// Filename : Path.c
//Useful Path manipulation routines
// Copyright 1994 - 1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved
#include "pch.h"
#include "path.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "strings.h"
// Inline function to check for a double-backslash at the
// beginning of a string
return (psz[0] == TEXT('\\') && psz[1] == TEXT('\\'));
// returns a pointer to the extension of a file.
// in:
// qualified or unqualfied file name
// returns:
// pointer to the extension of this file. if there is no extension
// as in "foo" we return a pointer to the NULL at the end
// of the file
// foo.txt ==> ".txt"
// foo ==> ""
// foo. ==> "."
LPTSTR PathFindExtension(LPCTSTR pszPath)
for (pszDot = NULL; *pszPath; pszPath = CharNext(pszPath))
switch (*pszPath) {
case TEXT('.'):
pszDot = pszPath; // remember the last dot
case TEXT('\\'):
case TEXT(' '): // extensions can't have spaces
pszDot = NULL; // forget last dot, it was in a directory
// if we found the extension, return ptr to the dot, else
// ptr to end of the string (NULL extension) (cast->non const)
return pszDot ? (LPTSTR)pszDot : (LPTSTR)pszPath;
// Return a pointer to the end of the next path componenent in the string.
// ie return a pointer to the next backslash or terminating NULL.
LPCTSTR lpszEnd;
lpszEnd = StrChr(lpszStart, TEXT('\\'));
if (!lpszEnd)
lpszEnd = lpszStart + lstrlen(lpszStart);
return lpszEnd;
// Given a pointer to the end of a path component, return a pointer to
// its begining.
// ie return a pointer to the previous backslash (or start of the string).
LPCTSTR lpszBegin = StrRChr(lpszStart, lpszEnd, TEXT('\\'));
if (!lpszBegin)
lpszBegin = lpszStart;
return lpszBegin;
// Fix up a few special cases so that things roughly make sense.
void NearRootFixups(LPTSTR lpszPath, BOOL fUNC)
// Check for empty path.
if (lpszPath[0] == TEXT('\0'))
// Fix up.
lpszPath[0] = TEXT('\\');
lpszPath[1] = TEXT('\0');
// Check for missing slash.
if (!IsDBCSLeadByte(lpszPath[0]) && lpszPath[1] == TEXT(':') && lpszPath[2] == TEXT('\0'))
// Fix up.
lpszPath[2] = TEXT('\\');
lpszPath[3] = TEXT('\0');
// Check for UNC root.
if (fUNC && lpszPath[0] == TEXT('\\') && lpszPath[1] == TEXT('\0'))
// Fix up.
lpszPath[0] = TEXT('\\');
lpszPath[1] = TEXT('\\');
lpszPath[2] = TEXT('\0');
// Canonicalizes a path.
BOOL PathCanonicalize(LPTSTR lpszDst, LPCTSTR lpszSrc)
LPCTSTR lpchSrc;
LPCTSTR lpchPCEnd; // Pointer to end of path component.
LPTSTR lpchDst;
int cbPC;
fUNC = PathIsUNC(lpszSrc); // Check for UNCness.
// Init.
lpchSrc = lpszSrc;
lpchDst = lpszDst;
while (*lpchSrc)
// this should just return the count
lpchPCEnd = GetPCEnd(lpchSrc);
cbPC = (lpchPCEnd - lpchSrc)+1;
// Check for slashes.
if (cbPC == 1 && *lpchSrc == TEXT('\\'))
// Just copy them.
*lpchDst = TEXT('\\');
// Check for dots.
else if (cbPC == 2 && *lpchSrc == TEXT('.'))
// Skip it...
// Are we at the end?
if (*(lpchSrc+1) == TEXT('\0'))
lpchSrc += 2;
// Check for dot dot.
else if (cbPC == 3 && *lpchSrc == TEXT('.') && *(lpchSrc + 1) == TEXT('.'))
// make sure we aren't already at the root
if (!PathIsRoot(lpszDst))
// Go up... Remove the previous path component.
lpchDst = (LPTSTR)PCStart(lpszDst, lpchDst - 1);
// When we can't back up, remove the trailing backslash
// so we don't copy one again. (C:\..\FOO would otherwise
// turn into C:\\FOO).
if (*(lpchSrc + 2) == TEXT('\\'))
lpchSrc += 2; // skip ".."
