A Direct3DRMFrame object used by the viewport to define the viewing position and direction. The viewport renders only what is visible along the positive z-axis of the camera frame, with the up direction being in the direction of the positive y-axis.
clip list
A series of rectangles that describes the visible areas of the surface. The clip list cannot be set if a window handle is already associated with the DirectDrawClipper object.
A DirectDrawClipper object.
Represents the phrase "compressor and decompressor."
collision detection
The process of determining if any pixels for two images share the same location on-screen. (See also, hit detection).
color key
A value indicating the color to be used for transparent or translucent effects. When using a hardware blitter, for example, all of the pixels of a rectangular area will be blitted except for the value that was set as the color key, thereby creating nonrectangular sprites on a surface.
color space
Any of several different methods of encoding and visualizing color. The two most common types of color space are RGB and YUV.
color-space conversion
A technique for converting a color in one color space to another color space. Typically, this conversion is from YUV colors from a video source to RGB for display.
color table
An array of n color values (normally RGB triples).
complex surface
The collective term for several DirectDrawSurface objects, all of which are attached to a root surface. The complex-surface structure can be destroyed only by destroying the root.
current play position
The location in a DirectSound buffer where a sound is being played.
current write position
The location in a DirectSound buffer where it is safe to change data in that buffer.