The DDVIDEOPORTINFO structure describes the transfer of video data to a surface. This structure is used with the IDirectDrawVideoPort::StartVideo method.
typedef struct _DDVIDEOPORTINFO{
DWORD dwSize; // Size of the structure.
DWORD dwOriginX; // Placement of the video data within the surface.
DWORD dwOriginY; // Placement of the video data within the surface.
DWORD dwVPFlags; // Video port options.
RECT rCrop; // Cropping rectangle (optional).
DWORD dwPrescaleWidth; // Pre-scaling/zooming in the X direction (optional).
DWORD dwPrescaleHeight; // Pre-scaling/zooming in the Y direction (optional).
LPDDPIXELFORMAT lpddpfInputFormat; // Video format written to the video port.
LPDDPIXELFORMAT lpddpfVBIInputFormat; // Input format of the VBI data.
LPDDPIXELFORMAT lpddpfVBIOutputFormat; // Output format of the data.
DWORD dwVBIHeight; // Lines of data within the vertical blanking interval.
DWORD dwReserved1; // Reserved for future use - set to zero.
DWORD dwReserved2; // Reserved for future use - set to zero.
DDVP_AUTOFLIP | Perform automatic flipping. For more information, see Auto-flipping. |
DDVP_CONVERT | Perform conversion using the information in the ddpfOutputFormat member. |
DDVP_CROP | Perform cropping using the rectangle specified by the rCrop member. |
DDVP_IGNOREVBIXCROP | The video port should ignore left and right cropping coordinates when cropping oversampled VBI data. |
DDVP_INTERLEAVE | Interlaced fields should be interleaved in memory. |
DDVP_MIRRORLEFTRIGHT | Mirror image data from left to right as it is written into the frame buffer. |
DDVP_MIRRORUPDOWN | Mirror image data from top to bottom as it is written into the frame buffer. |
DDVP_OVERRIDEBOBWEAVE | Override automatic display method chosen by the driver, using only the display method set by the caller when creating the overlay surface. |
DDVP_PRESCALE | Perform pre-scaling or pre-zooming based on the values in the dwPrescaleHeight and dwPrescaleWidth members. |
DDVP_SKIPEVENFIELDS | Ignore input of even fields. |
DDVP_SKIPODDFIELDS | Ignore input of odd fields. |
DDVP_SYNCMASTER | Indicates that the video port VREF should drive the graphics VREF, locking the refresh rate to the video port. |
DDVP_VBICONVERT | The ddpfVBIOutputFormat member contains data that should be used to convert VBI data. |
DDVP_VBINOSCALE | VBI data should not be scaled. |
DDVP_VBINOINTERLEAVE | Interleaving can be disabled for data within the VBI. |
Windows NT: Use version 5.0 or later.
Windows: Use Windows 95 or later. Available as a redistributable for Windows 95.
Windows CE: Unsupported.
Header: Declared in dvp.h.