Redrawing on Window Movement

static LRESULT 
OnMove(HWND hwnd, int x, int y) 
    int     xDelta; 
    int     yDelta; 
    HRESULT hRes; 
    // No action if the device has not yet been created or if we are 
    // suspended. 
    if ((NULL != lpd3dDevice) && !fSuspended) 
        // Update the destination rectangle for the new client position. 
        xDelta = x - rDstRect.left; 
        yDelta = y -; 
        rDstRect.left   += xDelta;    += yDelta; 
        rDstRect.right  += xDelta; 
        rDstRect.bottom += yDelta; 
        // Repaint the client area. 
        hRes = DoFrame(); 
        if (FAILED(hRes)) 
            FatalError(hwnd, IDS_ERRMSG_RENDERSCENE, hRes); 
            return 0L; 
    return 0L; 