The Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider, version 2.0

The Microsoft® Base Cryptographic Provider is a general-purpose provider that supports digital signatures and data encryption. This provider is currently included with the operating system (either Windows NT® or Windows® 95). It is also provided with Microsoft Internet Explorer, Version 3.0 or later.

The RSA public-key algorithm is used for all public-key operations.

To maintain backward compatibility with earlier versions of this provider, the name, as defined in the Wincrypt.h header file, retains the version 1.0 designation. However, version 2.0 of this provider is currently shipping. To see which version of the provider you have, make a call to CryptGetProvParam with the dwParam argument set to PP_VERSION. If 0x0200 is returned in pbData, then you have version 2.0.
Provider Type:
Provider Name: MS_DEF_PROV