// Filename : IShell2.h
//Shell_MessageBox and Shell_MergeMenu
// Copyright 1994 - 1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved

#ifndef _ISHELL2_H_
#define _ISHELL2_H_

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// **** helper macro

#define _IOffset(class, itf) ((UINT)&(((class *)0)->itf))
#define IToClass(class, itf, pitf) ((class *)(((LPSTR)pitf)-_IOffset(class, itf)))
#define IToClassN(class, itf, pitf) IToClass(class, itf, pitf)


// unsafe macros from shesimp.h & idlist.c
#define _ILSkip(pidl, cb) ((LPITEMIDLIST)(((BYTE*)(pidl))+cb))
#define _ILNext(pidl) _ILSkip(pidl, (pidl)->mkid.cb)
#ifdef DEBUG
// Dugging aids for making sure we dont use free pidls
#define VALIDATE_PIDL(pidl) Assert((pidl)->mkid.cb != 0xC5C5)
#define VALIDATE_PIDL(pidl)

void ILFree(LPITEMIDLIST pidl);

typedef void (WINAPI FAR* RUNDLLPROC)(HWND hwndStub,
HINSTANCE hAppInstance,
LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow);

UINT Shell_MergeMenus(HMENU hmDst, HMENU hmSrc, UINT uInsert, UINT uIDAdjust, UINT uIDAdjustMax, ULONG uFlags);

// Shell_MergeMenu parameter
#define MM_ADDSEPARATOR0x00000001L
#define MM_SUBMENUSHAVEIDS0x00000002L

#define ARRAYSIZE(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]))

//====== ShellMessageBox ================================================

// If lpcTitle is NULL, the title is taken from hWnd
// If lpcText is NULL, this is assumed to be an Out Of Memory message
// If the selector of lpcTitle or lpcText is NULL, the offset should be a
// string resource ID
// The variable arguments must all be 32-bit values (even if fewer bits
// are actually used)
// lpcText (or whatever string resource it causes to be loaded) should
// be a formatting string similar to wsprintf except that only the
// following formats are available:
// %% formats to a single '%'
// %nn%s the nn-th arg is a string which is inserted
// %nn%ld the nn-th arg is a DWORD, and formatted decimal
// %nn%lx the nn-th arg is a DWORD, and formatted hex
// note that lengths are allowed on the %s, %ld, and %lx, just
// like wsprintf /* ;Internal */
//int _cdecl ShellMessageBox(HINSTANCE hAppInst, HWND hWnd, LPCSTR
// lpcText, LPCSTR lpcTitle, UINT fuStyle, ...);

#define STRRET_OLESTR 0x0000

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // _ISHELL2_H_