DirectPlay Animated Header -- EnumLocalApplicationsCallback DirectPlay Animated Header -- EnumLocalApplicationsCallback* Microsoft DirectPlay SDK
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Application-defined callback function for the IDirectPlayLobby2::EnumLocalApplications method.

BOOL FAR PASCAL EnumLocalApplicationsCallback(
  LPVOID lpContext,
  DWORD dwFlags

Pointer to a read-only DPLAPPINFO structure containing information about the application being enumerated.
Context passed from the IDirectPlayLobby2::EnumLocalApplications call.
Reserved; do not use.
Return Values

Returns TRUE to continue the enumeration or FALSE to stop it.


Any pointers returned in a callback function are temporary and are valid only in the body of the callback function. If the application needs to save pointer information, it must allocate memory to hold the data, copy the data, and then store the pointer to this new data. In this function, lpAppInfo is temporary. Also note that the pointers inside the structure specified in the lpAppInfo parameter—lpszAppNameA and lpszAppName—are also temporary.

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