DirectPlay Animated Header -- IDirectPlay3::GetPlayerName DirectPlay Animated Header -- IDirectPlay3::GetPlayerName* Microsoft DirectPlay SDK
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IDirectPlay3 Interface

Retrieves the name associated with a player.

HRESULT GetPlayerName(
  DPID idPlayer,
  LPVOID lpData,
  LPDWORD lpdwDataSize

ID of the player whose name is requested.
Pointer to a buffer where the name data is to be written. Set this parameter to NULL to request only the size of data. The lpdwDataSize parameter will be set to the size required to hold the data.
Pointer to a variable that is initialized to the size of the buffer before calling this method. After the method returns, this parameter will be set to the size, in bytes, of the name data. If the buffer was too small (DPERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL), then this parameter will be set to the buffer size required.
Return Values

Returns DP_OK if successful, or one of the following error values otherwise:


After this method returns, the pointer lpData should be cast to the DPNAME structure to read the group name data.

See Also

DPNAME, IDirectPlay3::SetPlayerName

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