The D3D_OVERLOADS implementation of the D3DMATRIX structure implements a parentheses ("()") operator. This operator offers convenient access to values in the matrix for C++ programmers. Instead of having to refer to the structure members by name, C++ programmers can refer to them by row and column number, and simply index these numbers as needed.
typedef struct _D3DMATRIX {
#if (defined __cplusplus) && (defined D3D_OVERLOADS)
union {
struct {
D3DVALUE _11, _12, _13, _14;
D3DVALUE _21, _22, _23, _24;
D3DVALUE _31, _32, _33, _34;
D3DVALUE _41, _42, _43, _44;
#if (defined __cplusplus) && (defined D3D_OVERLOADS)
D3DVALUE m[4][4];
_D3DMATRIX() { }
D3DVALUE& operator()(int iRow, int iColumn) { return m[iRow][iColumn]; }
const D3DVALUE& operator()(int iRow, int iColumn) const { return m[iRow][iColumn]; }