// Everything else
// Just copy it.
lstrcpyn(lpchDst, lpchSrc, cbPC);
lpchDst += cbPC - 1;
lpchSrc += cbPC - 1;
// Keep everything nice and tidy.
*lpchDst = TEXT('\0');
// Check for weirdo root directory stuff.
NearRootFixups(lpszDst, fUNC);
return TRUE;
// Modifies:
// szRoot
// Returns:
// TRUE if a drive root was found
// FALSE otherwise
BOOL PathStripToRoot(LPTSTR pszRoot)
if (!PathRemoveFileSpec(pszRoot))
// If we didn't strip anything off,
// must be current drive
// concatinate lpszDir and lpszFile into a properly formed path
// and canonicalizes any relative path pieces
// returns:
// pointer to destination buffer
// lpszDest and lpszFile can be the same buffer
// lpszDest and lpszDir can be the same buffer
// assumes:
// lpszDest is MAX_PATH bytes
LPTSTR PathCombine(LPTSTR lpszDest, LPCTSTR lpszDir, LPCTSTR lpszFile)
if (!lpszFile || *lpszFile==TEXT('\0')) {
lstrcpyn(szTemp, lpszDir, ARRAYSIZE(szTemp)); // lpszFile is empty
} else if (lpszDir && *lpszDir && PathIsRelative(lpszFile)) {
lstrcpyn(szTemp, lpszDir, ARRAYSIZE(szTemp));
pszT = PathAddBackslash(szTemp);
if (pszT) {
int iLen = lstrlen(szTemp);
if ((iLen + lstrlen(lpszFile)) < ARRAYSIZE(szTemp)) {
lstrcpy(pszT, lpszFile);
} else
return NULL;
} else
return NULL;
} else if (lpszDir && *lpszDir &&
*lpszFile == TEXT('\\') && !PathIsUNC(lpszFile)) {
lstrcpyn(szTemp, lpszDir, ARRAYSIZE(szTemp));
// Note that we do not check that an actual root is returned;
// it is assumed that we are given valid parameters
pszT = PathAddBackslash(szTemp);
if (pszT)
// Skip the backslash when copying
lstrcpyn(pszT, lpszFile+1, ARRAYSIZE(szTemp) - 1 - (pszT-szTemp));
} else
return NULL;
} else {
lstrcpyn(szTemp, lpszFile, ARRAYSIZE(szTemp)); // already fully qualified file part
PathCanonicalize(lpszDest, szTemp); // this deals with .. and . stuff
return lpszDest;
// rips the last part of the path off including the backslash
// C:\foo -> C:\ ;
// C:\foo\bar -> C:\foo
// C:\foo\ -> C:\foo
// \\x\y\x -> \\x\y
// \\x\y -> \\x
// \\x -> ?? (test this)
// \foo -> \ (Just the slash!)
// in/out:
// pFile fully qualified path name
// returns:
// TRUE we stripped something
// FALSE didn't strip anything (root directory case)
BOOL PathRemoveFileSpec(LPTSTR pFile)
LPTSTR pT2 = pFile;
for (pT = pT2; *pT2; pT2 = CharNext(pT2)) {
if (*pT2 == TEXT('\\'))
pT = pT2; // last "\" found, (we will strip here)
else if (*pT2 == TEXT(':')) { // skip ":\" so we don't
if (pT2[1] ==TEXT('\\')) // strip the "\" from "C:\"
pT = pT2 + 1;
if (*pT == 0)
return FALSE; // didn't strip anything
// handle the \foo case
else if ((pT == pFile) && (*pT == TEXT('\\'))) {
// Is it just a '\'?
if (*(pT+1) != TEXT('\0')) {
// Nope.
*(pT+1) = TEXT('\0');
return TRUE; // stripped something
else {
// Yep.
return FALSE;
else {
*pT = 0;
return TRUE; // stripped something
// add a backslash to a qualified path
// in:
// lpszPath path (A:, C:\foo, etc)
// out:
// lpszPath A:\, C:\foo\ ;
// returns:
// pointer to the NULL that terminates the path
LPTSTR PathAddBackslash(LPTSTR lpszPath)
LPTSTR lpszEnd;
// try to keep us from tromping over MAX_PATH in size.
