The PROV_DSS_DH Provider Private-Key Blob

D-H private-key blobs (type PRIVATEKEYBLOB) are used to store the public/private information of a D-H key. They have the following format:

BLOBHEADER blobheader; // As explained under "Data Structures"
DHPUBKEY dhpubkey;
BYTE prime[dhpubkey.bitlen/8];
BYTE generator[dhpubkey.bitlen/8];
BYTE secret[dhpubkey.bitlen/8];

The following table describes each component of the key blob.

Field Description
blobheader A BLOBHEADER structure. The bType member must have a value of PRIVATEKEYBLOB.
dhpubkey A DHPUBKEY structure. The magic member should be set to "DH2" (0x32484400) for private keys.

Notice that the hex value is just an ASCII encoding of "DH2."

prime The prime modulus P. This data must always have the most significant bit of the most significant byte set to 1.
generator The generator G.
secret The secret exponent X.

Note  The generator and secret must always be the same length (in bytes). If either is one byte or more shorter than the other, then it must be padded with the necessary number of bytes (of zero value) to make them the same (little-endian format).