DirectAnimation Animated Header --GeometryBvr Class DirectAnimation Animated Header --GeometryBvr Class* Microsoft DirectAnimation SDK
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GeometryBvr Class

These are the fields and methods for the GeometryBvr Class:

public Bbox3Bvr boundingBox()
public GeometryBvr diffuseColor(ColorBvr col)
public GeometryBvr lightAttenuation(NumberBvr const, NumberBvr linear, NumberBvr quadratic)
public GeometryBvr lightColor(ColorBvr col)
public GeometryBvr opacity(NumberBvr opac)
public ImageBvr render(CameraBvr camera)
public SoundBvr render(MicrophoneBvr mic)
public GeometryBvr texture(ImageBvr image)
public GeometryBvr transform(Transform3Bvr xf)
public GeometryBvr undetectable()
public static GeometryBvr newUninitBvr()
Fields Defined in Statics
public static GeometryBvr ambientLight
public static GeometryBvr directionalLight
public static GeometryBvr emptyGeometry
public static GeometryBvr pointLight
Methods Defined in Statics
public static GeometryBvr importGeometry(String pathname)
public static GeometryBvr importGeometry(URL url, GeometryBvr geoStandIn, DXMEvent[] ev, NumberBvr[] progress, NumberBvr[] size)
public static GeometryBvr soundSource(SoundBvr sound)
public static GeometryBvr spotLight(NumberBvr fullcone, NumberBvr cutoff)
public static GeometryBvr union(GeometryBvr g1, GeometryBvr g2)
public static GeometryBvr unionArray(GeometryBvr[], geometries)

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