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Applications use the methods of the IDirect3DRMTexture interface to work with textures, which are rectangular arrays of pixels. This section is a reference to the methods of this interface. For a conceptual overview, see IDirect3DRMTexture and IDirect3DRMTexture2 Interfaces.
To avoid unnecessary delays when creating textures, hold onto textures you want to use again, instead of creating them each time they're needed. For optimal performance, use a texture surface format that is supported by the device you are using. This will avoid a costly format conversion when the texture is created and any time it changes.
See the remarks in IDirect3DRM::LoadTexture for an example showing how to keep a reference to textures loaded in a texture callback through IDirect3DRM::LoadTexture.
The methods of the IDirect3DRMTexture interface can be organized into the following groups:
Color GetColors SetColors Decals GetDecalOrigin GetDecalScale GetDecalSize GetDecalTransparency GetDecalTransparentColor SetDecalOrigin SetDecalScale SetDecalSize SetDecalTransparency SetDecalTransparentColor Images GetImage Initialization InitFromFile InitFromResource InitFromSurface Renderer notification Changed Shading GetShades SetShades The IDirect3DRMTexture interface, like all Component Object Model (COM) interfaces, inherits the IUnknown interface methods. The IUnknown interface supports the following three methods:
AddRef QueryInterface Release In addition, the IDirect3DRMTexture interface inherits the following methods from the IDirect3DRMObject interface:
AddDestroyCallback Clone DeleteDestroyCallback GetAppData GetClassName GetName SetAppData SetName The Direct3DRMTexture object is obtained by using the IDirect3DRM::CreateTexture method.
Informs the renderer that the application has changed the pixels or the palette of a texture.
HRESULT Changed(
BOOL bPixels,
BOOL bPalette
- bPixels
- If this parameter is TRUE, the pixels have changed.
- bPalette
- If this parameter is TRUE, the palette has changed.
Return Values
Returns D3DRM_OK if successful, or an error otherwise. For a list of possible errors, see Direct3D Retained Mode Return Values.
Retrieves the maximum number of colors used for rendering a texture.
DWORD GetColors( );
Return Values
Returns the number of colors.
This method returns the number of colors that the texture has been quantized to, not the number of colors in the image from which the texture was created. Consequently, the number of colors that are returned usually matches the colors that were set by using the IDirect3DRM::SetDefaultTextureColors methodunless you used the IDirect3DRMTexture::SetColors method explicitly to change the colors for the texture.
See Also
Retrieves the current origin of the decal.
HRESULT GetDecalOrigin(
LONG * lplX,
LONG * lplY
- lplX and lplY
- Addresses of variables that will be filled with the origin of the decal when the method returns.
Return Values
Returns D3DRM_OK if successful, or an error otherwise. For a list of possible errors, see Direct3D Retained Mode Return Values.
See Also
Retrieves the scaling property of the given decal.
DWORD GetDecalScale( );
Return Values
Returns the scaling property if successful, or -1 otherwise.
See Also
Retrieves the size of the decal.
HRESULT GetDecalSize(
D3DVALUE *lprvWidth,
D3DVALUE *lprvHeight
- lprvWidth and lprvHeight
- Addresses of variables that will be filled with the width and height of the decal when the method returns.
Return Values
Returns D3DRM_OK if successful, or an error otherwise. For a list of possible errors, see Direct3D Retained Mode Return Values.
See Also
Retrieves the transparency property of the decal.
BOOL GetDecalTransparency( );
Return Values
Returns TRUE if the decal has a transparent color, FALSE otherwise.
See Also
Retrieves the transparent color of the decal.
D3DCOLOR GetDecalTransparentColor( );
Return Values
Returns the value of the transparent color.
See Also
Retrieves an address of the image that the texture was created with. Returns a NULL pointer if the current texture was created with a DirectDraw surface.
D3DRMIMAGE * GetImage( );
Return Values
Returns the address of the D3DRMIMAGE structure that the current texture was created with.
Retrieves the number of shades used for each color in the texture when rendering.
DWORD GetShades( );
Return Values
Returns the number of shades.
See Also
Initializes a texture by using the information in a given file.
HRESULT InitFromFile(
const char *filename
- filename
- Address of a string specifying the file from which initialization information is drawn.
