SendMessage MethodSendMessage Method*
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SendMessage Method

Sends a message.


object.SendMessage DestinationList, Count, Message


objectRequired. An object expression that evaluates to a Chat control.
DestinationListRequired. A VARIANT value that indicates how this message should be distributed. The message can be broadcast to all members, whispered to one member, or whispered to a group of members:
  • To broadcast the message to all members, the value must be set by an integer, a long integer, or an array of long integers (limited to one element) equal to -1.
  • To whisper to one member (unicast), the value must be set by a long integer equal to the member's participant ID.
  • To whisper to a group of members (multicast), the value must be set by an array of long integers corresponding to the member's participant ID.
CountRequired. A short integer that determines the number of recipients that will receive the message. To broadcast a message to all members, set the value of Count to zero. Otherwise, set Count to the number of members that will receive the message.
MessageRequired. A VARIANT value that contains the message being distributed:
  • To distribute a text message to be displayed in the History text box of the selected members, the data type must be a BSTR value that contains the text to be displayed.
  • To distribute a data message being sent to the selected members, the data can be an array of bytes, shorts, longs, floats, doubles, Booleans, errors, currencies, or dates that correspond to the following VARIANT types: VT_UI1, VT_I2, VT_I4, VT_R4, VT_R8, VT_BOOL, VT_ERROR, VT_CY, VT_DATE.


This method cannot be called before the OnEndEnumeration event has been triggered.

See Also

History, OnMessage, SelectParticipants, ThisParticipantID

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