The DSS Provider Public-Key Blob

When a DSS public key is exported, it is in a PUBLICKEYBLOB format, as follows:

BLOBHEADER        blobheader;
DSSPUBKEY         dsspubkey;
BYTE              p[dsspubkey.bitlen/8];
BYTE              q[20];
BYTE              g[dsspubkey.bitlen/8];
BYTE              y[dsspubkey.bitlen/8];
DSSSEED           seedstruct;

The following table describes each public key component. All values are in little-endian format.

Field Description
blobheader A BLOBHEADER structure The bType member must have a value of PUBLICKEYBLOB.
dsspubkey A DSSPUBKEY structure. The magic member must have a value of 0x31535344 (the ASCII encoding of "DSS1").
p The prime modulus P. Must always have the most significant bit of the most significant byte set to 1.
q The prime Q - 20 bytes in length. The most significant bit of the most significant byte must be set to 1.
g The generator G. Must be the same length as p (must be padded with 0x00 bytes if it is less).
y The public key Y. Must be same length as p, if smaller then it must be padded with 0x00.
seedstruct Seed and counter values for verifying primes.

Notice that public-key blobs are not encrypted, but contain public keys in plaintext form.