Low-Level Message Functions

The low-level message functions provide the necessary functionality to encode data for transmission and decode data that has been received. Functionality is also provided to decrypt and verify the signatures of received messages.

The following functions are included in this category and can also be found in Wincrypt.h.

Function Description
CryptMsgCalculateEncodedLength Calculates the length of an encoded cryptographic message.
CryptMsgClose Closes a handle to a cryptographic message.
CryptMsgControl Performs a special control function after the final CryptMsgUpdate of an encoded or decoded cryptographic message.
CryptMsgCountersign Countersigns an already existing signature in a message.
CryptMsgCountersignEncoded Countersigns an already existing signature (encoded SignerInfo, as defined by PKCS #7).
CryptMsgDuplicate Duplicates a cryptographic message handle by incrementing the reference count. The reference count keeps track of the lifetime of the message.
CryptMsgEncodeAndSignCTL Encodes the CTL and creates a signed message containing the encoded CTL.
CryptMsgGetAndVerifySigner Gets and verifies the signer of a cryptographic message.
CryptMsgGetParam Gets a parameter after encoding or decoding a cryptographic message.
CryptMsgOpenToDecode Opens a cryptographic message for decoding.
CryptMsgOpenToEncode Opens a cryptographic message for encoding.
CryptMsgSignCTL Creates a signed message containing the encoded CTL.
CryptMsgUpdate Updates the contents of a cryptographic message.
CryptMsgVerifyCountersignatureEncoded Verify a countersignature in terms of the SignerInfo data structure (as defined by PKCS # 7).