When X509_CERT is used for the lpszStructType with CryptEncodeObject, CryptEncodeObjectEx, CryptDecodeObject, or CryptDecodeObjectEx the following details apply.
pvStructInfo points to a CERT_SIGNED_CONTENT_INFO structure.
The CERT_SIGNED_CONTENT_INFO contains the encoded content that is to be signed, plus its signature, and signature algorithm. The ToBeSigned member is the encoded content output from a previous call to CryptEncodeObject() for one of the following:
X509_CERT_TO_BE_SIGNED (the ToBeSigned member is an encoded CERT_INFO).
X509_CERT_CRL_TO_BE_SIGNED (the ToBeSigned member is an encoded CRL_INFO).
X509_CERT_REQUEST_TO_BE_SIGNED (the ToBeSigned member is an encoded CERT_REQUEST_INFO).
X509_KEYGEN_REQUEST_TO_BE_SIGNED (the ToBeSigned member is an encoded CERT_KEYGEN_REQUEST_INFO).