Mouse Device Constants

Mouse device constants, defined in Dinput.h, represent offsets within a mouse device's data packet, the DIMOUSESTATE structure. The data at a given offset is associated with a device object (button or axis). Typically, these values will be used in the dwOfs member of the DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA, DIOBJECTDATAFORMAT or DIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCE structures.

The mouse device constants are the following:

DIMOFS_BUTTON0 Offset of the data representing the state of mouse button 0.
DIMOFS_BUTTON1 Offset of the data representing the state of mouse button 1.
DIMOFS_BUTTON2 Offset of the data representing the state of mouse button 2.
DIMOFS_BUTTON3 Offset of the data representing the state of mouse button 3.
DIMOFS_X Offset of the data representing the mouse's position on the x-axis.
DIMOFS_Y Offset of the data representing the mouse's position on the y-axis.
DIMOFS_Z Offset of the data representing the mouse's position on the z-axis.