Certificate Trust List Functions

These Win32® functions help you to manage the storage and retrieval of certificate trust lists.

Function Description
CertAddCTLContextToStore Adds a CTL context to the certificate store.
CertAddCTLLinkToStore Adds a link in a store to a CRL context in a different Store.
CertAddEncodedCTLToStore Converts the encoded CTL to a CTL context and then adds the context to the certificate store.
CertCreateCTLContext Creates a CTL context from an encoded certificate trust list. The created context is not put in a certificate store.
CertDeleteCTLFromStore Deletes a CTL from the certificate store.
CertDuplicateCTLContext Duplicates a CTL context by incrementing the reference count.
CertEnumCTLContextProperties Enumerates the properties for the specified CTL context.
CertEnumCTLsInStore Enumerates the CTL contexts in the certificate store.
CertEnumSubjectInSortedCTL Enumerates through the TrustedSubjects in a sorted CTL context.
CertFindCTLInStore Finds the first, or next, CTL context in the certificate store that matches a specific criteria.
CertFindSubjectInSortedCTL Attempts to find the specified subject in a sorted CTL.
CertFreeCTLContext Frees a CTL context.
CertGetCTLContextProperty Gets a property for the specified CTL context.
CertSerializeCTLStoreElement Serializes the CTL context's encoded CTL and its properties.
CertSetCTLContextProperty Sets a property for the specified CTL context.