The D3DVERTEX structure defines an untransformed and unlit vertex (model coordinates with normal direction vector).

For related information, see the D3DOP_TRIANGLE member in the D3DOPCODE enumerated type.

typedef struct _D3DVERTEX { 
    union { 
        D3DVALUE x; 
        D3DVALUE dvX; 
    union { 
        D3DVALUE y; 
        D3DVALUE dvY; 
    union { 
        D3DVALUE z; 
        D3DVALUE dvZ; 
    union { 
        D3DVALUE nx; 
        D3DVALUE dvNX; 
    union { 
        D3DVALUE ny; 
        D3DVALUE dvNY; 
    union { 
        D3DVALUE nz; 
        D3DVALUE dvNZ; 
    union { 
        D3DVALUE tu; 
        D3DVALUE dvTU; 
    union { 
        D3DVALUE tv; 
        D3DVALUE dvTV; 


dvX, dvY, and dvZ
Values of the D3DVALUE type describing the homogeneous coordinates of the vertex.
dvNX, dvNY, and dvNZ
Values of the D3DVALUE type describing the normal coordinates of the vertex.
dvTU and dvTV
Values of the D3DVALUE type describing the texture coordinates of the vertex.


  Windows NT: Use version 4.0 or later.
  Windows: Use Windows 95 or later. Available as a redistributable for Windows 95.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in d3dtypes.h.

See Also