 0;

GetCaretPos( (LPPOINT)&point );
ClientToScreen( hwnd, (LPPOINT)&point );

for ( i = 0; i < MAX_LISTCAND ; i++ )
if ( gImeUIData.hListCand[ i ] )
GetClientRect( gImeUIData.hListCand[ i ], &rect );

MoveWindow( gImeUIData.hListCand[ i ],
point.x + X_INDENT * NumCandWin,
point.y + Y_INDENT * NumCandWin + cyMetrics,
( rect.right - rect.left + 1 ),
( rect.bottom - + 1 ), TRUE );


// void ImeUIClearData()
// Handler routine of WM_IME_SELECT message.

void ImeUIClearData( HWND hwnd )

RECT rect;
int i;

SetWindowText( hwnd, (LPSTR)szSteTitle );

// If user switches to other IME, here we destroy all candidate
// windows which has been opened and erase all composition
// chars if any.

for( i = 0; i < MAX_LISTCAND; i++ )
if ( gImeUIData.hListCand[ i ] )
// The i-th candidate list has already been displayed,
// destroy it and free memory which stores candidate
// strings.

DestroyWindow( gImeUIData.hListCand[ i] );
GlobalFree( gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ i ] );

gImeUIData.hListCand[ i ] =
gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ i ] = NULL;


// Update client area.

GetClientRect( hwnd, (LPRECT)&rect );

InvalidateRect( hwnd, (LPRECT)&rect, FALSE );

// Reset IMEUI's global data.

gImeUIData.uCompLen = gImeUIData.ImeState = 0;

// Reset caret to the original position.

HideCaret( hwnd );
ResetCaret( hwnd );
ShowCaret( hwnd );
