MovieWindowSize PropertyMovieWindowSize Property*
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MovieWindowSize Property

Specifies the size of the playback panel.


[form.]object.MovieWindowSize [ = setting ]


amvOriginalSize0(Default) Uses the authored size.
amvDoubleOriginalSize1Increases the image projection size to twice the authored size.
amvOneSixteenthScreen2Projects the images onto an area the size of one-sixteenth of the screen.
amvOneFourthScreen3Projects the images onto an area the size of one-quarter of the screen.
amvOneHalfScreen4Projects the images onto an area the size of half of the screen.

Data Type



The amv settings are available only to C/C++ programmers; scripters and other programmers should use the numerical values.

Run-time access: read/write. Design-time access: read/write.

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