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- sound
- Audio in DirectAnimation is represented by the DASound (or Java SoundBvr) class. Sound can be imported from WAV or MIDI files, synthesized by mixing multiple sine waves, or constructed by rendering a geometry with embedded sounds into a single microphone for a single channel sound, or into two microphones for stereo sound. Microphones are implemented in DirectAnimation by the DAMicrophone (or Java MicrophoneBvr) class.
Operations on sounds include DASound.Loop (or Java SoundBvr.loop), DASound.Gain (or Java SoundBvr.gain), DASound.Rate (or Java SoundBvr.rate), DASound.Phase (or Java SoundBvr.phase), DASound.Pan (or Java SoundBvr.pan), and DASound.Mix (or Java SoundBvr.mix).
- source light
- Light that comes from a light source. There are three kinds of source light: point sources (light radiates in all directions from a point source), spotlight sources (light radiates in a specified cone from a point source), and directional light (light rays arrive in the scene parallel to each other, which mimics the light from a very distant source).
In DirectAnimation, directional light and point light are available as DAGeometry.DirectionalLight(or Java GeometryBvr.directionalLight), and DAGeometry.PointLight (or Java GeometryBvr.pointLight).
- spline
- A polynomial function that follows defining points. The defining points can carry different weights. DirectAnimation supports B-splines through the DAStatics functions CubicBSplinePath, NumberBSpline, Point2BSpline, Point3BSpline, Vector2BSpline, and Vector3BSpline (or the Java Statics method cubicBSplinePath) and through the Java NumberBvr, Point2Bvr, Point3Bvr, Vector2Bvr, and Vector3Bvr class method bSpline).
- sprite
- A 2-D image that can move over a background without disturbing it. In DirectAnimation, sprites are images operated on by the DAImage.Transform function (or the Java ImageBvr.transform method).
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