SetParticipantStatus MethodSetParticipantStatus Method*
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SetParticipantStatus Method

Changes the status of the member in a chat room.


object.SetParticipantStatus ParticipantID, Mask, Status


objectRequired. An object expression that evaluates to a Chat control.
ParticipantIDRequired. If ParticipantID=-1, the member selected in the Participant list box will be affected. Only one member can be selected for this method to work. Otherwise, the value of ParticipantID has to come from an OnEnterParticipant event.
MaskRequired. A short integer indicating the types of status changes that the user wants to make. Set to zero if no masks are wanted. Can be set to one of the following values or a combination of 1 and one other value.
1Mask to set a member's privileges. Must be set if Status is 1, 2, or 4.
2Mask to set the whisper status of the user. Must be set if Status is changed to 8 or zero (to allow whispers).
4Mask to set the ignored status of a member. Must be set if Status is changed to 16 or zero (to allow the user to receive messages from the member again).
StatusRequired. A short integer setting the participant's status changes. Set to zero if the user wants to allow the member to whisper to the user (if Mask includes 2) or allow the user to receive messages from the member (if Mask includes 4). Can be set to any combination of the following values.
1Changes the privileges of the member to a host. The value of Mask must include 1.
2Changes the privileges of the member to a participant. The value of Mask must include 1.
4Changes the privileges of the member to a spectator. The value of Mask must include 1.
8Changes the status of the user to not allow whispers. The value of Mask must include 2.
16Changes the status of the member to be ignored so the user will not receive any messages from that member. The value of Mask must include 4.


This method cannot be called before the OnEndEnumeration event. The following are the rules that apply to status changes:

See Also

OnParticipantStatusChanged, ThisParticipantID

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