Return Values
Returns D3DRM_OK if successful, or an error otherwise. For a list of possible errors, see Direct3D Retained Mode Return Values.
You must have created the texture to be initialized using the IDirect3DRM::CreateObject method.
See Also
IDirect3DRMTexture::InitFromResource, IDirect3DRMTexture::InitFromSurface
Initializes a Direct3DRMTexture object from a specified resource.
HRESULT InitFromResource(
- rs
- Handle of the specified resource.
Return Values
Returns D3DRM_OK if successful, or an error otherwise. For a list of possible errors, see Direct3D Retained Mode Return Values.
See Also
IDirect3DRMTexture::InitFromFile, IDirect3DRMTexture::InitFromSurface
Initializes a texture by using the data from a given DirectDraw surface.
HRESULT InitFromSurface(
- lpDDS
- Address of a DirectDraw surface from which initialization information is drawn.
Return Values
Returns D3DRM_OK if successful, or an error otherwise. For a list of possible errors, see Direct3D Retained Mode Return Values.
See Also
IDirect3DRMTexture::InitFromFile, IDirect3DRMTexture::InitFromResource
Sets the maximum number of colors used for rendering a texture. This method is required only in the ramp color model.
HRESULT SetColors(
DWORD ulColors
- ulColors
- Number of colors. The default value is 8.
Return Values
Returns D3DRM_OK if successful, or an error otherwise. For a list of possible errors, see Direct3D Retained Mode Return Values.
See Also
Sets the origin of the decal as an offset from the top left of the decal.
HRESULT SetDecalOrigin(
- lX and lY
- New origin, in decal coordinates, for the decal. The default origin is [0, 0].
Return Values
Returns D3DRM_OK if successful, or an error otherwise. For a list of possible errors, see Direct3D Retained Mode Return Values.
The decal's origin is mapped to its frame's position when rendering. For example, the origin of a decal of a cross would be set to the middle of the decal, and the origin of an arrow pointing down would be set to midway along the bottom edge.
This method is also used to add a decal origin key to a Direct3DRMTextureInterpolator object.
See Also
Sets the scaling property for a decal.
HRESULT SetDecalScale(
DWORD dwScale
- dwScale
- If this parameter is TRUE, depth is taken into account when the decal is scaled. If it is FALSE, depth information is ignored. The default value is TRUE.
Return Values
Returns D3DRM_OK if successful, or an error otherwise. For a list of possible errors, see Direct3D Retained Mode Return Values.
See Also
Sets the size of the decal to be used if the decal is being scaled according to its depth in the scene.
HRESULT SetDecalSize(
D3DVALUE rvWidth,
D3DVALUE rvHeight
- rvWidth and rvHeight
- New width and height, in model coordinates, of the decal. The default size is [1, 1].
Return Values
Returns D3DRM_OK if successful, or an error otherwise. For a list of possible errors, see Direct3D Retained Mode Return Values.
This method is also used to add a decal size key to a Direct3DRMTextureInterpolator object.
See Also
Sets the transparency property of the decal.
HRESULT SetDecalTransparency(
BOOL bTransp
- bTransp
- If this parameter is TRUE, the decal has a transparent color. If it is FALSE, it has an opaque color. The default value is FALSE.
Return Values
Returns D3DRM_OK if successful, or an error otherwise. For a list of possible errors, see Direct3D Retained Mode Return Values.
See Also
Sets the transparent color for a decal.
HRESULT SetDecalTransparentColor(
D3DCOLOR rcTransp
- rcTransp
- New transparent color. The default transparent color is black.
Return Values
Returns D3DRM_OK if successful, or an error otherwise. For a list of possible errors, see Direct3D Retained Mode Return Values.
This method is also used to add a decal transparent color key to a Direct3DRMTextureInterpolator object.
See Also
Sets the maximum number of shades to use for each color of the texture when rendering. This method is required only in the ramp color model.
HRESULT SetShades(
DWORD ulShades
- ulShades
- New number of shades. This value must be a power of 2. The default value is 16.
Return Values
Returns D3DRM_OK if successful, or an error otherwise. For a list of possible errors, see Direct3D Retained Mode Return Values.
See Also
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