New Key-Length Functionality

In the original Base Provider, 40-bit symmetric keys were used exclusively. The addition of longer keys in the Enhanced Provider, and the fact that imported keys can be of arbitrary length, precipitates the need for a method of querying the length for a specific key. The following parameter value is provided for both providers to determine a key's length.

To get the actual length of a key in bits, a user can call CryptGetKeyParam with the KP_KEYLEN parameter value. The length of the key is located in the DWORD pointed to by pbData.

Note that it is desirable for applications to use the KP_KEYLEN parameter value to check for insufficient key lengths and notify the user when one is encountered. This protects against stepping-down attacks.

The following example shows how to query the length of a key.

// Example using CryptGetKeyParam with the KP_KEYLEN parameter value.

//  [...] Assume an acquired context.

    DWORD dwKeyLength;
    DWORD dwLen=sizeof(DWORD);

    // Generate a key.
    if (!CryptGenKey(
        goto Ret;

    // Query the key length.
    if (!CryptGetKeyParam(
        goto Ret;

    if (!CryptDestroyKey(hKey))
        goto Ret;

    printf("The RC2 key generated is %d bits long\n", dwKeyLength);

//  [...] Assume a released context.