// if we find these cases, return NULL. Note: We need to
// check those places that call us to handle their GP fault
// if they try to use the NULL!
int ichPath = lstrlen(lpszPath);
if (ichPath >= (MAX_PATH - 1))
Assert(FALSE); // Let the caller know!
lpszEnd = lpszPath + ichPath;
// this is really an error, caller shouldn't pass
// an empty string
if (!*lpszPath)
return lpszEnd;
/* Get the end of the source directory
switch(*CharPrev(lpszPath, lpszEnd)) {
case TEXT('\\'):
*lpszEnd++ = TEXT('\\');
*lpszEnd = TEXT('\0');
return lpszEnd;
// Returns a pointer to the last component of a path string.
// in:
// path name, either fully qualified or not
// returns:
// pointer into the path where the path is. if none is found
// returns a poiter to the start of the path
// c:\foo\bar -> bar
// c:\foo -> foo
// c:\foo\ -> c:\foo\ ( is this case busted?)
// c:\ -> c:\ ( this case is strange)
// c: -> c:
// foo -> foo
LPTSTR PathFindFileName(LPCTSTR pPath)
for (pT = pPath; *pPath; pPath = CharNext(pPath)) {
if ((pPath[0] == TEXT('\\') || pPath[0] == TEXT(':')) && pPath[1] && (pPath[1] != TEXT('\\')))
pT = pPath + 1;
return (LPTSTR)pT; // const -> non const
// Returns TRUE if the given string is a UNC path.
// "\\foo\bar"
// "\\foo" <- careful
// "\\"
// "\foo"
// "foo"
// "c:\foo"
return DBL_BSLASH(pszPath);
// Return TRUE if the path isn't absoulte.
// "foo.exe"
// ".\foo.exe"
// "..\boo\foo.exe"
// "\foo"
// "c:bar" <- be careful
// "c:\bar"
// "\\foo\bar"
BOOL PathIsRelative(LPCTSTR lpszPath)
// The NULL path is assumed relative
if (*lpszPath == 0)
return TRUE;
// Does it begin with a slash ?
if (lpszPath[0] == TEXT('\\'))
return FALSE;
// Does it begin with a drive and a colon ?
else if (!IsDBCSLeadByte(lpszPath[0]) && lpszPath[1] == TEXT(':'))
return FALSE;
// Probably relative.
return TRUE;
#pragma data_seg(".text", "CODE")
const TCHAR c_szColonSlash[] = TEXT(":\\");
#pragma data_seg()
// check if a path is a root
// returns:
// TRUE for "\" "X:\" "\\foo\asdf" "\\foo\"
// FALSE for others
BOOL PathIsRoot(LPCTSTR pPath)
if (!IsDBCSLeadByte(*pPath))
if (!lstrcmpi(pPath + 1, c_szColonSlash)) // "X:\" case
return TRUE;
if ((*pPath == TEXT('\\')) && (*(pPath + 1) == 0)) // "\" case
return TRUE;
if (DBL_BSLASH(pPath)) // smells like UNC name
int cBackslashes = 0;
for (p = pPath + 2; *p; p = CharNext(p)) {
if (*p == TEXT('\\') && (++cBackslashes > 1))
return FALSE; /* not a bare UNC name, therefore not a root dir */
return TRUE; /* end of string with only 1 more backslash */
/* must be a bare UNC, which looks like a root dir */
return FALSE;
BOOL OnExtList(LPCTSTR pszExtList, LPCTSTR pszExt)
for (; *pszExtList; pszExtList += lstrlen(pszExtList) + 1)
if (!lstrcmpi(pszExt, pszExtList))
return TRUE; // yes
return FALSE;
#pragma data_seg(".text", "CODE")
// what about .cmd?
const TCHAR achExes[] = TEXT(".bat\0.pif\0.exe\0.com\0");
#pragma data_seg()
// determine if a path is a program by looking at the extension
BOOL PathIsExe(LPCTSTR szFile)
LPCTSTR temp = PathFindExtension(szFile);
return OnExtList((LPCTSTR) achExes, temp);