Displaying a Notification String

The PaintSuspended function draws a notification string in the client area whenever the application is suspended—for example, when it is in the background or is handling an error.

static void 
PaintSuspended(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc) 
    HPEN     hOldPen; 
    HBRUSH   hOldBrush; 
    COLORREF crOldTextColor; 
    int      oldMode; 
    int      x; 
    int      y; 
    SIZE     size; 
    RECT     rect; 
    int      nStrLen; 
    // Black background. 
    hOldPen   = SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(NULL_PEN)); 
    hOldBrush = SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH)); 
    // White text. 
    oldMode = SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT); 
    crOldTextColor = SetTextColor(hdc, RGB(255, 255, 255)); 
    GetClientRect(hwnd, &rect); 
    // Clear the client area. 
    Rectangle(hdc, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right + 1, rect.bottom + 1); 
    // Draw the string centered in the client area. 
    nStrLen = strlen(PAUSED_STRING); 
    GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, PAUSED_STRING, nStrLen, &size); 
    x = (rect.right  - size.cx) / 2; 
    y = (rect.bottom - size.cy) / 2; 
    TextOut(hdc, x, y, PAUSED_STRING, nStrLen); 
    SetTextColor(hdc, crOldTextColor); 
    SetBkMode(hdc, oldMode); 
    SelectObject(hdc, hOldBrush); 
    SelectObject(hdc, hOldPen); 